Modifying the Village Idiot kingdom from the other thread:
Throne Room
Acting Troupe
Wandering Minstrel
Walled Village
Border Village
Bandit Fort
Market Towns
That would be painful. What is the best strategy?
I'm actually curious about whether the best strategy here is to just do nothing. I don't think Wall and Bandit Fort by themselves make a pure money strategy futile, but together...
I don't think so. If your opponent does nothing, you can win the game in the
very long run by buying a single Silver, then a Gold when the Silver collides with 4 coppers, and then buy Provinces whenever you have a hand of Gold, Silver and 3 Coppers. After probably more than thousand turns, you'll have bought all 8 Provinces with a 20-card deck for a total of 48+3-5-2×2= 42 points, against the opponent's 3 points.
You can speed this "minimalist" strategy up by buying a few more Golds (and maybe one more Silver to get the first Gold faster), sacrificing 3 VP for each. I suppose that's the best strategy on this board, with the optimal number of Silvers and Golds bought to be determined by simulation.