The card that most annoyed me in Nocturne is Werewolf, it's on my ban list. Spamming hexes is dull. I was also annoyed by Shepherd, just never enjoyed thinking about the ways it alters the game, so it too is on my ban list.
Renaissance's Inventor gets the boot with its bonkers pileouts, more so than Bridge due to being less predictable.
The card that most annoys me in Menagerie so far is Mastermind, because of how much it depends on what you draw at the start of next turn, and you so have to think a fair deal about topdeck-management strategies--certainly a valid way to play, just time consuming.
I think I may end up adding Mastermind to my ban list. It's not that it's a bad card, I just don't find the extra conscious topdeck management it adds to gameplay an enjoyable thing to spend brain cycles on, whereas everything else in the set is enjoyable. It's definitely an appropriately-named card.
I'm a simple man. I like simple cards like Fisherman -- which despite the dismissive cold shoulders it's got, is an improved Peddler IMO; less game-warping.