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Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« on: November 19, 2018, 03:15:01 am »

Welcome to the Hall of Fame for the Weekly Design Contest. Each contest's winners and runners up will be shown, along with the challenge. There may be occasional delays in updates due to my school, but I promise I'll get around to it eventually. Edit: Many thanks to Spineflu for taking over and keeping this up to date

Challenge #1: Design a Treasure - Reaction
Winner: Ransom by LostPhoenix. Runner Up: Molten Gold by Chappy7.

Challenge #2: Simple and Elegant Design a card with 12 words or less on it (name, numbers, types, etc. do not count).
Winner: Backstreet by faust. Runner Up: Secluded Village by Doom_Shark.

Challenge #3: Design a Reserve card with a call trigger that is distinct from any other
Winner: Wine Cellar by ConMan. Runners Up: City Founders by Erick648 and Bailey by fragasnap

Challenge #4: Design a card with a variable cost.
Winner: Rare Earth by Tejayes. Runners Up: Sunken Village by Kudasai, Outskirts by Asper, and Royal Retreat by Aquila.

Challenge #5: This is a two-fold challenge. First, create a new use for the standard coin tokens used for Coffers and Villagers. Give it a name, describe when you can spend these tokens, and describe what happens when each token is spent. Second, create at least one card (up to three) that allows for gaining these tokens. (The format for presenting this and the next challenge will be slightly different from the rest due to the nature of the challenge)
Winner: VioletCLM's Mutineers
Mutineers may be spent during your Action phase at any time when you might spend an action instead, i.e. when no cards are currently resolving. Spending a Mutineer discards a card from your hand. At the end of the game, each unspent Mutineer is worth -1VP.

Runner Up: Kudusai's Stores.
When you gain a card, you can spend a stores to put it onto your stores mat.

Challenge #6: Design a card-shaped object in some way inspired by the rules of a board or card game other than Dominion.
Winner: Asper's Power Grid inspired cards

Runner Up: Kudusai's Takenoko inspired cards

Challenge #7: Make an Action-Attack card
Winner: Cursed Tome by GazBag. Runners Up: Regicide by hypercube and Sorcerer by Fly-Eagles-Fly.

Challenge #8: Design new non-supply card and a card (or cards) that showcases that non-supply card. It's strictly one non-supply card, so no Travellers and no Heirloom/Shelters type things.
Winner: Architect/Redevelop by Aquila. Runners Up: Consorts/Royal Favor by NoMoreFun and Sail Boat/Passenger by Chappy7

Challenge #9: Design a split pile with a cheaper Treasure and a more expensive Action.
Winner: Cobalt/Kobold by hypercube. Runner Up: Pheasant/Chef by Fragasnap.

Challenge #10: Design a Victory card. Bonus points if it would fit in Renaissance.
Winner: Tulip Field by NoMoreFun Runner-up: Parliament by Gubump

Challenge #11: Each player (including you)
Winner: Mason's Guild by faust. Runners Up: Potlatch by hypercube and Philosopher by scott_pilgrim.

Challenge #12: Create a card that utilizes an existing State or Artifact
Winner: Scrooge by Asper. Runner Up: Voyager by scott_pilgrim.

Challenge #13: Design a card that uses set-exclusive mechanics from two expansions.
Winner: Bacchanal by Dsell. Runner Up: Homestead by Commodore Chuckles.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2021, 02:04:25 pm by Doom_Shark »
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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2018, 07:53:04 am »

Cool! One thing though: Asper won challenge #6, and Kudasai was runner up.


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2018, 11:28:25 am »

Didn't notice until now that some of our treasure reactions had the blue and gold colors inversed.  Haha kinda looks funny when they're right next to each other like that.


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2018, 01:50:42 pm »

Cool! One thing though: Asper won challenge #6, and Kudasai was runner up.

Oops, mah bad, fixing now
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Weekly Design Hall of Fame (Pt 2)
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2019, 10:53:01 pm »

Hall of Fame part 2

Challenge#14: Design an interactive attack card that has a meaningful chance of helping the opponent rather than hurting them.
Winner: Jailer by Aquila. Runners Up: Rising Tide by spiralstaircase, Night-Shift Counting House by LibraryAdventurer, Hunter by faust, Criminal's Vault by Chappy7, and Dark Acolyte by Gubump

Challenge 15: Involve Duchies.
Winner: Bailiff by King Leon. Runner-up: Mirage by hypercube.

Challenge # 15: Design a new Basic card, which can be added to the game independently of any expansions. This may be a new Supply pile, a card for the player’s starting deck or even a totally new mechanic.
Winner: Aquila's Tasks
A pile of landscape cards; they all cost $2, but don't use up a buy. When you buy one, you put it in front of you; it has an Objective for you to meet, and as soon as you do, you get a Reward and put the card back in the pile. No need to shuffle the pile, players can freely look through it and pick one. Only one Task allowed at once. [...] probably 2 of each in the pile?

Runner Up: mail-mi's Tarnished cards
The Tarnished Cards replace the Curse cards in a game using a card with the subtype "Tarnisher" (or any time you want to replace the curses). There are 5 different Tarnished cards, and there are 10 of each. They are set up exactly like the Ruins pile.

Challenge #17: Design a split pile with two different cards in it, a pure Action and a pure Night card.
Winner: Night Circus/Performers by Gazbag. Runner-up: Dynamite/Dwarf by Shard of Honor.

Challenge #18: Design a card for a hypothetical big 2nd edition update of any non-Base/Intrigue expansion.
Winner: Farmer by Gubump. Runners Up: Thimblerig by Asper and Distillery by Commodore Chuckles

Challenge # 19: Design a Throne Room variant.
Winner: Signet Ring by Commodore Chuckles. Runner Up: Aldermen by ConMan.

Challenge #20: Make a card with at least 2 types that have not appeared together on an official card.
Winner: Fairies by Segura. Runner Up: Anchor by NoMoreFun.

Challenge #21: Design a card with the Gathering type or something similar.
Winner: Progress by Aquila. Runner-up: Gem Mining by King Leon

Challenge #22: Design a new set of 3 shelters.
Winner: Commons/Dowry/Workhouse by Fragasnap. Runner-up: Chieftain Hut/Copper Vein/Sweeper's House by Commodore Chuckles.

Challenge #23: Design a card that causes players to gain curses.
Winner: Demon Worshiper by faust. Runners-Up: Scarecrow by Aquila and Cozener by Tejayes
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 02:20:38 am by Doom_Shark »
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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2019, 01:12:31 am »

Reserved in case a part 3 is needed
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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2019, 12:28:51 am »

Hall of Fame part 3

Challenge #24: Create an Event or Project with a special cost.
Winner: Education by Tejayes. Runner up: Patent by King Leon

Challenge #25: Design a card-shaped object that concerns Silvers.
Winner: Silver Worker by Chappy7. Runner up: Trade Agreement by faust

Challenge #26: Design a card that has a one-shot on-play ability.
Winner: Jubilee by Tejayes. Runner up: Offering by Gazbag

Challenge #27: Create a Kingdom card that costs exactly $1.
Winner: Actor by belugawhale. Runner up: Scraps of Cloth by wittyhowlard

Challenge #28: Design a new card type.
Winner: Traitor type by Commodore Chuckles. Runner up: Work type by Fragasnap
Traitor cards are cards that your opponents can play from your hand during their turn. They would ideally have different backs similar to Stash. When an opponent plays one of your Traitors, the Traitor is set on the table and then put back in your hand during their Cleanup phase. You play the Traitors in your Action phase, and you may play any number of Traitors from any number of opponents' hands in a single phase. You may look at a Traitor from your opponents' hand and then choose not to play it.

Work Type
Work cards remain in play each Clean-Up until they have been worked sufficiently as indicated by the Work card. During Clean-Up, a card with "-3 Work-" on it is only discarded if it has been worked 3 times.
During your Action phase whenever you could play an Action, if you have any Work cards in play that have not met their Work count, you may "Work" that card by spending a +action and placing a Work token onto the card. You may work any number of work cards as much as you want in a turn (so long as you have +actions to spend and the card can take more work). Work tokens remain on the card until is discarded during a Clean-Up phase.

Challenge #29: Create a Traveler line.
Winner: Cottage by
4est. Runner up: Morsel by FlyerBeast

Challenge #30: Design a Debt card (or card-shaped thing).
Winner: Blueprints by King Leon. Runner up: Draw Bridge by Kudasai


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2019, 12:30:52 am »

I literally just finished getting the whole thing up to date (was just creating a mock up for Gift drive there didn't seem to be one) when the page reloaded or something and half of it disappeared.


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2019, 09:09:33 am »

idk about contests 31-36 but for contest 37 onwards you can prolly make good use of the trello that @King Leon + I have been keeping up to date.


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2019, 03:48:28 pm »


Design a Duration card that creates some sort of vulnerability to you while it is in play. I'll leave the term "vulnerability" mostly up to your interpretation, but you can think of it along the lines of the following:

(1) Something that alters the game in a way that might not help you or may help your opponents
(2) Something that effects you negatively
(3) Something that effects your opponents positively

Winner: Motherly Witch (auth: MeNowDealWithIt)

Runner up: Novice (auth: segura)

Challenge #32: Make me skip chapel!

Basically, in a kingdom with the card (-shaped object) you design for this contest, and chapel, make it frequently a viable strategy never to buy a chapel.

Winner: split pile — Pendulum / Dowser (auth: King Leon)

Runner Up: Apse Chapel (auth: scolapasta)

and a reminder what Worshippers are for:

At the start of your Clean-up phase, you may remove tokens from this to trash a card from your hand or one you have in play for each token removed.

Challenge #33: Just react!
Create a pure Reaction card.

Winner: Economist (auth: Chappy7)

Runner Up: Design (auth: Fragasnap)

Create a card that is at least one of Action, Treasure, Reaction, or Night with no fixed or conditional Vanilla++ effects.
  • Vanilla++ effects are: +Cards, +Actions, +Buys, +$, +Potion, +VP, +Coffers, and +Villagers.
  • "Drawing cards" per a condition and putting cards into your hand can be likened to +Cards, but is fine (like Watchtower and Envoy).
  • Playing other cards is often likened to +Actions, but is fine (like Throne Room)
  • Treasures that produce $ count as Vanilla++ effects and will be disqualified (Counterfeit produces $1 and would be disqualified, Horn of Plenty produces $0 and would not be)
  • Being a Victory card is fine, but it still must have an Action\Treasure\Reaction\Night effect (like Island and Tunnel).
  • On-gain\on-buy effects that confer Vanilla++ effects still disqualify the card.
  • If you are making a card that is modified by other random cards (like Young Witch, Black Market, or Band of Misfits), it is fine that the other random cards might have Vanilla++ effects.
  • Fate cards that use random Boons are fine.
  • Use of Artifacts is fine, but they still must confer no Vanilla++ effects.
  • If you are making a Split pile or Traveller, every card involved must have no Vanilla++ effects.
  • A card with "Choose X" options still must have no Vanilla++ effects (Steward, Count, and Charm would be disqualified)
  • A Vanilla++ effect that scales on a condition may be used (like Philosopher's Stone, or Harvest)

Winner: Consul (auth: anordinaryman)

Runner Up: Crime Lord (auth: naitchman)

CHALLENGE #35 - A Thematic Curser

I'd like to call attention to a particular line in the wiki article on curser wiki article (
It can be argued that the main curser from each early expansion closely represents the expansion's theme
(bold emphasis is mine). One of my favorite parts of the early expansions (up to Hinterlands) was how the curser really tied the themes and motifs of that expansion together. Mountebank is a great example since it follows both of Prosperity’s themes: Treasures, and Big-ness (7-cost cards, Colonies, in Mountebanks's cases a big curser that gives out 2 pieces of junk). I also how players can be protected against it to limit its power. Familiar also fits both themes: action-chains and Potions (which is a brilliant mechanic to prevent easily over-loading on it. Again, this limits its power). Both of these cursers really belong in the expansion they are in, and they both bring the entire expansion together.

For this challenge, I am hoping you to pick an expansion, and design a curser for it that *really* fits that expansion. Ideally, if the expansion has multiple themes/motifs, your curser should involve at least 2 of those themes. You may pick ANY existing expansion, even early ones. You may even pick the “expansion” of promotional cards. I think in promotional cards there are some subtle motifs. For example, swinginess and oddness that doesn’t normally fit in Dominion (black market, stash) and also self-synergy (Sauna/Avanta and Governor both have self-synergy). You are welcome to pick some of the more minor themes of an expansion, for example, Intrigue also has a minor self-synergy motif (Nobles uses both choices to build a +cards/+action draw engine on its own, and Minion uses both choices to have a full-engine of $ and draw and minor attack.)

Winner: Parade (auth: segura)

Runner up: Landlord (auth: NoMoreFun)

The new contest is about doing a non-conventional junker, i.e. it should not distribute Curses or Ruins unconditionally. You could do a Copper junker or come up with a new type of junk. Landscape cards are also OK.

Winner: Gremlin (auth: faust)

Runner up: Lancer (auth: Kudasai)

Design a card or card-shaped object that comes with an existing Heirloom.

So the card should include the Heirloom in the normal way, replacing a starting Copper. Of course there should be some mechanical reason for having it come with the Heirloom.

Winner: Kelpie (auth: mail-mi)

Runners-up: City Farm (auth: Gazbag)

Modeller (auth: Aquila)

Drawbridge (auth: NoMoreFun)

Create a Village.

The only rule is that the card must itself provide some source of extra actions. So Throne Room variants and Lost Arts wouldn't count, but Barracks would. Also cards that give Villagers wouldn’t count unless the card also gave some source of extra actions. I will comment on submissions that don't count (I'm bad at remembering to +1 things).

Winner: Neighboring Village (auth: Aquila)

Runners-up: Midwife (auth: RTT)

Hillside City (auth: Freddy10)

Contest #39: a Duration card.
A very open book. But READ THIS: you know why this contest is here, we're seeing 2 new promo Durations come to the game. I will favour designs that could convincingly be promos. Cover new mechanical territory if you can, and don't be afraid of complexity as this isn't going to be a judging factor. The less like similar to any official card, the better. Use other (card shaped) components in your design if you like.
Think of things that will actually add to the game, and avoid the design mistakes of things like Stash.

Winner: Wonder (auth: Kudasai)

Runner Up: Gift (auth: majiponi)


This weeks challenge comes in two parts, which will be judged roughly 50/50, but on different judging criteria:

(1) Design a card shaped thing that gains Prizes. Criteria: Balance
Prizes are some of the best cards in Dominion, so designing a card that gains them has to be carefully thought out and balanced. Timing considerations and opportunity cost are important here.

(2) Design a card that is a Prize. Criteria: Creativity
If coming up with a Prize gainer is stressing you out, this should be your chance to unwind, pull out all the stops, try some crazy ideas and most importantly have fun. Prizes offer a lot of design flexibility as they don't take up room in the Kingdom, can't be abused in multiples, and don't really matter if they are not always useful. With that in mind, I will judge cards better that would have some of these issues if they were in the Supply (i.e. cards that only really would work as a Prize). I would like to see Prizes that fill any niches the other official Prizes don't touch on. If this is proving too difficult, overlap is perfectly fine as long as the Prize has a different play style. As with Aquila, I'm very partial to existing mechanics being used or meshed together in ways that are new and interesting.

Winner: Burial Ground + Craftsman (auth: anordinaryman)

Runner up: Horse Show + Archivist (auth: Fragasnap)

We're going to take aim at one of the more common complaints of Dominion:

Design a card or card-shaped thing that has non-attack player interaction baked into the mechanics of the card/card-shaped thing. I'd prefer original ideas of player interaction, so simply making a new artifact isn't likely to win this contest, but who knows, maybe if the interaction is interesting enough, it could win!

Winner: Discover (auth: pubby)

Runner up: Bartender (auth: Fly-Eagles-Fly)


A monogainer is a card-shaped thing that gains cards from exactly one named pile. Examples of monogainers are: Bureaucrat (gains Silver), Baron (gains Estate), Rats (gains Rats), Dominate (gains Province), Pillage (gains Spoils), and Tormentor (gains Imp). Cards that are not monogainers include: Workshop, Tournament, Black Market, Beggar, Count, and Rebuild, for these cards can gain multiple cards with different names.

The goal of this challenge is to design a monogainer. If needed, you may also design the card your monogainer gains.

The gained card must be of a single name and fixed per-game, but I will allow cards where the gained pile is randomly chosen at setup (a la Young WItch banes).

Winner: Curio Shop (auth: 4est)

Runners up:
Vendor (auth: alion8me)

Scientist (auth: LibraryAdventurer)

Volume + Encyclopedia (auth: Aquila)

aaaaand we're caught up.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2019, 03:28:15 pm by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2019, 03:11:57 pm »

I think my Hillside Village was also a runner up for the village contest  :-\
Who trashes the trashers?


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2019, 03:25:32 pm »

I think my Hillside Village was also a runner up for the village contest  :-\
You are correct, my bad; lemme add that in there. Looks like I missed some on Contest 37 (existing heirloom) too.


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2019, 10:34:19 pm »

Just want to thank you guys for keeping this up to date, I haven't been on the forums in a good while
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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2019, 02:50:54 pm »

Challenge #43: Design a card (or card-shaped thing) that involves revealing your hand

Acceptable submissions may require you to reveal your hand (such as Shanty Town, Menagerie, City Quarter, or Grand Castle) or your opponents reveal their hand (such as Pillage).  I will also accept cards with "or reveals they can't" or similar clauses so long as they require revealing ones entire hand (such as Bureaucrat, Cutpurse, or Rats).  Cards that require revealing only one card from your hand (such as Gladiator, Encampment, or Young Witch) will not be accepted.

Winner: "King's Counsel" by naitchman

Runner-Up: "Vandal" by mandioca15
All of my fan card mockups are credited to Shard of Honor and his Dominion Card Image Generator (the new fork).
If you're having font issues with the generator, click this link and click on the button to request temporary access to the demo server that loads the font.


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2019, 09:18:41 am »

Contest #44: Extra! Extra!
There are only 4 cards that give extra turns so far (Possession, Outpost, Mission, and Fleet). Design another card that gives an extra turn. Remember to word it so you can't get infinite turns. In addition, remember that extra turns can be very powerful. Think about how you will limit the turn (just like the official cards do) to balance this.

Winner: Voyage (auth: Commodore Chuckles)

Runner up: Borrowed Land (auth: 4est)

Contest 45: Unruin the Library
Make a card that gives a vanilla terminal +1 Card

Whenever anyone tries to buff a fan card by adding +1 Card, it's always pointed out what an awkward bonus this is. The prospect of drawing a single dead Action card is awful, and even if you have spare Actions, you don't actually increase your handsize, so it never feels good.

Your challenge is to make this fun! Basically, the first line of your card should be a vanilla "+1 Card" and there should not be any vanilla +Actions or +Villagers below it. Other vanilla bonuses, such as +$, are fine. *Conditional* +Cards, +Actions or +Villagers are allowed. Also, it should be played *only* in the Action Phase.

Winner: Copier (auth. NoMoreFun)

Runner up: Rabbits (auth. anordinaryman)

Thank you Commodore Chuckles

Challenge #46: But it wasn't even your turn!

Design a card (shaped thing) that can do one of the following things on another players turn:
  • Increase your VP (either with VP chips, an alt-VP formula, or other means) and/or decrease the VP of other players
  • Give you a say in when the game ends (eg it can gain a card, prevent gains, return a card to the supply, etc.)

The idea behind this challenge is cards that change the endgame so that players need to think about more than their own deck's capacity to gain a VP lead and end the game, because other players have cards that will change the VP balance, or it might not be up to them whether the game is going to end on a given turn. Cards which add a level of complexity to the endgame, while still being fun and fair, will have the best chance of winning.

Winner: Mirage Island (auth. Aquila)

Runner up: Stowaway (auth. anordinaryman)

Contest #47: an Event that uses an Artifact.

This feels like a wide space of opportunity to me. You have lots of ways to go, so find something that really shines. If you want to use one of the official Artifacts...I will judge it based on games with the official card it's attached to also included, which I can't say will go too well as the functionality of that original card is interfered with. Basically, go for something new.

Winner: "Decompose" + "Compost" by hhelibebcnofnena

Runners up:
"Fire Year Plan" + "Communism" by majiponi

"Revolution" + "Guillotine" by grep

Donald added a new type, Command, to Band of Misfits, Overlord, and Captain to avoid infinite loops. Let's enjoy this new card type. You can create either a card or a card-shaped thing. Your card should have "Command" in its text or its type, with a good reason to have that word.

Winner: "Charity" by Commodore Chuckles

Runner up: "Assembly" by Gazbag
« Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 01:04:58 pm by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2019, 09:33:49 am »

Contest #49: Make a Card with a Custom Heirloom
Design both a card and a new Heirloom that comes with it. Can't think of any restrictions at the moment except that the Heirloom has to have the Treasure type.

Winner: Elder + Locket (auth: Something_Smart)

Runner up: Foundation + Safe (auth: Aquila)

Contest #50: Design a card (or card-shaped thing) that causes you to reveal one or more cards from the top of your deck.

Winner: Sawmill (auth: [TP] Inferno)

Runner up: Three-Cards Monte (auth: Abel_K)

Contest #51: Design a custom Curse card. *gasp*!
All submissions must have the Curse type and be worth negative VP. Cards that award -VP tokens or something similar aren't justified in having the Curse type (like Monument isn't a Victory card)
Submissions shouldn't be just an undercosted card with a VP penalty, see rinkworks' article on that. Try and come up with an interesting way to make it work.
Challenge judged by NoMoreFun

Winner: Slave (auth: grrgrrgrr)

Runner up: Fanatic (auth: Kudasai)

Contest #52: Druid needs some Company
Design a card whose effect differs per game. From the already-existing cards, Druid, Black Market, Young Witch, and Obelisk would be eligible.

Winner: Cozener (auth: pst)

Runner up: Tall Tale Teller (auth: Kudasai)

Contest #53: Three is Company
Make a card(-shaped object) that would be suitable for an expansion meant specifically for 3- and 4-player games!

Winner: Redistribute (auth: anordinaryman)

Hon. Mentions:

Emissary (auth: Gubump)

Tithe (auth: Something_Smart)

Swap + Pendants (auth: spineflu)

« Last Edit: December 06, 2019, 02:39:14 pm by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2019, 08:51:59 pm »

Contest #54: The Sweetest Sound
Your challenge is to create a card or card-shaped thing that refers to copies of itself by name. Examples of cards that do this are Rats, Treasure Map, Magpie, Cultist, Port.

Winner: Loner (auth: NoMoreFun)

Runner Up: Hoist (auth: spineflu)

Contest #55: For You and Your Kin
Firstly, I'm interested in a Christmas/Holiday theme for the cards. Presents, nativity, Santa, winter wonderland, Hanukkah etc. This theme idea actually came first to me and the mechanic later, so I'm bringing it up first.

The mechanic: The card (shaped thing) should do something positive for your other players at some point, and that effect shouldn't be buried in a negative effect (eg Margrave wouldn't count). A non-attack interaction, but in a direct way (like Council Room or Embassy) rather than in an indirect way (like City).

Winner: Gift Exchange (auth: Snowyowl)

Runner Up: Grinch (auth: grrgrrgrr)

Contest #56: What's Your Next Adventure
Design a card/card-shaped object that uses one of the tokens that were introduced in the Adventures expansion.
You can use multiple tokens but must stick to the original functionality of the token

Winner: Tramway (auth: NoMoreFun)

Runner Up: Shipwright (auth: Gazbag)

Contest #57: Fee For Service
The card (shaped thing) must involve paying or overpaying some kind of currency (eg $, Actions, Buys, VP Tokens, Coffers, Villagers, some other arbitrary token that can be earned). The overpay mechanic from Guilds is allowed, and the official cards Storyteller, Butcher and Black Market would count. Discard for benefit (eg Artificer) doesn't count.

Winner: Porcelain Shop (auth: Snowyowl)

Runner Up: Metalsmith (auth: Gazbag)

Contest 58: Double, Double

Create a card-shaped thing that in some way doubles or duplicates something.

Examples of official cards include Throne Room (doubles an action you play), Coppersmith (doubles the value of your coppers),  Experiment, Magpie (get more copies of themselves), and Duplicate (is called Duplicate).

Winner: Flooded Fields (auth: grep)

Runner Up: Mausoleum (auth: Gubump)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2020, 06:36:58 pm by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2020, 09:48:14 pm »

Challenge #59: Automaton
Design a card (or card-shaped object) that may cause playing а card that the player cannot predict or prevent.

Winner: Heir (auth: spineflu)

Runner Up: Sigil (auth: Aquila)

Contest #60: Design a card named "Judge"

Winner: Judge (auth: naitchman)

Runners up:
Judge (auth: 4est)

Judge + Gavel, Law Book, Guilty (auth: Aquila)

Chllange 61: Create a new simple mechanic

So I've always found it fun when new mechanics are introduced into Dominion, however, I hate having to deal with the setup (looking at you adventures). My favorite are the mechanics that are self contained within the card itself.

For this challenge create a new simple mechanic that can be used on different cards. Also provide some cards that can use this mechanic (at least 3 but no more than 10). I will be judging more on the mechanic than on the cards themselves (unbalanced, not priced right, etc.); they are more a way to showcase what the mechanic could add to the game.

By simple mechanic I mean the mechanic must have no extra setup (beyond the pile itself) - No tokens, Mats, extra piles/cards that have to be pulled from the box (even if they are exclusive to that pile like Hermit, Urchin, Young Witch, travelers, or Artifacts etc.), or cards to replace starting deck (Heirlooms/Shelters). Having a specific order (like split piles) or random order (knights, castles) is okay. Also sideways cards are okay (even though you technically have to pull out one more kingdom pile when you draw it). New types of cards are allowed as long as they don't have extra setup.

Winner: Card Costs (auth: Aquila)

The card cost, spending the cards you have in your hand to buy things. Hopefully it's self-explanatory so as to pass the simple test! Just in case it isn't...

The card symbol signifies that you need to have certain cards in your hand to afford the bought thing, and the instructions will signify what exactly. You'd only ever have 1 card symbol in the cost, even if you make several hand setups possible. It joins debt and Potion as a different type of cost.

Runner up: Workers (auth: D782802859)
Workers are piles of cards with 5 cards in them each, and are another type of card-shaped thing, along with events, projects, and landmarks, and are randomized with them.

When you buy a copy of a Worker, it goes in front of you. At any point during your action phase, you can tap, or turn sideways, a worker to receive the effect on the card.

You can only tap a worker once per turn, even if it is untapped. During the Cleanup phase, you return all tapped Workers to their pile.

Runner Up: Single Cards (auth: NoMoreFun)
There's only one copy of these cards, and they don't count towards the toal count of piles (like Events etc.), but are otherwise bought and gained like normal cards in the supply.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2020, 12:56:31 pm by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2020, 02:18:56 pm »

I usually do a new post every 5 contests but that last one was pretty long.

Contest #62: a card that has +1 Buy and uses it well

They're relatively scarce in the official game, so there's plenty that can be done, plenty of effects that need a +buy to work. Make this +Buy the core focus of your design; something like Margrave isn't going to win, but Goons could. Forum would count, and it might do well too. Any card-shaped thing will qualify.

Winner: Savings (auth: X-tra)

Runner up: Royal Docks (auth: NoMoreFun)

Create a card-shaped thing with a cost.

Winner: Army (auth: Kudasai)

Runners up:
Creditors (auth: somekindoftony)

Battleship (auth: majiponi)

This weeks contest: Design a card that has a once per turn effect. No Projects, Landmarks, Events or Artifacts please. The effect can encompass the whole card text or just be a part of it. Split piles and Travelers (if you for some reason hate me) are both fine. The card does not specifically have to say "once per turn", but should limit it's use in one way or another.

Winner: Craftsman (auth: grep)

Runner up: Sycophant (auth: somekindoftony)



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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2020, 05:29:22 pm »

Sorry i haven't been keeping this updated, IRL keeps getting in the way; the trello (if anyone other than me + King Leon use it) is updated as well.

Contest 65 - Get Money Fast
Design a card(-shaped object) that gives a chance to gain a Province not later than at turn 3 (but still does not break the balance)

Winner: Way of the Cow (auth: grrgrrgrr)

Runners Up: Stocks (auth: Aquila)

Debt Bondage (auth: segura)

Contest #66 Design a split pile that uses an official card

That's right, this week's challenge is to design a card that shares its pile with a specified official card.

Winner: Advisor / Confidant (auth: spineflu)

Runner Up: Pearl Diver / Pearl (auth: segura)

Contest #67 - Design a card/card-shaped-thing that uses the Exchange mechanic

Winner: Small Slime, Big Slime, Titanic Slime (auth: pubby)

Runners Up:
Way of the Demon (auth: grrgrrgrr)

Job Fair (auth: grep)

Township (auth: Fragasnap)

Guest Room, Pension (auth: Rhodos)

Entrepreneur (auth: Aquila)

Contest #68

Create a card, event, or project costing $2.

Winner: Lady (auth: Fragasnap)

Runners Up: Stud (auth: NoMoreFun)

Smithing Tools (auth: X-tra)

Sanctum (auth: Gazbag)

Contest 69: Pseudo-terminal Create a pseudo-terminal Action card.  A pseudo-terminal card is a card that can be terminal or non-terminal depending on circumstances. 

Winner: Friar + Tunic (auth: Rhodos)

Runner Up: Hearth (auth: segura)

Contest 70 Variable Cost
Create a card (available in the supply) or an Event, that has variable cost. This could be
1) a cost that depends on the current state of the game (like Peddler, Wayfarer, Fisherman, Destrier), or
2) an alternative way to pay for it (like Animal Fair)

Winner: Archipelago (auth: grep)

Runners Up:
Renovate (auth: [TP] Inferno)

Treasure Cove (auth: segura)

Grand Laboratory (auth: X-tra)

« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 09:58:04 am by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2020, 02:44:29 pm »

Contest #71. Equestrian Revolution
Create a card (-shaped object) making use of the Horses pile

Winner: Stallions pile (auth: X-tra)

Runners Up:
Forest Hag (auth: D782802859)

Horse Meadow (auth: Rhodos)

Utilize the Exile mechanic.

Winner: Valley Town (auth: Something_Smart)

Runners Up: Xanadu (auth: artless)

Oki (auth: majiponi)

CHALLENGE #73: Mancap Redux
Design two card-shaped objects that have very interesting interactions-- either a powerful synergy, or one providing a very strong counter to the other. For examples of this, well, go look at the wiki under Combos and Counters. It doesn't have to be as flashy as those though, I would accept something as simple as Ironworks/Mill.

Winner: Cat, Mouse (auth: somekindoftony)

Runner Up: Schoolteacher, Dullahan (auth: D782802859)

Contest 74: A lovely pair of coconuts.

Not everyone trades in coins. On Tropical Islands, or in Savage Lands or in times of hyperinflation and hunger when bread is more valuable than rubies, who knows what might be the measure of wealth instead; anything from exotic birds eggs to hot skewered rats. Your challenge is to come up with a Treasure which isn't standard currency but is instead a barterable good of some kind.

Winner: Cowrie (auth: D782802859)

Runners Up:
Wool (auth: stechafle)

Trash Heap, Scrap Metal (auth: [TP] Inferno)

Challenge # 75: Spice of Life
Design a card that uses one of the Menagerie exclusive mechanic, those being Ways, Exile, and Horses, as well as another set exclusive mechanic, those being ones that have only appeared in their original sets.
Edit: Alternate costs, as in Animal Fair, a Snowy Village type "ignore" effect, the Black Cat ability that only works on other player's turns and "now or at the start of your next turn" duration cards would be fine too.

Winner: Spurs (auth: mail-mi)

Runners Up:
Evacuate (auth: alion8me)

Aonbarr (auth: spineflu)

Zombie Workshop (auth: Carline)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2020, 09:03:05 am by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2020, 09:07:03 am »

CHALLENGE #76: All That Glitters
Every expansion has one, and now it's our turn. Design a Gold-gainer. The card may gain a Gold unconditionally (like Bandit), conditionally (like Explorer), or optionally (like Courtier), but it must be able to gain Gold specifically. Abilities like "gain a card costing up to $6," "gain a Treasure," or "Exile a Gold from the supply" would not qualify.

Winner: Loom (auth: Marpharos)

Runners Up:
Reverend (auth: mandioca15)

Amalgam (auth: grep)

Way of the Buffalo (auth: grrgrrgrr)

Challenge #77 - You're just my type!

I like cards that do things with other cards - specifically naming a type to interact with so that's what we'll be looking for this time! Design a card that interacts with card types. The card may reveal (like Courtier or Magpie), gain (like Ironworks), discard (like Beggar or Crop Rotation), trash (like Forager or Catapult), or something else for a benefit. Landscape-shaped things qualify too. As long as there is a dependence on another card's type, we're good to go. Abilities that name a specific card would not qualify (Curse is the exception to this though).

Winner: Larder (auth: spineflu)

Runners Up:
Wishing Fountain (auth: Carline)

Crusader (auth: grep)

Repurpose (auth: [TP] Inferno)

Contest #78 - Design a card/landscape that uses Trinkets

Your goal is to design a card or landscape that gives Trinkets (above), a non-supply junk card variation on spoils.
Unless you say otherwise, I'm going to assume there's 30 Trinkets in the pile (like horses) - if your card wants there to be "as many as curses" or some other scaling number, whatever, include that in your post.
It doesn't have to be a junking attack - it can be like, a Cache or Banquet variant, or something entirely else, that's totally fine.

Trinket • $0* • Treasure
You may pay $1 to return this to its pile.
While this is in play, cards cost $1 less.
(This is not in the supply)

Winner: Mad Inventor (auth: NoMoreFun)

Runner Up:
Scientist (auth: Fragasnap)

Contest #79: Different strokes for different folks

This is a more open ended one - design a card (shaped thing) that encourages players to pursue different strategies during the game. The card may explicitly distinguish between players (eg a split Landmark, or something that changes setup rules to give different starting decks). It could also be a card that more subtly creates more than one optimal strategy for the board, or gives different players different tools to work with (Black Market and Tournament), or encourages you to pursue unique cards (Gladiator), or involves competition for a single resource (Mountain Pass).

With difference baked into the card, balance, or at least the ability for players on either side of the inequality to win the game, will be more important than usual.

Similarly a card that does this differentiation solely by being very political (eg attacks that only affect one other player you choose), would fit the criteria, but probably wouldn't do very well.

All submissions are "eligible"; just think holistically about how a Dominion game involving your card (shaped thing)(s) would play out. If there is more than one "optimal strategy", or if players are actively trying to avoid doing the same thing as each other, then you have done well.

Winner: Land Grant + Land Grant Landmark set(auth: Carline)

Runners Up:
Monolith (auth: Aquila)

Breakthrough + Aqua Vitae actions (auth: spineflu)

Contest #80: More than a Phase

Create a card which can be played in more than one phase of the game
Create a card or card shaped thing which enables other cards to be played in more than one phase of the game

Winner: Lunar Ritual (auth: alion8me)

Runner Up: Port City (auth: segura)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2020, 11:03:56 am by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2020, 10:07:34 am »

Contest #81 - A Fine Line

Design a card/card-shaped thing that has a dividing line, where the effect under the line is unique. Reactions almost always have them, but there are other types of things you can do with them too: on-trash, on-gain, reserve, setup, while-in-play, or in-games-using-this effects just to name a few. Traveler lines and the use of other non-supply piles are fine, but below-the-line effects similar to "when you discard this from play, you may exchange this for an X" are not considered to be unique for the purposes of this contest, even if X isn't gained by any official card in this way. So, out of the official travelers, Page would not satisfy these rules but Peasant would due to Teacher. Double-line (or more) cards are fine, as long as at least one of the below-the-line effects are unique.

Winner: Specialty Shop (auth: X-tra)

Runner Up: Flea Market (auth: anordinaryman)

Create a card that has exactly 2 vanilla effects.
Winner: Crumbling City (auth: Something_Smart)

Runners Up:
Way of the Coyote (auth: grep)

Ikon (auth: spineflu)

Contest 83: Bigger is Better: Design a card or landscape that has a big number in it.

Winner: Inquisition (auth: pubby)

Runner Up: Investor (auth: faust)

Contest #84: Any Number - Create a card or landscape that has the text "any number" in it.

Winner: Pact (auth: grrgrrgrr)

Runners Up:
Vintner (auth: Fragasnap)

Burgh (auth: alion8me)

Wee Folk (auth: chronostrike)

Contest nr 85: Maybe this will help

Design a Heirloom that is used on an official card.

Winner: Studies, for Scholar (auth: Something_Smart)

Runners Up:
Bronze, for Monument (auth: gambit05)

Canary, for Mine (auth: Marpharos)

Ledger, for Counting House (auth: titandrake)

Bonsai, for Hermit (auth: schadd)
« Last Edit: September 04, 2020, 08:34:02 pm by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2020, 08:21:40 pm »

Contest #86: Not just 4/3 or 5/2

Design a card or card-shaped object that can in some way affect opening splits. This could be a card with an on-gain effect that can draw or sift cards (Cavalry, Night Watchman, Den of Sin, Doctor), or one that affects setup in some way (Baker, Pooka), or anything else, as long as it allows you to get an opening split other than 4/3 or 5/2.

Winner: Glamour (auth: chronostrike)

Runner Up: Ancient Settlement (auth: xyz123)

Contest #87: Worth More Dead Than Alive
Design a card that gives some additional benefit when trashed (by a separate card).

Winner: Marshland (auth: faust)

Runners Up:
Dandelion Field (auth: Xen3k)

Junkyard (auth: mail-mi)

Rubber Duchy (auth: LibraryAdventurer)

Challenge #88: Use all the design space!

Create a card or card-shaped object with a nonstandard back. Official examples are Stash, Miserable/Twice Miserable and Deluded/Envious. Please specify the way in which the back of your design differs from regular cards.

UPDATE: Anyone who designed a 2-sided card that can enter a player's deck should specify how shuffling is handled with the different back.

Winner: Conservation 🔄 National Park (auth: infangthief)

Runners Up:
Village Outpost (auth: silverspawn)

Bartender, Energized 🔄 Tired (auth: mail-mi)

Impersonator (auth: NoMoreFun)

Challenge #89: Incentivise diversity

Design a card-shaped-thing which incentivises a diverse strategy
Diversity could be defined as the number of differently named card-shaped-things which feature in the strategy, but I would be open to other interpretations also, within the scope of the game.

Winner: Exploiter, Exploited (auth: Jonatan Djurachkovitch)

Runners Up:
Cull (auth: anordinaryman)

Tera (auth: silverspawn)

Challenge #90: Steal ideas!
For this challenge, you have to use a fan made mechanic that you haven't made up yourself.

Winner: Doppelgänger (auth: alion8me, using Aquila's card-cost mechanic)

Runner Up: Glade (auth: Aquila, using Asper/Co0kiel0rd's season mechanic)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 09:30:47 pm by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Hall of Fame
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2021, 03:05:50 pm »

Weekly Card Contest 91: If Dominion is so good why didn't they make a Dominion Two?

This week's challenge is relatively simple: the card-shaped-thing you submit must have the number two on it somewhere, whether in the cost or in the actual text. Both expressions with the numeral "2", such as "+2 Cards", and with "two" spelled out, such as "Trash two cards from your hand", are acceptable.

Winner: Wine Cask by D782802859

Runners Up:
Import by spineflu

Monk by chronostrike

Thanks for the win! This is honestly one of the highest quality weeks we've had so far.
Contest #92: Envious of Envious
Design a State and a card that uses it. A note here is that these states should not be like Lost in the Woods, because that's basically an Artifact. It should have a copy for each player.

Winner: Hedonist and Penury by mandioca15

Runners Up:
Prayer and Small Wish by majiponi

Monkey and Curious by grep

Very well, then, here goes:

Contest #93: Return to Sender

Design a card that has the capability of returning itself to the Supply (its pile). It does not always have to return itself (e.g. Encampment).

The card does not have to be a supply card (e.g. Horse). If your card is not a Supply card, design an additional card that can gain it.

Winner: Cargo by segura

Runners Up:
Rosary by Rhodos

Quay and Cart by gambit05

Golden Spoils by Carline

Thansk mandioca15! My card was more of a rough sketch of GendoIkari's idea than a well designed card so I am surprised and humbled by the win.

Contest #94:

Man, with all those Courtiers wooing Dama Josephine right now, don't you also yearn for the simpler days when we spent our afternoons strolling in the Gardens?

Design a pure Victory card, i.e. a Victory card with no other types. This is the only restriction, it can feature all kinds of mechanics (e.g. the card could have a when gain trigger with Villagers).

Winner: Countryside by scott_pilgrim

Runners Up:
Native Lands by pubby

Magical Lands by spheremonk

Waterfall by Rhodos

Thanks for the win, glad people liked it!

Contest #95: The player to your (left/right)

Design a card that (meaningfully) contains the string "the player to your".

Winner: Fanatic by silverspawn

Runners Up:
Developer by anordinaryman

Commune by NoMoreFun

Regent by D782802859

Buffoon by Carline


Design a card-shaped thing that can eat (i.e., trash) Action cards other than copies of itself from play. (It's fine if it can also trash copies of itself, but it can't only trash those, so Urchin, Death Cart, or Tragic Hero wouldn't qualify.)

Afaik, the only official cards that do this are Improve and Bonfire. A fan-made submission that would qualify is Ritual Sword.

Winner: Overwork by faust

Runners Up:
Touch of Midas by grep

Rejuvenate by TheAgileBeast

Engine by mandioca15

Cook by anordinaryman

Overwork by LittleFish

Thanks for the judging! I didn't necessarily expect to win this based on initial reactions. Good catch also about buying multiple of these on the same turn; playtesting would need to show whether that's overpowered, but if so, it can be fixed rather easily with a "once per turn" clause.

Anyways... you've been waiting too long for the next challenge already!

Contest #97: A token effort

Create a submission that allows you to trade one set of tokens for another in some fashion. VP for coffers, Debt for Villagers, maybe even replace an Embargo token by a +Action token - anything goes so long as you have a different token in the place where there was previously another token after using the ability.

Winner: Shoemaker by anordinaryman

Runners Up:
Faithful Knight by Carline

Fireplace by fika monster

Settlement by X-tra

Thanks for the nod, faust! I thought there were a lot of great submissions, and I'm honored you liked mine!

Contest #98: Feeling sideways
Some mechanics that originally felt wild and exotic became "normal" as we got used to them. For example, Durations and Events freely appear in expansions -- they seem almost as standard as Action cards now! Let's imagine a hypothetical world where all the sideways cards were introduced earlier on (say in the original Game), such that they are a standard "part of Dominion."

Design an Event, Landmark, State, Project, Artifact, or Way for an existing expansion that does not currently have that type of sideways card in it.

Judging Criteria for the card-shaped thing:
  • It is well-balanced and fun.
  • It "fits" the expansion well. Acknowledging the main-theme and perhaps sub-themes for the expansion. For example, Seaside has sub-themes of top-of deck, your later turns, mats, condition gold-gaining, and more.
  • It "fits" Dominion well -- following the design principles of Donald X.
  • There is a meaningful reason for it to be that particularly side-wise card-shaped thing.

Winner: Way of the Eagle by Aquila

Runner Up: Way of the Dolphin by Carline

Yay, that's satisfying! The Latin for eagle is Aquila~.
Thanks anordinaryman, that was an interesting contest!

We're almost at contest 100, and we're at a somewhat significant time of year, so I propose something big (and challenging to judge):

Contest #99: Free For All
Just one restriction: no new mechanics. Go nuts; put together the best design you can think of! Sift through all the options and select something you know works. I will attempt to keep an open mind towards different audiences, and I anticipate a very big shortlist of potential runners-up. To choose a winner I guess may involve some personal preference if things are really close.

No bonus points for holiday theme by the way, but a narrow margin may be decided by relevance of theme to the mechanics. I will heavily favour mechanical balance and interest however.

Winner: Forbidden City by spheremonk

Runners Up:
Aristocrat by segura

Cascade by mandioca15

Contest #100: Fun with Non-Supply Cards

Create a card-shaped thing that interacts with an existing (i.e., official) non-Supply card. It can be any type of card-shaped thing and can interact in any way whatsoever, big or small, with any existing non-Supply card (or more than one). Please name or show the existing non-Supply card and describe the interaction. Feel free to wander – please do not focus too much on the contest criteria.

As long as there is any interaction whatsoever, very little attention will be paid in the judging to the quality or degree of the of interaction – I prefer flexible creativity to adherence to restrictions. While I believe that personal preference is always a substantial factor in judging these contests, I will try to focus on balance, playability and, most of all, fun. Also, just a hint, but certainly not necessary to win, I tend to enjoy cards that honor an overall theme or story.

Good luck to everyone!  Have a happy and safe 2021!

(I almost went with a 2020-themed contest, but didn’t really want to look at 100 cards featuring Ruins, Rats and Curses.)

Winner: Convoy by Gubump

Runners Up:
Blessing and Blessed Gems by Carline

Corral by Fragasnap

Medium by spineflu
All of my fan card mockups are credited to Shard of Honor and his Dominion Card Image Generator (the new fork).
If you're having font issues with the generator, click this link and click on the button to request temporary access to the demo server that loads the font.
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