Buying lackeys purely for villagers? Sure. Hop, for instance, is not a bad megaturn deck that may need a few villagers to play enough different cards to hit 8 or 11 (e.g. play 3 treasures, cantrip draw like Lab, and then three actions that need villagers to pop, then say 5 Hops). Another option is to have a credible threat of some clutch two card combo, e.g. Margrave/Masq/cantrip draw; spend spare $2s on more villagers, pass over Lackeys, and even if you cannot this turn, your opponent runs the real risk of being forced to sacrifice a clutch card or risking poor odds at drawing deck. Another option is if you need to play a particular terminal first. The obvious case is Tormentor, but you also have cases where it can be very powerful to play a terminal first (e.g. Citadel/big draw, Tfb then draw & play).
More commonly if you are using it for villaging you either want a good TfB to turn it into something else or some way to trash & regain it (e.g. Lurker/trashing can make it into a poor man's Acting troupe).
Much more commonly you want to use it to ensure against costly collisions (e.g. Soldier/trasher, Lib/trashing) and periodically update the insurance policy. If collision avoidance is that clutch you normally want to buy just enough to start each turn with 1-2 villagers. Yeah it costs some space to make sure you always, say, can play a Scholar live, but the cost is not too harsh. Getting a Barracks effect for the rest of the game is often worth buying a few curses; buying (and maybe trashing) 3 Lackeys is the same cash count as Barracks, but in a much cheaper form (most boards) and may be easy with draw on some boards.
Sometimes, yeah you want a gimped Moat and, like Moat, it is fine if you eventually have a source of cheap action (e.g. Kc or Rc). But Lackey's real utility shines through around T5 or so (when collisions are most dangerous before your deck is reliable) and around 3 turns normalish engine turns before the game ends (when decks are green enough to be unreliable, but not so green that the engine is dead).