Mad Alchemist - $4
If you have Toxic Vapors, you may put a card from your hand onto your Tavern mat, for +3 Cards and +1 Action.
When you gain this, take Toxic Vapors.
Toxic Vapors
When scoring, -2% per 3 cards you have on your Tavern mat (round up).
A draw 2 that can put a card from hand onto your Tavern mat to be non-terminal and draw 2 more cards. The catch is
that everyone starts with the Toxic Vapors state, which makes players lose VP based on how many cards are on their Tavern mat. Toxic Vapors being a State made the most sense. I had a design without the State, but it was a lot of reading and it multiplied the VP lost by how many Mad Alchemists you had, which was not what I wanted. Feedback is appreciated.
Edit: Changed Toxic Vapors to penalize more aggressively. Mad Alchemist now plays more like Stables and requires you to have Toxic Vapors to function. Players now only take Toxic Vapors when they gain a Mad Alchemist. These changes should nerf Mad Alchemist and prevent hosing other cards that use the Tavern mat. The draw 4 cards may still be too good, but I want the card to be tempting. Should this be changed to just daw 3 cards? Feedback is appreciates.
Thanks to scott_pilgrim, 4est, and LibraryAdventurer.
Edit #2: Hit them both with the nerf bat. Mad Alchemist draws 3 instead of 4 cards and the VP penalty is -2VP per 3 cards. Balancing this to be tempting but not busted is difficult. Thanks to Holger for the feedback.
Old Version(s)