Dominion > Rules Questions

Errata to extra turns

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--- Quote from: Ingix on September 27, 2023, 09:46:22 am ---Yes, that's correct.

--- End quote ---

Then Possession should also be an Attack.

What happens with Lich?

Example 1: 2-player game
T10: Alice played a Lich on her regular turn.
T10: Bob played his regular turn.
T11: Alice skipped her regular turn.
T11: Bob played an Outpost on his regular turn.

Does he take an extra turn before Alice plays her next regular turn?
(During 11th cycle, Bob had only 1 regular turn.  Outpost does not let Bob take the 2nd extra turn.  Alice skipped?  That's her fault.)

Example 2: 2-player game
T10: Alice played a Lich on her regular turn.
T10: Bob played his regular turn.
T11: Alice skipped her regular turn.
T11: Bob played a Lich and an Outpost on his regular turn.

Will Bob skip his 12th regular turn?

Example 3: 2-player game
Alice played a Possession on her regular turn.
Bob played a Lich and an Outpost on his Possessed turn.
Bob skipped his Outpost turn.
Bob starts his regular turn with 3-card hand.

Is it an intended behavior?


--- Quote from: UltimateGeek on September 27, 2023, 04:10:06 pm ---
--- Quote from: Ingix on September 27, 2023, 09:46:22 am ---Yes, that's correct.

--- End quote ---

Then Possession should also be an Attack.

--- End quote ---

People have already been saying that Possession should be an attack forever; there's all sorts of ways to use it to hurt an opponent. But yeah, this certainly does add more possible combos in which Possession functions as an attack.

Ultimately though, it's important to remember that "attack" is an arbitrary keyword that is never guaranteed. There's both thematic and game-design reasons why Militia is an attack, but there's nothing actually wrong or broken about a card that does exactly what Militia does and yet doesn't have the attack type. It simply means that it's a bit more powerful because it can't be blocked.


--- Quote from: majiponi on September 27, 2023, 12:02:33 pm ---
--- Quote from: GendoIkari on September 27, 2023, 10:59:37 am ---Wait, so Outpost is basically being un-errata'd back to its original wording?

--- Quote ---You only draw 3 cards (instead of 5) in this turn’s Clean-up phase.
Take an extra turn after this one.
This can’t cause you to take more than two consecutive turns.
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

No.  It forces you to draw only 3 cards even if you bought Expedition, since it does not say "instead of 5".
Or is it selectable?
Maybe  "You draw 2 fewer cards" is clearer.

--- End quote ---

No, current Outpost also says "only draw 3 cards", but it works with Expedition to get you 5 cards instead.


--- Quote from: GendoIkari on September 27, 2023, 06:09:57 pm ---It simply means that it's a bit more powerful because it can't be blocked.

--- End quote ---

Or a bit less powerful, depending on the board setup. There are some cards that synergize with Attacks, like Quest or Urchin. Maybe it's just those two; I can't remember off the top of my head.


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