When it comes to Way of the Chameleon, you’re obviously right. Sorry, my bad. I haven’t seen such a ruling for Way of the Mouse, though. Maybe I just missed it. If I’ve read the rules correctly, the only thing that matters, when it comes to the Way of the Mouse, as far as I can tell, is if the set-aside card is a Duration, not if the card you play as a Mouse is a Duration. The set-aside card isn’t in play, so the ruling will only affect the played card. Are you saying that if I play a Merchant Ship using the Way of the Mouse, which has a Moat set-aside, the Merchant Ship stays in play? Maybe it is so, but I really don’t see the logic behind that ruling. Can someone please link to where this is stated? I really want to understand this.
The Way of the Squirrel is quite different, though, IMHO. I don’t think it should matter whether you play a Menagerie or a Lighthouse using the Way of the Squirrel. If it does, why? Or are we going to apply the Duration rule to any action card played as a Squirrel?
No, it's only if the set-aside card is a Duration that the played card stays.
But it's still the same principle as Way of the Chameleon.
For Chameleon the relevant rule is that Durations (that aren't done) stay in play.
For Mouse the relevant rule is that "leaving it there" cards (like BoM) stay in play as long as the card they played stays in play. (When a BoM plays a Fishing Village from the supply, the BoM stays in play.)
In theory, we could say that playing a card with a Way means that the
card is now doing what the Way says. This is like the instrucions on the card changing. In that case it's clear:
Chameleon: The
played Duration is setting up a future effect, so it stays.
Mouse: The
played card plays a set-aside Duration "leaving it there" (and the Duration is setting up a future effect), so the played card stays.
Squirrel: The
played Duration is setting up a future effect (at end of turn), so it stays.
On the other hand, if we say that the card doesn't do anything when we play it since we're following the Way's instructions instead, then neither Chameleon, Mouse or Squirrel would cause the played card to stay: It's not the
played card doing the thing that would cause it to stay in play.
I say that the second option is true. The reason why Chameleon, Mouse or Squirrel
still cause the Duration to stay, is because we have a special rule about Ways and Durations, which I mentioned earlier in this thread (with a linkt to a post by Donald).
AJD says that the first option is true (maybe with different words). Well, then we don't need the special rule.
The result for these three Ways is the same in any case.
The reason why I say the first option is true,
is that Donald has said this, and that otherwise Enchantress could override the Way and vice versa (and we know that they can't). The Ways/Enchantress make us follow other instructions instead of the played card's instructions. If we apply a Way, we're not following the card's instructions anymore, so if we then also apply Enchantress, Enchantress does nothing.
Donald has confirmed that Chameleon works the same way. It's the same vice versa, or if we played with two Ways and tried to apply both.