Dominion > Dominion League
Season 43 - Signups
Season 43 will run from Monday, December 7 until Sunday, January 17 and you can sign up until Monday, November 30 at 15:00 UTC. Sign-ups for Season 43 are now closed. Sign-ups for Season 44 are now open on our website:
You will need the following in order to sign up:
* An account on the Dominion Online client. In order to place you appropriately, we highly recommend playing at least 30 rated 2-player games through the automatch system before Wednesday, December 2nd.
* An account on the Dominion Discord. All League communications will take place by default over Discord.
* (Optional) An account on these forums. This gives the moderators a second means of contacting you should you become unresponsive on Discord.
We hope to see you join us in Season 43! To sign up, complete the form on our website:
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