Why on earth do you lie as town in a semi open setup where your claim has bearing on how likely everyone else's claims are and vice versa? Lying about being cop as town has the potential to create, EG, a counterclaim from the actual cop in a CCC situation or just produce so many letters that it's a 1% chance to occur situation. So at best you are making people believe your lie but then they exile another town PR by mistake.
But if you are scum, that's a good outcome to get that counterclaim, so faking full cop is a fine play.
This is not a setup where town lies about their role because they're all related.
This feels like a strawman.
I think that's fair actually. When 2.7 first claimed on me, I had a very deer in the headlights reaction of knowing he was scum but having no idea why he was scum or why he chose me or why he did any of these decisions. So it took me quite a while to piece it together and figure out what his and his team's likely motivations were. At first when I was reading his claim, it seemed like he was just straight lying in his claim and this was a borderline scumslip, but actually I don't think that's what we're looking at.
What it seems more likely to be now is that 2.7 did a thought experiment of, if I were a 1-shot cop with a scum result on Iguana, how would I do it. And he thought, maybe I would pretend to be a full cop to get reactions, maybe I would string it out, etc.
All the same, the way that his claim played out in a wishy washy way and not a straightforward way to me is still an indication that this is a fantasy claim, and that 2.7 was considering multiple ways of doing it before he settled on one.