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WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« on: October 02, 2019, 09:50:52 am »

I brainstorm up like five or so cards when a Weekly Design Contest challenge gets posted and then pick the most promising/exciting one. This thread is for all the rest of the cards one comes up with (that aren't just Bad). If you do a similar thing, feel free to post 'em in here - be sure to post which contest they came from; if not, leave commentary on existing cards (bearing in mind we didn't think these were "up to snuff" for the contest).

Contest 43: Reveal your hand
Embarcadero • $5 • Action
+2 Cards
Reveal your hand and set up to 3 cards aside. Cards with the same name as the cards set aside this way cost $1 less this turn, but not less than $0. When this is discarded from play, discard the set aside cards as well.

Sort of broken cost reducer. Didn't enter it because the "reveal" portion seemed tacked on.

Contest 44: Extra! Extra! (extra turns)
Split pile, Bond/Contract

Bond • $2 • Treasure - Reserve
+1 Buy
Place this on your tavern mat.
At the start of your buy phase, you may call this for +$1

Contract • $5 • Action - Reserve - Duration
If the previous turn wasn't yours, Place this on your tavern mat.
At the start of your turn, you may call this. While this is in play, when you play an Action, you get +1 Card, +1 Action rather than the card's instructions. At the start of Clean up, rather than discarding this, leave it in play and take another turn. Trash this at the end of that turn.
Was playing with how to get more than one but not infinite turns for the extra turn contest. This is a novel way of doing it - to go semi-inifinite you'd need a way to pull these out of the trash but even then you can't get them to your mat. Figured cantripping your actions would be a good hobble to the turn-leading-up-to-the-extra-turn.

Witching Hour • $4 • Night - Duration
Each other player draws until they have six cards in their hand.
If the previous turn wasn't yours, take an extra turn after this one.
On your next turn, +$1.
While this is in play, when you play an Action - Attack card, you get +1 Card, +1 Action instead of the card's instructions, and when you play a Treasure card, you get $1 instead of the card's instructions.
This was a million-revision card and I started to hate it. As is, it lets Raider still attack but I guess that's fine, Raider isn't very good at being painful.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 09:14:10 am by spineflu »


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2019, 09:58:41 am »

Contest 46: But it wasn't even your turn!
I kinda went HAM on the Seasidesque theme this week.
Quay • $5 • Action - Duration
+2 Cards
Set a card from your hand aside, face down, under this.
While it is not your turn, if another player gains a card with the same name as the one you set aside, you may reveal and discard the face-down card and this for +2%.

At the start of your next turn if this is still in play, +1 Card, +1 Buy and add the set-aside card to your hand.
this was a little too wall-of-text and I liked Jetty better

Pier • $5 • Action - Duration
+3 Cards
Set a card from your hand aside, face down, under this.
While it is not your turn, if another player gains a card with the same name as the one you set aside, you may reveal the face down card and return it to the supply. If you do, +2 Cards.

At the start of your next turn, +1 Buy and return any cards set aside with this to your hand.

In retrospect, I should've entered this one tho.

Causeway • $5 • Night - Duration
At the start of each player's turn, they get +1 Buy.
When the player to your left buys a card, they may pay $2; if they don't, put a coin token on this.
At the start of your next turn, for each coin token on this, choose one: +2%; or +2 Cards; or +1 Buy
Too finicky/too in-other-players-business, and also way swingy.

Lumberyard • @8 • Action - Duration - Reaction
Now and at the start of your next turn:
+1 Buy
+ $2
When another player plays a Duration, you may reveal and discard this for +2%.
Priced at 8 debt bc of Merchant Ship and also $6 seems like a bad price point for this.

Harbor • $5 • Action - Duration
Now at at the start of your next turn:
+1 Card
+1 Buy
While this is in play, when another player gains a Victory card, +1%

And then two off-theme:
Marquis • $5 • Action - Duration
+2 Cards
While this is in play, when any player gains a Duchy, +2%.
At the start of your next turn, gain a Duchy.

Floodland • $4 • Victory - Reaction
When another player gains a Victory card, you may discard this to return a card from your hand to the supply.

Causeway • @8 • Project
When another player gains a Victory card, turn your Journey token over (it starts face up). If your Journey token is face up, exchange a card from your hand for a card costing up to $4, which goes to your hand.
Reused a name. I like that this pulls from Adventures, Empires, and Renaissance, but I don't like entering card-like-things if I can help it.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2019, 10:52:01 am by spineflu »


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2019, 11:16:27 am »

Contest 47: Event Using Artifact
These were both fun and easy to come up with.

Practise • $3 • Event
Play an Action card whose cost is $4 or less from the Supply, leaving it there. Take the Bow or the Rosin.
Bow • Artifact
When you buy Practise, you may play a card whose cost in coins is $5 or less instead, and you get +1 Buy
Rosin • Artifact
When you buy Practise, you may play a Treasure from the Supply instead, and you get +2 Buys
This was my fallback in case anyone found a huge glaring fault in "Surveil + Beacon"; Fragasnap's comment about how playing a remodel at buy was Different than buying-then-playing a remodel later got me thinking, and the errata about command cards had just come out, figured it'd be an interesting thing to try. The neat sneaky thing about the Bow is it lets you bypass potion costs.

Seige • $5@5 • Event
If you have not gained any cards this turn, +1% per unused Buy you have and take the Ram. Trash a Province from the Supply.
Ram • Artifact
When you shuffle, each other player trashes the top card of their deck and either gains a card with the same cost, or a cheaper card that shares a type with it, their choice.
Had misgivings about this being too fast and too good on boards with like.... Market and Donate, for instance - just get hella buys, enough money to Seige every turn, donate the rest, Golden deck out the game.

Vespers • $2 • Event
Choose one: Trash a card from your hand; or take the Soutane
Soutane • Artifact
At the start of your Buy phase, +$1 per card you've trashed this turn.

Essentially an alternate version of Surveil, smaller scope. Figured it'd have some tracking issues in IRL play (how many did I trash this turn?) and also useless on some boards that had neither trashing nor villas.

Contest • $5 • Event
Discard a card from your hand. If you did, choose one: +1 Actions and return to your Action phase; or take the Tainia.
Tainia • Artifact
At the start of your Buy phase, +1 Card per unused Action you have (Action, not Action card).

Passed on this one bc +Cards is weird/feelsbad in your buy phase and it's use case is when you've got an all cantrip/village kingdom (like diadem, really) - too narrow for what you want with an event.

Graze • $5 • Event
Trash an Estate from the Supply.
If you did, choose one: Discard any number of Estates, then +1% per 2 Estates discarded (rounded down); or take the Crook.
Crook • Artifact
At the start of your turn, you may discard an Estate for +2 Cards.

This is worth 1% for each Estate you have.

An alternate Shepherd/Pasture combo. This was my second alternate.

Coerce • $10@8 • Event
Gain a card costing up to $8. The player to your left may discard a copy of it. If they do, take the Gavel. If they do not, trash a copy of the card you gained from the supply.
Gavel • Artifact
When you buy a card, you may pay $2 to trash a copy of it from the supply.

This is worth -2% at the end of the game.
A Salt variant. Too big, and therefore too swingy, and also forces things towards a gamestate i don't like (and if you aren't making cards that you like, what's the point?)

Offertory • @5 • Event
Choose one: +1% and trash up to two cards you have in play; or take the Mite Box
Mite Box • Artifact
At the start of your turn, reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Treasure; you may play it or discard it.

Didn't wow me. Probably useful, and very Strange in games with some special treasures (Quarry, etc).


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2019, 12:54:45 pm »

Contest #48: Design A Command
Just one this week
Rag and Bone Man • $3 • Action - Command
+1 Action
Play a non-Command non-Duration Action card from the Supply, leaving it there. Trash it from the Supply. You may discard your hand; if you don't, or if your hand had no cards in it, trash this.

An immediate Lurker with the Tactician drawback. Might be too powerful.


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2019, 05:24:43 pm »

Thanks for creating a space for all those cards that just didn't make the cut. I'm sure we all have them! I was trying to get something together for this week's contest, but I'm not 100% happy with it. I do think it has potential though so I wanted to share it here:



Trinket Shop: Incredibly weak, but in high enough numbers they can really add some payload to a deck. Needs careful management. Once the Ruins are gone though, you can always put 4 tokens on it and it will stay out of your deck for longer. This also helps boast your Curio payout. Might be fine as a cantrip at cost $3.

Curio: Provides $0 coin initially so that right there is going to turn a lot of people off. Could make for some wacky openers. The inclusion of Ruins and a $2 non-terminal are meant to help give it some juice early, but you can't just blindly blow through those piles. It would be rare, but you could get this thing up to $9, $12 and such on the last turn of the game.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2019, 05:29:02 pm by Kudasai »


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2019, 09:55:30 am »

In retrospect, I absolutely should've changed out my entry for this:

Bargain • $3 • Treasure - Night - Heirloom
If it's your Night Phase, you may exchange a card from your hand for a card from the Supply costing up to $3 that does not share a type with it. Otherwise, +$1.
Hub • $4 • Action
+1 Action
Choose a card type (Action, Treasure, etc). Cards of that type cost $1 less while this is in play.
Heirloom: Bargain

because it's really not that much more complicated than what I entered (Hub is just a weaker Highway; Bargain isn't really that complicated), while doing a better job at justifying its existence.

Contract • $3 • Treasure - Night - Heirloom
If it's your Night Phase and you still have one or more Buys, you may exchange a card from your hand for an Attack card from the supply costing up to $3 more than it.
Otherwise, +$1.
Cutthroat • $7 • Action - Attack
Trash a card from your hand.
Name a card type.
Each player discards a card of that card type (or reveals their hand to show they cannot). If they cannot, they reveal cards from their deck until you reveal a card of that type and trash it (discard the rest).
Heirloom: Contract
Was kind of on a Night-remodel kick when I designed cards this week. Made a very mean attack that's maybe too close to Saboteur, and then an attacking remodel for the heirloom.

Tincture • $5 • Treasure - Heirloom
Choose one: $1 or ⚗️
Portent • $5⚗️ • Action - Attack
+1 Card
+1 Action
If this is the first Portent you've played this turn, each other player takes their –1 Card and –$1 tokens, then discards a card from their hand.
Otherwise, +$1
Heirloom: Tincture
Also had the revelation that potions probably should've been a heirloom-esque mechanic. This was my attempt to fuse the two. Would've been a real feelsbad situation to play against someone whose opening allowed them to get a pre-shuffle Familiar though.

Goose • $3 • Treasure - Heirloom
Discard a card from your hand.
If it cost...
...Exactly $0 or $1, +$2
...$2+, +$1, +1 Buy
...$4+, +$1, +1 Buy
...$6+, +$1, Gain a Copper to your hand.
...$8+, +$1, Gain a Copper to your hand.
(Do all that apply.)
Instauration • $6 • Action
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $3 more than it that doesn't share a type with it.
Heirloom: Goose
This one wasn't thematically connected. Re-reading some Francis Bacon for an essay on Watchmen I'm doing. Thinking a lot about Untitled Goose Game because I had just finished it.

Goose is good for using with your starting estates/shelters, or if you get Cursed a lot, it can turn those into a copper-equivalent. It gets less great for your deck if you use it with Provinces but I guess if there's a Coppersmith or Counting House situtation it can be useful, or if it's approaching last turn and you don't care about junk. Using it with Gold makes $4 +2 Buys, counting the copper you gain.

Instauration is a 3-Remodel that can't do a direct upgrade thing. Semiuseful for getting rid of your Goose-coppers, provided there's a $3 card in the Kingdom that doesn't suck.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2019, 11:11:41 am by spineflu »


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2019, 09:38:01 am »

Contest 50: Reveal
I did a bunch of really wordy cards this week. I suppose switch statements based on revealed card types lend themselves to wordy cards.
Census • $4 • Action
+1 Action
Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck.
If the reveal cards contain an...
... Action, +1 Action
... Treasure, +1 Buy
... Victory, +1 Card
... Curse, +1 Card
... Duration, +1 Villager
... Attack, +1 Coffers
... Night, +$1
(Do all that apply)
Discard any cards revealed this way.
I wanted a super-iron card. I think the only thing this misses entirely is Hovel. On the bulk of "standard" boards this is just a village-adjacent card.

Peruse • $4 • Action
Reveal the top two cards of your deck.
You may trash one of them and gain a card costing exactly $1 more than it.
Discard the rest of the cards revealed this way.
Potentially overpriced terminal lookout-remodel hybrid. Worse than either of them but probably fine for initial de-junking.

Cultivate • $5 • Action - Reaction
+1 Action
Reveal and discard the top 3 cards of your deck. +$1 for each differently named card revealed this way.
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word "reveal"), all players get +1 Coffers.
non-terminal Patron variant that self-synergizes but also helps the whole table.

Secret Grove • $3 • Action - Reaction - Victory
+1 Action
Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck; put one back and discard the rest.
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word "reveal"), add a coin token to your Grove mat.

This is worth 1% per 2 tokens on your Grove mat, rounded up.
Grove mat would be analogous to a pirate ship mat. It doesn't move the game closer to ending ever, so it's kinda busted/golden-deck-y in that sense.

Fabulist • $5 • Action
Name a card. Reveal the top two cards of your deck and put them into your hand.
If the card you named was revealed, choose one:
+1 Cards; +1 Action; or trash the card you named and gain a card costing up to $3 that does not share a type with it.
Can probably be priced at $6, given it's either a smithy, a lab, or an expand*.

Oyster Diver • $2 • Action
+1 Action
Reveal the top and bottom cards of your deck. If either is a treasure, play it. Discard the cards that were revealed but not played.
Nice and simple, this was my first alternate. Can do some fun synergy with Crown or Quarry.


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2019, 10:14:58 am »

Contest 51: Alt-Curse
This had a much more narrow design space than I expected going in.
All of my entries replace the curse pile (so 50 cards) because that's easier than differentiating between Curse the card and Curse the type.

Damned • $2 • Action - Curse
Choose one:
+1 Card, +1 Action; or Trash a card from your hand.
–1% for each Damned in your deck.
If you have at least 3% in # tokens when you gain this, you may return 3# to trash this immediately. Otherwise, gain a Copper to your hand.
Actually mocked this one up because there's a lot of dominion card img generator syntax here.
Does the quadratic cursing and also is a Mountebank variant. Too powerful, in my estimation.

Burial Ground • $2 • Action - Curse
Trash a card from your hand.
When you gain this, gain an Estate.

Setup: In games using this, replace the Curses with Burial Grounds (using the same number of Burial Grounds as you would Curses).

This was a very simple double-junking curse and was my entry for all of six minutes before I decided I wanted to get weird with it.


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2019, 07:51:17 pm »

Contest 52: Druid Needs Company
So I made probably the most annoyingly complex card I've ever made.

and then for shits and giggles made a second track for it.

It's essentially a branching traveller, but everyones traveller simultaneously. Some of the options are intentionally less good than others, so that if one person goes hard on Harlequins, other players can steer it away from being Too Good.

You'll probably need to click (and probably zoom/pan/open in new window?) to be able to read those. The starting space of the track is in the center - they're laid out to print on a 22"x22" board (which'd quadfold to fit in the dominion box). It'd ship with one Harlequin meeple to move around.

I uh didn't bother typing out the space options in bbcode because dear god plz no and does anyone even read this? lazy. There's some novel attack ideas in there that haven't really been done yet but otherwise should be pretty vanilla.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2019, 07:57:39 pm by spineflu »


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2019, 08:40:01 pm »

Contest 54: The Sweetest Sound
This was a really fun one to make cards for; I was very close to not entering Hoist.

Truss • $4 • Action
Choose one:
+1 Buy, +$1; or cards cost $1 less this turn.

You may play a Truss from your hand.
You got a couple Trusses and you've pretty much got a Bridge - For me, the most annoying part of Bridge / Highway is it's hard to stack Bridges and it's hard to branch (+Buys) with Highways. This lets you pick and choose as you go.

Colliery • $4 • Treasure - Reaction
Reveal the top two cards of your deck. You may play any Collieries revealed this way. Discard the other revealed cards.
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word "reveal"), you may gain a Colliery.
I feel like the Patron style reaction is very under-utilized. "set aside" reactions also seem to be a ripe area for development.
Also protip for naming cards: specialized jargon webpages. Apparently train people and mining people are both Very Into making glossaries for their respective hobbies/occupations.

Fabulist • $5 • Action
Name a card. Reveal the top two cards of your deck and put them into your hand.
If a card you named was revealed, trash it and gain a card costing up to $3 that does not share a type with it.
You may play a Fabulist from your hand.
Non-terminal remodeling! Without being bonkers strong! Novel! Note that "costing up to $3" is not "costing up to $3 more than it" - it's mostly a de-junker/silver gainer.

Split pile - Meridian/Azimuth
Meridian • $4 • Treasure
Name a Treasure you haven't named yet this turn. When you play this, it's worth $1 per Treasure with that name you have in play.
Azimuth • $5 • Treasure
Worth $1 per differently named Treasure you have in play.
For each Meridian you have in play, +1 Buy.
a Bank variant. Or, really, a pair of bank variants that care about each other. Also another way to get modular +Buys (see Truss, above). DQ'd from competition but I'm probably not going to do anything with it anyhow so here it is.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2019, 08:43:01 pm by spineflu »


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2019, 09:40:07 am »

Contest 55: For You and Your Kin
This was another fun one to design for.
Prepare • $4 • Action - Victory
+1 Action.
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You may discard any number of them. All players reveal cards from their deck until they reveal a Victory card. Put one of your revealed cards into your hand and discard the rest. Each other player may discard a card revealed this way then put the rest back in the same order.
This was withdrawn for being too fiddly - it's inspirations, Spy & Scrying Pool, are also way fiddly.

White Elephant • $4 • Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
Each player reveals a card from their hand, then passes it the player on their left. All players who received a Victory or Curse this way may gain a Treasure to their hand costing up to $5.
Maybe too mean for something that's supposed to benefit everyone? Or too boring with everyone passing copper. Could probably revise to "All players who received a card costing less than $3" for the bonus gaining.

Winter Break • $4 • Action - Duration
+2 Cards
Now and at the start of your next turn, each player chooses one: +1 Card; or discard a card from your hand for +1 Coffers.
Boring? Probably good, but kinda boring. Also maybe too good for everyone else.

Greeting Card • $4 • Action - Duration
Gain a Silver to your hand. At the start of your next turn, +$1 and each player (including you) gains a Silver.
Sort of a worse Amulet, for more money. Also silver flooding isn't that good.

Goose • $3 • Treasure
Each player (including you) may discard a card from their hand. Each player that does reveals cards from their deck until they reveal a Treasure, which they put in their hand (they discard the rest of the revealed cards).
A Venture for Everyone. Honk.

Krampus • $4 • Action - Attack
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may trash this. If you do, +2 Cards and gain a Coal to your hand and each other player gains a Coal to the top of their deck.
Coal • $2* • Treasure
Return this to the Coal pile.
(This card is not in the supply)
How do you make a junking attack not hurt so much? Make it junk with lesser spoils. Of note here:
• Krampus is a double lab and non-terminal attack (that only attacks if you proc it)
• Coal has remodel potential, not being a $0 card.

Haunt • $5 • Project
Gain a Christmas Ghost to your hand and place three Haunt tokens here.
-3% per Haunt token you have here

Christmas Ghost • $3* • Night - Duration
Remove one of your Haunt tokens. If you have:

2 Haunt tokens remaining: choose an Action or Treasure card from your discard pile and set it aside with this.

1 Haunt token remaining: reveal cards from your deck until you reveal an Action card and set it aside with this.

0 Haunt tokens remaining: choose an Action costing up to $5 from the supply and set it aside with this.

At the start of your next turn, play the set aside card twice. If you have no Haunt tokens remaining, return this to the Christmas Ghost pile and each player (including you) gets +2 Coffers.
(This is not in the supply)

This was withdrawn because woof, that wall of text that necessitated full art. I liked it though, thought it told the story decently through mechanics (although I liked somekindoftony's entry too, where you keep Christmas Present when you know Christmas Future.)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2019, 09:44:23 am by spineflu »


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2020, 11:31:24 am »

Contest 56: Tokens Abound
I had a hard time designing for this one, in part because the -1 Card token doesn't stack and isn't terribly painful (so multiple -1 Card attacks don't really hurt), and because I felt hemmed in by the vanilla/trash/estate tokens having to retain their original purpose, which, I get the rationale behind - no one wants to relearn a signifier - but the original things that use them felt very .... idk like, they used the basis vector of the concept? The most simplified, stripped down version (with the possible exception of Seaway), and that made any attempt at expanding their purpose seem finicky or just broken.

Rite • $6 • Event
+1 Buy. Flip over your Journey token (it starts face up). If it's face up, gain a card costing up to $5; otherwise, each other player takes their –1 Card token.
The two effects didn't seem very related but this was also an attempt at making more "attack" events like Raid.

Exclusive Contract • $6 • Project
Move your +1 Buy token to an Action supply pile. (When you play a card from that pile, you first get +1 Buy). When another player gains a card from the pile with your + Buy token, they gain an Estate and a Copper to the top of their deck.
Junking attack project. I used a project for this (and my real submission) since you can't edit the functionality of the tokens themselves, you need a pointer to the token to signify where more functionality could be toggled on/off. I chose the + Buy token for this since that and trashing are two standard things that have a good chance of being missed in a random setup.

Improvise • $5 • Project
Move your Trash token to an Action supply pile. When you play a card from that pile, you may trash a card from your hand.
Auto-disqualified since it changed how the trash token was used.


Order • $4 • Event
Move your –$2 cost token to a non-Victory pile. If cards from that pile cost $0, gain a Carpenter and take your –1 Card token.
Carpenter • $3* • Action
You may gain a card costing up to $4. You may trash a card from your hand. If you did both, you may take the Hammer or Nails, then return this to the Carpenter pile.
(This is not in the Supply)
Hammer • Artifact
When you buy a card from the pile with your –$2 cost token, +1 Action and you may return to your Action phase.
Nails • Artifact
During your turn, cards cost $1 less.

Withdrew this because it had stuff that was frequently complained about like "why do i take my –1 Card token" (the answer is it's an additional price for unlocking additional functionality) and "i don't know if the Villa/Hammer effect is a good call" (i really don't either - I'd be interested to see how broken it could get).
It's got issues but it's water under the fridge.

Exclusive Contract mkII • $2 • Project
Move your –$2 cost token to a non-Victory kingdom pile with no –$2 cost tokens on it. Cards with another player's –$2 cost token cost $1 more during your turn
literally thought of this right now and i'm upset i didn't think of it sooner because this is way better than what i entered. the placement restrictions allow it to be used on kingdom treasures/night cards without screwing up the base treasures for anyone.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 11:37:16 am by spineflu »


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2020, 09:45:24 am »

Contest 57: Fee For Service

Toolmaker • $4 • Action
+1 Action
You may play a Treasure card from your hand.
Draw until you have five cards in hand.
If you have two or more treasures in play, you may buy a card from the Tools pile.

So this was my first idea. ten copies of Toolmaker, one copy of each tool. Then I realized not only is the Toolmaker card kind of OP (it's priced at $4 to avoid people opening double toolmaker except when Baker/Cursed Gold/Borrow allows for it, but could probably be fine at $5), but also the Tool pile might be kind of an aggressive race (and a rich-get-richer situation, and wildly unbalanced because who has time to test twelve unique cards in a week?). Forgive me for not typing up the entirety of the Tool pile as plaintext, there's a lot of them.

Apiculturist • $1+ • Action
+1 Action
+1 Coffers
When you buy this, you may overpay. For each $2 you overpay (rounded down), each other player gains a Bees to the top of their deck.
Bees • $1 • Treasure
Return this to the Bees pile.
(This card is not in the supply)

I had previously experimented with the vanishing-copper-to-topdeck attack with Krampus during contest 55; while the idea of swarming other people with Bees was attractive, I couldn't see this sticking around after the novelty of using a $11 buy wore off.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 12:11:58 pm by spineflu »


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2020, 06:52:07 pm »

Contest 58: Double Double

Doppelganger • $4+ • Action - Attack - Doom
Play an Attack from your hand twice. For each token on your Doppelganger mat, choose one (the choices must be different): Each other player ...
... with four or more cards in hand discards a card.
... gains a Copper.
... takes their -$1 Token;
... receives the next Hex, and remove a token from your Doppelganger mat.
When you buy this, you may overpay. If you do, add a token to your Doppelganger mat.
Woof what a mess. scolapasta did the attack throne way better than I was trying to, and what a wall of text I ended up with. plus attacks don't usually stack well. and this adds a single-card token-mat? we haven't seen those since prosperity. nah. too much.

If I were to start over on this, it'd probably look something like:
Doppelganger redux • $5 • Action - Attack - Command
Play the top card of the Doppelganger pile, leaving it there.
Play it again, leaving it there, but choose one:
It doesn't affect you; or it doesn't affect other players.
Setup: Create a deck of 10 different Attack cards costing $4 or $5, which are shuffled and kept face-down. These are not in the Supply.
but even then, you run into a problem like with hexes where ppl gotta read and respond to 10 other new cards.

My other idea was a split pile - five Supply Routes on top of five Supplies:
Supply Route • $4 • Treasure
If you have 3 or more Buys, +$2. Otherwise, +1 Buy.
Supplies • $3 • Treasure
When you play this, double the number of Buys you have.

I thought this was maybe kind of boring and would end the game with someone emptying the copper pile on their 64th buy or something ridiculous. I do like the idea of an unlimited buy doubling though. Synergizes nicely with Goons.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2020, 07:49:23 pm by spineflu »


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2020, 10:06:06 pm »

Contest 59: Automaton
Conjure • $4 • Action
Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Set aside an Action revealed this way and play it at the start of your next turn. For each of the other revealed cards, either trash or discard them.
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word "reveal"), +1 Card.
Lookout variant / topdeck grooming. Does a little better than Lookout. Probably underpriced at $4, given its self-synergizing reaction.

Fiend • $6 • Night - Attack - Duration
Each other player that doesn't have Envious or Deluded takes Envious.

At the start of your next turn, reveal cards from your deck until you reveal an Action. Play it. Take Envious or Deluded (your choice), and each player who doesn't have Envious or Deluded takes Deluded.
Could probably slow the game down to "just buy money". Swingy. Not in love with it although it'd be nice to use Envious and Deluded more than with just the hexes.


Poltergeist • $4 • Action - Command
Reveal and discard cards from your deck until you reveal a Gold, Silver, or Copper. Play it, then play the Spectre card with the same cost, leaving it there.
Setup: next to the Gold, Silver, and Copper piles, place a random Spectre card with the same cost. These cards are not in the supply.

Copper Spectres:
(one card of each)

Book • $0* • Action - Spectre
+1 Card
(This is not in the Supply)

Teapot • $0* • Action - Spectre
(This is not in the Supply)

Clock • $0* • Action - Spectre
Discard your deck. You may put a card from your discard pile on top of your deck.
(This is not in the Supply)
Silver Spectres:
(one card of each)

Nest Egg • $3* • Action - Spectre
Choose one:
+1 Buy and +$1; or +1 Coffers
(This is not in the Supply)

Rosary • $3* • Action - Spectre
Trash up to two cards from your hand
(This is not in the Supply)

Crawlspace • $3* • Action - Spectre
When drawing a new hand during Clean up, +1 Card
(This is not in the Supply)
Gold Spectres:
(one card of each)

Shade • $6* • Action - Spectre
Play a non-Command Action or Treasure from the Supply costing up to $5, leaving it there.
(This is not in the Supply)

Watch • $6* • Action - Spectre
You may play a Treasure from your hand, then draw until you have five cards in hand.
(This is not in the Supply)

Repent • $6* • Action - Spectre
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $3 more than it that doesn't share a type with it.
(This is not in the Supply)
Too much reading. May make gold viable, but damn, too much reading.


Town Crier • $4 • Action - Command
+1 Action
Roll a d10. Play the card whose number you rolled, leaving it there.
Setup: Randomly assign each Action or Treasure kingdom pile other than Town Crier a number from 1 to 10. Put any remaining numbers with the Silver pile.
I don't think this is necessarily non-viable but it's also kinda not great. The +1 Action was added so even if you dud on your roll, you can play a different action. Has the command type so you can't get an infinite loop going on your BoM. Will there ever be a place for dice in dominion? Not here, at least.
Also gonna be real swingy with one player rolling an "Expand" on turn 3 but the next rolling "Shanty Town".

Mothman • $5 • Action - Attack
Each other player reveals the top 2 cards of their deck. If no Actions are revealed this way, gain a Gold. Otherwise, play a non-Mothman Action revealed this way. All other players discard the Actions and Treasures revealed this way and put the rest back in any order.
Probably too good. Wasn't feeling super enthused about this. Don't remember why I named it "Mothman" but I did - maybe because it oracles an attack? idk.

Public House • $3 • Action
Discard the top card of your deck until you find one costing $2 or less; put it in your hand. You may trash a card costing $2 or less from your hand for +1 Coffer. You may play an Action costing $2 or less. This turn, cards cost $1 less.
I came up with this after reading Will-o-wisp's secret history. I don't feel too strongly about it. Definitely too good at $3, re-reading it, but i think i did that so you could chain them if you had an intermediary card like Village or Guide or something (after the first one, these qualify as costing $2 or less).


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2020, 01:56:44 pm »

Contest 64: Once per turn

This semester has really been getting in the way of my daydreaming about dominion.
I had a couple outtakes this week.
Repent • $3 • Night
Trash a card from your hand. If this is the first Repent you've played this turn, trash a card with the same name from the Supply to gain a card costing $2 more than it. Otherwise, +1%
This is gained to your hand (instead of your discard pile).

Probably fine (and priceable at $2) without the +VP; Sort of a lurker-remodel combo.

Blame • $4 • Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
Place a token on the Curse pile.
If the player to your left does not play a Blame during their next turn, at the start of Clean up, they gain a Curse to the top of their deck for each token on the Curse pile, then remove all tokens from the Curse pile.

the once per turn clause for this actually happens on the next player's turn, so I auto-DQ'd this. Not an Attack because it's not clear how it'd work with moat.


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2020, 02:39:50 pm »

contest 93: return to sender

didn't quite fit the contest but kind of an interesting tfair variant. probably extremely broken in games with Capital.


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2020, 12:05:23 pm »

contest 94: pure victory

felt like this was maybe too "out there" to win in a segura contest (not a knock against segura, just, their designs have traditionally been more conservative/aiming for simplicity/geared for old and new players, where the new players don't necessarily understand "phases"). A bad fit for the judge.


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Re: WDC Outtakes and B-Sides
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2020, 12:12:26 pm »

I was going to make my entry give the opponent +1 when you gained it, and nothing on trashing it, but then I decided that it would then be better for them, because you clog your deck with cards, and they get an equal number of VP for it.
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