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Author Topic: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm  (Read 4222 times)

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm
« Reply #50 on: August 18, 2023, 06:12:56 am »

Until the pile is empty, it looks like you can gain a Bison on-play, making it a far superior Village (comes with a Villager on-gain, and you can store the extra action as a Villager if you don’t need it right away). That’s not to mention the flexibility.

It goes infinite easily.

fika monster

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm
« Reply #51 on: August 18, 2023, 08:19:09 am »

Note: the /10 score is a bit arbitrary. its more an approximate representation of how excited i would be to play with the card.


Trash a card from your hand. gain a card costing up to 1$ more than it. gain a chicken

3$ Cost. Action.

A nonterminal but less powerful remodel, that similar to rats fills your deck with so so cards. While this doesnt have Rats weakness of being unable to trash itself, Its not a cantrip.

I dont see any big problems with it, but its just a bit unexciting to me. It doesnt pose an interesting problem like rats "unable to trash itself", so its just sorta in the way sometimes. Im a big fan of "when trashed" effects, and i believe this card could have benefited from something similar. Or perhaps "if you trashed a card costing 2 or less, get an estate"? And you could give chicken a 2$ cost to give you an dilemma.

it seems pretty good to me, and something i would get in most kingdoms. Despite my judgement here, i would like to try it sometime!

i love the theme of the card though. now that i think about it, is there any Bird cards in dominion?


Timid steed/b]

- Action Reaction
+3 Cards
At the start of your turn, you may discard a Treasure to play this from your hand.

A smithy/stable variant. As someone that LOVES the sheepdog potential of setting up a massive chain, i dig this card. Having to discard an treasure to activate this balances the +3 Cards aspect, which is smart. While that is still a sweet deal the majority of the time, this means that you cant just draw your entire deck by happening to topdeck 5 steeds. The reaction requirement is also easy to understand.

I dont see any big problems here, and it gives the games its in a certain spice.


Way of the panda

if you have an even number of cards in play, +2 Villagers

A way to get villagers with every card, but with a small requirement that it has to be the second, fourth, etc card in play.

this means that if you draw two terminal cards together and you dont have any cantrips or villagers to get to an even number, that you cant activate it.

This distuingishes itself from ox in that way, because Ox lets you solve the terminal collision problem but becomes a bit reduntant if you already have a bunch of actions.

This would probably change up the games it is in, but right now i struggle somwhat to get excited about it. its a solid way, and more interesting then some of the official ways IMO.



+1 Card
+1 Action
If the Estate pile is empty, gain a Termite; otherwise gain an Estate.
You may trash a Victory card or Termite from your Hand for +1VP.

This feels like a less interesting rats to me. While its trash potential is worse, the +1VP is strong and offsets that lack of versatility. And the fact that you dont have to trash is VERY strong for a cantrip.
The fact that it gains estates at first is interesting to me though.
The problem is that when i see this, i think "oh i want to play with rats"

Thematiclly it also feels a bit off to me: termites as a name feels like a curse or attack card to me, or at least with problems involved. It needs its mechanics changed to fit the name.

Things i would suggest changing:
the cantrip aspect: combined with the self gaining and trashing, its just too strong. It could give you +1 Coffers and +1 Buy instead.
Perhaps you also HAVE to trash a victory card or termite from your hand, or reveal no victory cards in hand, and have to topdeck the Termite?


        4 Est

Draw untill you have 6 cards in hand. put any number of cards from your hand onto your deck.

Night - Reaction , 3$

I love the theme and mood of this card! And its a different kind of draw to X, a night card, which makes it stand out. It seems too Cheap for its effect though, as it essentially draws itself and is nonterminal. Night watchman costs the same and has essentially he same "control your next turn" but this can be played in any turn if a player plays a card costing exactly 2$.

Speaking of that: The react aspect of this feels weird. It seems balanced enough and the theme of "the owl reacts at a small game" that costs 2$ is solid. But it still feels weird to me. Doesnt subtract much, really, but i think i would have preffered "costs 1 or 2$".

Regardless, a very solid and unique card. Games with this will definetely feel very different.


You may discard a trasure card and take 1Debt to gain a Koi

worth 1 VP

treasure - Victory , 3$ 2 Debt

A more interesting Harem farm!
The self gaining is neat, and the debt means its not too cheap to get more of them.

Im not the biggest fan of Debt as a mechanic, so it might be my bias speaking here, but: The debt part feels tacked on. I think i would have preffered the discarding to be "you may discard a treasure and victory card to gain a Koi"
Right now i dont love the 3 different symbols in the card text department.

Its a solid card though, and i like the theme. I would prefer this over Farm in my games.


mountain goat

+1 Action
Trash a card from your hand.
Draw untill you have 5 cards.

Action , 5$

Very simple, very distinct, very fun: its a trash/lab/library card! Im suprised this card isnt in dominion already!

Its a very strong card, and if it had been "draw to 6 cards" then it would have been busted. But 5 cards feels appropriate. This could be a 6$ card, but 5$ is entirely appropriate.

I also love the theme of this: Imagine old dominion tagging along the goat, it just randomly decided to trash his estate, but carries him  to the top of the mountain! Its easy to tell a story with this.

I cant think of a single thing to improve with this card.



Golden retriever

+2 Cards
Discard a card. Look through your discard pile and put a card from it into your hand.
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word "reveal"), you may play it.

Action-Reaction, 2$

A solid card, with a fun Play effect. In theory i like the Reaction part, but Reveal as a mechanic feels a bit random in dominion, and not as purposeful as trash or exile. its not a fault of the card.



+2 Cards
When one of your cards is trashed, you may discard this to gain a card costing up to 6$ from the trash

Action - Reaction, 2$

I like the reaction, but it feels too strong personally. i would tweak it to "you may discard this to gain a card costing up to 1$ MORE from the trash"
still, its a welcome addition to the "gain from trash" club! I think changing the name would be good though, this feels far too chipper to me.


        Library adventurer

Now and at the start of your next turn: Look at the top 3 cards of your deck, put one in your hand and discard the others.

Action - Duration, $3

In effect this is a +2 card with some sifting. The +1$ feels a bit odd to me, but i like this card. I cant think of a way to improve it currently.



+1 Card
+1 Action
The next time you play an action card this turn, get +1 card +1 action and +1$ instead of following its instructions.

Action, 4$

A peddler variant with a (mostly) downside.
Theres been some discussion that this is too strong, but i think its the right price point. Merchant is 3$, and isnt too hard to proc usually. And Swineherds effect can be a lot more severe.

Swineherd also has the (sometimes) benefit that it lets you handle what would otherwise be a terminal collision.

it seems to me to be a very well designed card, and i cant think of any problems with it. My only nitpick is that i dont get the name and theme of the card.


Yellow Cat

+2 Cards
You may set this aside to gain a Yellow Cat. Return all set aside Yellow Cats to the supply at end of turn.

Action - 2$

The original form of this card was absolutely busted, and would have received a very low score because of that.

The current one seems pretty fun, altough a bit self defeating. it has fun synergies though with a lot of gainer cards. I feel a bit bad that i cant verbalize why im not more excited about it.

i would have preffered a different name then "yellow cat" as black cat is too similar: maybe Striped Cat?


Elephant Graveyard

+1$ per card in your hand.
+3 Buys

At the start of cleanup, the player to your left chooses a card you would discard from play this turn. trash that card.

Action , 4$

A payload that scales with your handsize! The downside is very interesting, but runs the risk of encouraging a bit boring decks where you avoid powerful action cards and mostly gets silvers.

I can imagine that i would get this card just for the +3 Buys as well, as its very potent.



You may reveal a curse from your hand for +2$
If you trash this, +2VP, and each other player gains a curse onto their deck.

Action-Familiar, 3$

This card is way too strong for a 3 cost card. its essentially a better monument, that curses the opponents. Unless the game is extremely lacking in trashing and have a weird premise or something, i would just get a ton of these.

it also feels unclear whether the bottom effect happens IF you trash it, or that you MAY trash it for that effect.



+1 Action
Turn your journey token over. (it starts face up).

Then, if its face up, +2 Cards

Action , 4$

A solid "lab"/peddler variant. Given how highly its rated, i feel bad for not liking it a lot. But theres not really any problems or such. Solid work.


Way of the Newt
Setup: Choose 2 random supply piles. Cards from them cost $3 less and P more this game.

I actually really like this one! Potion is an underutilized mechanic in my opinion, and this is a good Way. While some may say just getting +potion from the way is meh, i think its actually a pretty good effect.  Having at least 2 supply piles being potion cost reduces the problem potion usually has, where you only have one card to buy. And trading an action to get that potion is a big downside.

And i really like the setup part of it. The only thing im confused about is whether the potion treasure is also in the games Newt is in? but thats a FAQ thing, and not something i hold against this.


(4 cards here and im getting tired so linking here
Not the Bees!

i like this pack! Its unique to have a rotating pile that can always play themself, and has a wonderful theme at play here.  The beehive Seems like a very good Victory card, but as Rotation piles have 4 of each card in it, it isnt too unballanced. it makes good use of the rotating pile aspect.



+1 Card
Gain a card costing up to 3$.
Return this to its pile
When you gain this, +1 BUY

I like the base idea behind this, but its way too simple to gain an infinite loop if you have any Token or extra thing happening. Even without those, you can often gain any amount of buys you need by gaining a bison with a bison.

Suggestions for how to improve it:
- you set it aside, and then return it to the pile during cleanup. This avoid the infinite loop.
- You can gain a card costing up to 3$ of a different type then it. That way you cant gain Bisons, but you can gain silvers, or other action cards that has more then one type.

Sorry for being so harsh here: i hope you will continue making cards, and submitting to the WDC.





+2 cards
When you trash this, you may play it.
When you trash a card, you may discard this from your hand to gain an action card from the trash.

Action - Reaction , 3$

my judgement:


- OWL by 4est


i decided to Give mountain goat by spheremonk the win, as it felt the most like a card that was missing from dominion, which is a rare feat.

Thank you all for submitting these cards!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 04:24:31 pm by fika monster »
Swedish guy, Furry hipster otter


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm
« Reply #52 on: August 18, 2023, 03:38:03 pm »

My entry is missing from the list.

I posted it in this message.

fika monster

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm
« Reply #53 on: August 18, 2023, 04:23:59 pm »


Sorry for being messy, i think it took me... 3 hours to make this? i dont know if im really slow/inneffecuebt, or if this is how much time it usually takes people. I didnt want to do a bad job where someone got very little feedback, and i also spent too much editing a sort of repeateble List, and a potential spreedcheet.

I had to take several breaks while making this list, as judging, what, 20 posts? yeah that took a lot of concentration.

I hope everyone is satisfied by the feedback here.
Swedish guy, Furry hipster otter


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm
« Reply #54 on: August 18, 2023, 04:34:09 pm »

I think I usually take more than 3 hours. Definitely took a lot more last time.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2023, 08:48:19 am »

Thank you for the kind words, fika monster! I really appreciate it.

I am soooooo sorry it took me so long to respond. A couple of days ago I was unavoidably sent on a last-minute, week-long business trip overseas (I’m from the US) by my company.

Unfortunately, that also means I won’t be able to judge this week’s contest, as I’m working round the clock.

Again, my apologies to the community. Good luck to everyone this week!

fika monster

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm
« Reply #56 on: August 20, 2023, 04:04:27 pm »

Thank you for the kind words, fika monster! I really appreciate it.

I am soooooo sorry it took me so long to respond. A couple of days ago I was unavoidably sent on a last-minute, week-long business trip overseas (I’m from the US) by my company.

Unfortunately, that also means I won’t be able to judge this week’s contest, as I’m working round the clock.

Again, my apologies to the community. Good luck to everyone this week!

Understandable!! I wish you luck. I will appoint one of the finalists the judging job then
Swedish guy, Furry hipster otter

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm
« Reply #57 on: August 20, 2023, 04:08:31 pm »

I have sent 4est a dm and asked if they would like to be the judge of next weeks contest. If they say no, the other finalist is offered the judging position
Swedish guy, Furry hipster otter


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm
« Reply #58 on: August 20, 2023, 10:35:07 pm »

Hey all, I unfortunately won't be able to host this week either, as there's a high chance we'll be welcoming a new baby to our home either this week or next (woo!). So yeah it's probably not the best time to be judging Dominion cards haha. I'll cede to Will(ow|iam).

fika monster

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #195 Old Dominion Had A Farm
« Reply #59 on: August 21, 2023, 08:42:20 am »

Super happy to hear that! Hope it will go great, and that if everything goes well that we will have a new dominion worldchampion in 18 years or so :D

Nah but seriously, take care and good luck!
Swedish guy, Furry hipster otter
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