If this is what people mean when they say that a card provides economy; then it’s a pretty meaningless term that applies to just about every card in Dominion.
It doesn't apply to Chapel or Village. It's not a meaningless term, this is exactly the meaning that you need to consider when you're trying to maximize your chances of hitting $5 in the early game.
I really don't, and you're attributing something to my name which I never said. Other than the fact that the notion that 'draw is economy' is a misleading statement, you didn't mention mid-turn gaining or discard for benefit and I had no reason to assume that's what you meant. But even if I did, my post replied to a different post of yours, where you said that overdraw is a sign that you overtrashed, which is also a misleading statement.
"Draw is economy" is not a misleading statement, it is a true statement. Of course I didn't mean mid-turn gaining or discard for benefit because that's never relevant on turn 3 or turn 5, but nevertheless the reason why overdraw is sometimes good in the late game is the exact same reason why draw is economy in the early game.
"Overdraw is a sign that you overtrashed" is also not a misleading statement, it is a true statement. If you play a Smithy on turn 6 and it doesn't draw three cards, that means you trashed too much too fast.
I gotta admit, I kinda like Awaclus's Unified Theory of Dominion:
"Everything is economy!"
It is short, it is simple, it is involuntarily funny and it is utterly wrong.
No, only the things that help you hit $5 are economy.