Dominion > Puzzles and Challenges

The highest Plateau

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--- Quote from: Holger on October 02, 2022, 08:33:28 am ---Masquerade could indeed give you another 5 Pouches and Goats each in 6p-games, but without BM you lose a 10-card $2 pile, so it doesn't change the total VP you can get.

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Couldn't you play Masquerade via Way of the Mouse?

Oh, that’s my bad. Assuming there isn’t another landscape required, yes masquerade could come from WotM, giving 145 cards or 290vp.

If black market were aloud with WotM, it would make it 173 and 346


--- Quote from: IlstrawberrySeed on October 01, 2022, 06:29:59 pm ---Additionally, black market can add some. There are 53 2-cost cards, but 6 are events or heirlooms, so 47. With the 1 imp gainer, you have 39 2-cost cards eligible for BM, making black market an increase of 29 cards or 58vp.

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BTW, are there really 47 2-cost kingdom cards? only mentions 41 as of 2020 (42 "0-2 cost cards" minus Poor House). Since then, Allies has added 3 new $2 cards, but the 2E's of seaside and Hinterlands have removed another 3 $2 cards (replacing them with more expensive cards), so the total number should remain 41, not 47.

There's also the non-kingdom card Bat at $2, which you could get from a Black Market Vampire.

So if you allow Black Market as Way of the Mouse and put Masquerade, Shepherd (for the 3rd $2 Heirloom Pasture), Young Witch, the Imp gainer, Vampire and all other $2 kingdom cards into the BM deck, you could get

Card                   Number of $2 cards (including starting cards)
Bauble                    10 (+any number of Favors)
10 other $2 cards: 100 (including Pixie, Tracker)
Estates                   30 (12+6*3)
Imp                        13
Heirlooms               18 (6*3)
BM deck                 31 (41 - 11 $2 kingdom cards +Bat)
                           202  $2 cards, for 404 VP

Dominion strategy lists 53 2 cost cards and card shaped things I may have missed a few events, but I tried to subtract the events and heirlooms. I forgot about estates, but still only count 7 2 costs not directly available through the BM or the Supply. Do note that at least 2 of these are in split piles, but that doesn’t matter for BM

Exchanging doesn’t work with cards in the BM, so vampire must be in the supply. Also, imp gainers in the BM can get more than 1, despite only counting 1 in my math.


--- Quote from: IlstrawberrySeed on October 06, 2022, 11:11:56 pm ---Dominion strategy lists 53 2 cost cards and card shaped things I may have missed a few events, but I tried to subtract the events and heirlooms. I forgot about estates, but still only count 7 2 costs not directly available through the BM or the Supply. Do note that at least 2 of these are in split piles, but that doesn’t matter for BM

Exchanging doesn’t work with cards in the BM, so vampire must be in the supply. Also, imp gainers in the BM can get more than 1, despite only counting 1 in my math.

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There are 7 $2 Events, 3 $2 Heirlooms, Bat, Estate - subtracting those from 53 gives 41.

You're right about Vampire not exchanging from the BM. Fortunately, swapping Vampire with a $2 kingdom card doesn't change the total number of $2 cards, which remains at 202 by my count.


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