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Author Topic: Weekly Design Contest #187: The Law Falls Silent  (Read 4541 times)

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Re: Weekly Design Contest #187: The Law Falls Silent
« Reply #50 on: May 22, 2023, 07:18:02 pm »


FAQ: if blocked by Moat, you don't get to move/place the token.

I think what makes sense for Moat is that the token is still there but you don't take the debt if you blocked the attack (the debt is the attack, not an inherent feature of the token which is used for tracking).

This will be brutal Sanctioning Copper as written



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Re: Weekly Design Contest #187: The Law Falls Silent
« Reply #51 on: May 22, 2023, 07:29:39 pm »


FAQ: if blocked by Moat, you don't get to move/place the token.

I think what makes sense for Moat is that the token is still there but you don't take the debt if you blocked the attack (the debt is the attack, not an inherent feature of the token which is used for tracking).

This will be brutal Sanctioning Copper as written
This is true, but I think the card would be better reworded to reflect this. The current form is not ideal anyways, as it has a dividing line that shouldn't be there. I would suggest
Move your Sanction token to a supply pile. At the start of your next turn, take it back and +$3.
Until then, when any player plays a card from that pile, they first take 2D.
The Copper sanctioning is still a problem and can lock people out of the game if you have a $5/$2 opening.
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Re: Weekly Design Contest #187: The Law Falls Silent
« Reply #52 on: May 23, 2023, 01:39:00 am »

Obviously the card should only be able to punish Action cards. Hitting Silver or Golds can be brutal as well. Suppose Alice hits Silvers and Bob hits Golds. No way Charlie can do anything useful in his turn in a Kingdom without few virtual Coin cards.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2023, 01:40:28 am by segura »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #187: The Law Falls Silent
« Reply #53 on: May 23, 2023, 03:28:52 am »

This is true, but I think the card would be better reworded to reflect this. The current form is not ideal anyways, as it has a dividing line that shouldn't be there. I would suggest
Move your Sanction token to a supply pile. At the start of your next turn, take it back and +$3.
Until then, when any player plays a card from that pile, they first take 2D.
The Copper sanctioning is still a problem and can lock people out of the game if you have a $5/$2 opening.

Whelp I really was tired when I made this. Missed both the horizontal line (?!) and the fact that it can hit Coppers. I very much want it to hit custom Treasure cards but not Copper/Silver/Gold. So "Kingdom supply pile" should do it.  And it shouldn't have the attack type; it's an attack like Embargo that doesn't have the type bc the interaction with moat is awkward

Updated Version (it's fine if this doesn't make it into the contest anymore).

« Last Edit: May 23, 2023, 03:31:12 am by silverspawn »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #187: The Law Falls Silent
« Reply #54 on: May 23, 2023, 11:49:24 am »

This is true, but I think the card would be better reworded to reflect this. The current form is not ideal anyways, as it has a dividing line that shouldn't be there. I would suggest
Move your Sanction token to a supply pile. At the start of your next turn, take it back and +$3.
Until then, when any player plays a card from that pile, they first take 2D.
The Copper sanctioning is still a problem and can lock people out of the game if you have a $5/$2 opening.

Whelp I really was tired when I made this. Missed both the horizontal line (?!) and the fact that it can hit Coppers. I very much want it to hit custom Treasure cards but not Copper/Silver/Gold. So "Kingdom supply pile" should do it.  And it shouldn't have the attack type; it's an attack like Embargo that doesn't have the type bc the interaction with moat is awkward

Updated Version (it's fine if this doesn't make it into the contest anymore).

I think it could be an Attack just like the other duration attacks Blockade and Swamp Hag are. The only difference to those two cards is that TB can also hurt the player themself, but this is rarely relevant when sanctioning an Action, and Moat clearly states that it only reacts to another player playing an Attack, not to your own Attack. TB hurts the opponents badly e.g. when sanctioning the only village or a strong cantrip.

Unrelatedly, you don't need a token if TB sets aside a copy from the pile instead (like Blockade, but returning it to the pile next turn).
« Last Edit: May 23, 2023, 11:50:51 am by Holger »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #187: The Law Falls Silent
« Reply #55 on: May 23, 2023, 03:19:23 pm »

Unrelatedly, you don't need a token if TB sets aside a copy from the pile instead (like Blockade, but returning it to the pile next turn).
I thought about this, but you'd often want to Sanction empty piles, so if you disallow that it would be a significant nerf.
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Re: Weekly Design Contest #187: The Law Falls Silent
« Reply #56 on: May 24, 2023, 09:13:16 am »

Sorry for the delay. COVID hit me.

I would like to nominate
Winner: Horse Lord by LTaco
Port Embezzler by Xen3k
Ransom by 4est

Sorry again for the absence of detailed comments, I will make it up when I recovered :(.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest #187: The Law Falls Silent
« Reply #57 on: July 03, 2023, 12:40:09 pm »

Finally, works have been done.

Quiet Village
Action/Duration/Attack - $5
+1 Card, +2 Actions
At the start of your next turn, +1 Card and +1 Action. Until then, other players are capped at 2 Actions (Actions, not Action Cards)
Village this turn, Lost City next. Quite strong vanilla effect but restricted by other players' copy. A direct comparator is Longship, which has a big problem about sailing/starting up. Quiet Village has no such problem about consistency. Longship cannot be called strong in many situations, but it is still a . So, in my opinion, Quiet Village is a bit too strong, since the restriction can be avoided or even not set by your opponents. Aside from the above, it's a quite simple and interesting card.

An interesting discard attack. I like it quite a lot about how it qualifies for this contest, as a discard attack but not handsize attack. Oppressor hurt much earlier and stronger than Villain. I think it will dominate many boards. Neat and impressive.

Port Embezzler - $5
Action - Duration
Either now or at the start of your next turn, +2 cards and +1 Buy.

Until your next turn, each other player must exchange the first card they gain on their turn for a cheaper card. If they can't, exchange it for a Curse.
Half a Wharf, or in other words, weaker Barge. The attack is similar to - coin token attack, while many differences make it worth to create a new attack. Port Embezzler affects gainers while - token not. Port Embezzler cannot be counter by extra coin, especially when you want to gain the most expensive card in the Supply. In which case, the Curse option gives an interesting choice.

The only submission that doesn't create a new method of attack. Duration draws are always sweet. But Robber is not such inspiring compared to Enchantress, which is also Duration-Attack that gives +2 Cards. And as mentioned, it is like a cheaper Highwayman.

Loan Shark
cost $5 - Action - Attack - Duration
At the start of your next turn, choose one: +3 Actions; +3 Cards; +$3; or +3 Buys.
Until then, when your opponent gets +2 or more Actions, they take <1>; this effect is not cumulative.
Another entry that worsens Villages. The attack part is interesting and novel. But I doubt if the vanilla part need so much free agency. I would suggest more centralization on the attack effect. Maybe simply a duration village.

Action - Attack - Liaison


Discard up to 2 cards for +1 Favor each

Each other player spends a Favor
A Liaison-Attack. Will you keep your Favor for next best match or use it as fast as possible to avoid your opponents' Gossip? Simple and interactive, I like it. Nothing to complain.

Cage your opponents' Action. I like this idea and the flavor. It can change the game deeply and painfully. As you said, players unlikely want numerous Ransoms, so no more complaint.

Another Gold gainer. It's a much better version of Bandit in several ways.
  • The Gold is gained to hand, which means +;
  • Attack 5 cards other than 2 makes a bigger chance to hit;
  • Attacker chooses which treasure to trash when hit more than 1;
  • It directly worsens the very turn of your opponents.
Notice the fact that you usually don't want many Larcenists, but I still think it may be overpowered at . Another fact is that the -cost makes Potion an available option when being attacked. It's hard to say whether it's a good thing, but I think it’s fun.

Tollgate - $3

Now and at the start of your next turn, gain a Horse.
Until then, during each other player's cleanup phase, they choose two cards they would discard from play that turn to remain in play.
It is hard to judge Tollgate. It grows stronger when opponents grow. And can be very harmful when stacked. The Horse gaining can be nearly to drawing when Horses fill your deck. So, I agree it need nerf or increase in price. I am sorry I can't tell more; I think it need playtesting to learn the depth of this card.

Crooked Jeweler
- Action Duration Attack
Until your next turn, the first time each other player plays a Silver or Gold, they set it aside and, at the start of Clean-up, exchange it for Copper or Silver, respectively.
At start of your next turn, +3 Cards and you may exchange a Treasure from your hand for a Treasure costing up to more than it.
One more Treasure-worsening attack. At first glance, I think it is too much like Corsair. But the mix of trashing and junking attack does sound interesting. And the next-turn part is soild, but maybe a little slow? If I make this card, I will give out Copper no matter whether Silver or Gold is attacked (a little more hurtful) and give +1 Card and Mine-effect (gain to hand) next turn. Anyway, I enjoy Crooked Jeweler's design and flavor.

$4 - Action - Duration - Attack
You may trash a card from your hand.
Now and at the start of next turn: +$1.
Until your next turn, the first time each other player trashes a card costing $2 or less on their turn, they discard the trashed card.
Decline opponent's trash.  Brilliant. It has to cost . I just wonder if the vanilla part is too weak. Could it be non-terminal since the attack doesn't stack?

Action - Attack - Duration - $5
+1 Action
At start of your next turn, take the -$1 token.
While this is in play, other players cannot play Attack cards from their hands.
I think Arquebusiers explore an untouched design space. It's true that this card has several problems mentioned by other commentator. Maybe the attack-part can be changed to 'Until then, the first time each other player plays an Attack card on their turn, it doesn't affect other players'? Well, the revison seems too weak. I just want to say Arquebusiers does give me some inspiration about attack, which is what I would like to see in this contest.

Maybe make decision for opponents' second action or last action in next turn? I have not got a good idea to amend this card.

Many of submissions are self-countered, Thug is the most direct one among them. If there is a good strategy to maximize the coffer-gaining power, you will expect your opponent will also buy this card. If so, the game turns into Thug-matching game.  As a result, this design becomes less attractive.

We all like diversity, and we all like Horse Lord as the vote says. Gaining and playing Horses can be used to anti others' Horse Lord. But if you gain too many horses, there will be a Horses' traffic jam.  It is one of my loved cards.

Lieutenant • $4 • Action - Command - Attack
Each other player takes their deck's top card and sets it aside face-up. You may play one face-up set aside card, if it is an...: Action, once; or Treasure, twice. Each player discards one card set aside. 
The idea that uses opponents' cards is fine, some other boardgames have it. But discarding the top is not attack as discussed.

Action - Attack - Duration ($5)

At the start of your next turn, + 3 Cards.
Until then, whenever any other player gains an Action or Treasure card, they set it aside and put it into their discard pile at the end of their next Cleanup.
Quite simple and create a lot of interaction. I like it. It could definitely be listed in runners-up if I had nominated more at the time.

I believed it can be an attack like Blockade, which is the replacement of Embargo. Interestingly, Trading Bureau is sort of attack-on-play version of Blockade (attack-on-gain). Trading Bureau hurts especially deeply when there is a key card in the kingdom, this is a big problem.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 12:51:50 pm by Ethan »
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