OK, let's give it a go then!
Some basic tenets for the contest:
• the mechanic you choose to "host" does
not have to be one that you came up with
• a good source of mechanics is the
Atlas of Fan Card Mechanics• if you want to allow a few days at the beginning to discuss and possibly tweak the mechanic, feel free, but it's also not necessary
• try to include a card shaped thing that implements the mechanic (possibly, in its most simple form)
So without further ado:
Fan Card Mechanics Week 1: WorshippersWorshippers are a new type of token that you can "spend" during your Clean up phase:
The latest version of the rules (and mat) I had posted is this:
At the start of your Clean-up phase, you may remove tokens from this to trash a card from your hand or one you have in play for each token removed.
and a simple Chapel variant:
Apse Chapel - Action - $2
+2 Worshippers.
Pre Contest Discussion:
• I'm still overall happy with this design - the main thing I was unsure of when I first posted was whether allowing to trash cards from either hand or in play was too strong. For Apse Chapel, I hopefully balanced it out enough by only taking 2 tokens per play. (this design was originally for a contest entitled
"Make me skip chapel!".)
• you can see some more of the cards I came up for it, in various states of completion, in the
scolapasta's cards thread
• I am planning on cleaning up (pun intended) the rules / mat wording a little to:
At the start of your Clean-up phase, you may remove tokens from this. For each removed token, trash a card that you would discard this turn.
It borrows some wording from Improve, helps tracking (now, you can't trash Duration cards that would stay in play) and removes some words by making the trashing mandatory (since that shouldn't really affect gameplay). Does this work better?
• My intention is to start the contest at some point Tuesday (or Wednesday, at the latest)