And here we are with... more cards.
I warned you that there were more Duration cards. Here's Mastermind, which is like King's Court but slower. You can King's Court a King's Court in one turn; with Mastermind that's play Mastermind, next turn Mastermind a Mastermind, next turn actually play three things three times.
Menagerie has two minor themes I didn't mention yet. Surprise! The first one is reaction cards; there are five of them. Five! Four of them do the trick Sheepdog did of letting you play them at an unusual time; Black Cat is one of those. It's a Witch they have to activate for you. I will just point out now: when they gain a Province and that lets you use Black Cat, the other players gain Curses and that lets them use Sheepdogs.
The other minor theme is cards with weird costs; there are four of these, including Animal Fair. Wayfarer's weird cost is whatever the previous card cost. You could play Bureaucrat, gain a Silver, then Wayfarer costs $3. Or with two Buys, buy a Copper, now Wayfarer costs $0. Or buy an Engineer for 4 Debt and well now Wayfarer costs 4 Debt.
That's all the previews you were expecting! The cards will continue to be playable online through the weekend, then vanish, then come out properly online when the physical version is out. We still expect it around March 18.
This time for no special reason I am going to keep previewing cards until the set comes out or the rulebook is posted. These cards won't be playable online (until the whole set comes out), they will just be images to look at and ponder. I'll do one a day, and if people request stuff they'd like to see, I'll try to pick one of those things. They can be kingdom cards or sideways ones.