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Capitalism Questions

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I LOVE the idea of the Capitalism Project, but I have so many questions about its execution that don’t seem to be answered in the rule book.

1. Does it add the Treasure type to an Action card (that would of course affect things like Courtier or Inheritance acting on Action cards) or replace its type, or is it merely played as a Treasure while retaining its type of Action?

2. Can this Project be used on conditional +$__ cards like Minion or Pawn? Or can it only be ones like Market that give you the +$__ no matter what?

3. I assume the other effects of the card don’t get played—because if they did, a Monument becomes a Plunder for $1 cheaper—but what happens to cards like Goons which have text below the line that affect what happens when it’s played?

This changes so much!


--- Quote from: jonvs on November 05, 2018, 05:00:12 pm ---I LOVE the idea of the Capitalism Project, but I have so many questions about its execution that don’t seem to be answered in the rule book.

1. Does it add the Treasure type to an Action card (that would of course affect things like Courtier or Inheritance acting on Action cards) or replace its type, or is it merely played as a Treasure while retaining its type of Action?

2. Can this Project be used on conditional +$__ cards like Minion or Pawn? Or can it only be ones like Market that give you the +$__ no matter what?

3. I assume the other effects of the card don’t get played—because if they did, a Monument becomes a Plunder for $1 cheaper—but what happens to cards like Goons which have text below the line that affect what happens when it’s played?

--- End quote ---

1) It adds the type. You play it as a Treasure - Action.

2) It works on Minon and Pawn.

3) The other effects of the card do get played and Monument becomes a Plunder for $1 cheaper, and Goons also does its below-the-line effect.

King Leon:
Teacher refers to the “+ $1 Token” in its text. Does this count as a “+ $” amount, so is he a Treasure, when I own capitalism?

The trick to all of these questions is to simply interpret the wording literally, as written. It says that they are also Treasures; it doesn't change them in any other way. Monument does indeed still give you the +1, because there's nothing about the text of Capitalism that would imply it doesn't.

King Leon:

--- Quote from: GendoIkari on November 05, 2018, 05:19:14 pm ---The trick to all of these questions is to simply interpret the wording literally, as written. It says that they are also Treasures; it doesn't change them in any other way. Monument does indeed still give you the +1, because there's nothing about the text of Capitalism that would imply it doesn't.

--- End quote ---

That's clear, but how is a “+ $ amount” defined? Is the “+ $ 1” in “+ $ 1 token” also a “+ $ amount”? This question specifically regards Teacher.

An interesting finding would be, if we look at the term “+ 1 Card”. The first version of Cellar had this, the new version has not. I wonder if there would be similar issues, for example if Pirate Ship would be reworded and lost its “+ $1” in the 3rd edition.


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