Sell me on Robz?
Honestly you seem easier to sell on scola. Maybe move there? I'll even consider joining you.
Scola's posts so far in order:
- Hi (nothing)
- sorry not here (nothing)
- still sorry not here, I think mcmc or fang top skum reads (something)
- fluff, votes for fang (something)
- sorry I haven't been here, here is why (nothing)
- An actual post (that I agree with) about activity being neutral (real post)
- fluff about not liking day 1 (nothing)
- Shraeye is skummy but not skummy (nothing)
- Didds is this how I play as skum (nothing..?)
k then today they vote for Shraeye and there is some actual stuff after that.
Here is my point. The dude hasn't done anything. Which I get in it's own is kind of a thing... but like... If you want someone that hasn't done anything to be wagoned, I would say Shraeye is a far better candidate