My role works like this (even though you told me to stop telling you this)
I am a 2 shot poison doctor (it works on the night they would have been targeted or the night they would have died, woooo)
If I use both shots on someone, they die.
I can never target 3 people with my ability, I am confused as to why you are confused.
Like this:
It’s N1 - I target Cube (one of the two shots is spent)
N2 - I wait
N3 I target cube, they die (second of two shots is spent I now have no ability)
That’s how that works.
So here's the basic gist of the claim right? Breaking it down into separate parts:
2-Shot / Poison Doctor / Vigilante
He has two shots of a power. Let's give this a name: Inject. The details of this specific part:
--He can "inject" one target at night.
--He can do this two times during the course of the game.
--He can only do this once per night.
Okay. Now, what are the effects of the "inject" power?
--If, on the night a player is injected, they would have been poisoned OR would have died from poison, they will be saved.
--If, on the night a player is injected, they have previously been injected, they will die.
Those are the only two possible outcomes with actual results, right?
So, design-wise, we can thinking of it differently. An Injector is a doctor with four modifications:
--Can only protect against certain types of kills (poison)
--Can protect on both the night of poisoning and the night of death
--Can only target a specific player once
--Can only be used twice during the game
So, it's a severely underpowered doctor. On the flipside, it is also a type of vigilante. An Injector is a vigilante with two modifications:
--Must successfully target the same player twice.
--Can only be used once during the game.
So, it's a blend of a 2-Shot Doctor and 1-Shot Vigilante, both of which are modified to be weakened, so much so that a normal 2-Shot Doc or 1-Shot Vig would be preferred as a choice JOAT-style.
In a normal style game, this design might make sense. If the timelines division is applied, however, we find that the role is severely weakened. I think so much so that it appears like a partial role, or a factional role (or roles), or a made-up role. I prefer not to assume bad design. In fact, this claim sounds like a mash up of JOAT powers offered either to a player or a faction. So mafia.