Took me like 2-3 years here to venture over there. I figured in my mind it was people discussing tweaks to the cards they liked (like +1 coins, add actions to cards, change values etc. Boy was I wrong. These guys not only have mind blowing card art and design for new entire cards, they have sets, they have entire new "expansions" and new thematic things.
a few below, but If u haven't been there u should check it out. I wonder if there are any portals online where these could be played? I also wonder if Donald has ever taken a card, event etc from these? If not why? Would save him money on developing expansion and testing (as the card maker nerds are Geronimo testing everything and debating each card in often ridiculous detail (and I say this with the utmost flattery-- just kinda insane for non paid fans to be that exhaustive) And many of them are quite inventive.
Couple notables out of MANy incredibly designed cards. Donald maybe should just hire a few of these guys.
Asper's Cards
"Asper's Cards" were created with the main goal to make original but relatively easy to understand cards by using existing game mechanics. As most mechanics of Dominion are visited, the collection also works as a Treasure Chest, with each official set up to Empires having at least 2 cards dedicated to it (let's call this 25-card subset "Dominion - Legacy"). The "set" currently has: A card you can spend more than one action on, a VP card that attacks to become worth more, a card that starts out in the trash, a $2 curser, a card that will cost you VP when you gain it, a Potion Event and at least one horrible pun. This list also includes my Spellcasters, which can cast Spells you previously bought, and Edicts, a new mechanic that allows more general rules changes than Landmarks or Events do. Furthermore, you'll also find the latest state of the Seasons set, which Co0kieL0rd and I started and which introduces cards that depend on the game phase, as well as 8 cards designed for use in Team Dominion.
Seasons is an expansion Co0kieL0rd and I did together. In it, you use the Season board above (left), which spans 4 Seasons wih 5 sections each. The Season Token starts on the first section of Spring, and is moved forward after the last player in order did their turn (if you want to be picky, it's actually right before the first in play order does their regular turn). Therefore, Spring marks the opening and early phase, Summer the buildup phase, Autumn the late phase and Winter the part where the game will probably end. The cards do different things depending on the current Season. Use the Season Reminder above (right) to make sure you don't forget to move the token.
The cards in this thread are my re-takes of Seasons. Check out the original cards (some of which are more similar to the current take than others) by following this link.
Sojourner returned to an older version, but the Winter effect has changed.
Snow Witch now gives the Curse in hand, to avoid player order mattering as much.
Peltmonger now gives more money all around, and the buy is also on-call.
Student, Ball Room and Sanitarium didn't change.
Restore now uses the wording that is best in Summer. Untested yet.
Timberland now gets progressively worse, though you can tfb it. Considering there are Castles around now, it might be a bit meh.
Plantation now can only move the token backwards and gives a more straightforward bonus.
Spellcasters & Spells
When at least one Spellcaster card is in the kingdom, add 2 random Spells to the game and each player gets 5 Spell tokens. Spells can be bought like Events and take one buy to purchase. When you buy a Spell, you "prepare" it - this means you take one of your five Spell tokens and place it on the Spell card. Each Spellcaster allows you to "cast" a Spell. This means removing one of your Spell tokens from a Spell and then doing what the Spell says. Spells are not cards and can never be gained, and you can have a max of 5 prepared. Generally, they are relatively strong effects to add on your card, but you have to re-stock on them regularly - make sure to not run out of buys.
Spellcasters & Spells
When at least one Spellcaster card is in the kingdom, add 2 random Spells to the game and each player gets 5 Spell tokens. Spells can be bought like Events and take one buy to purchase. When you buy a Spell, you "prepare" it - this means you take one of your five Spell tokens and place it on the Spell card. Each Spellcaster allows you to "cast" a Spell. This means removing one of your Spell tokens from a Spell and then doing what the Spell says. Spells are not cards and can never be gained, and you can have a max of 5 prepared. Generally, they are relatively strong effects to add on your card, but you have to re-stock on them regularly - make sure to not run out of buys.
Click to embiggen
ETA : :Honkeyfresh Tip: If you go to the very bottom of the images of the little cards which u want to embiggen it is MUCH easier to open all the cards at once and then just scroll thru one long list. The other way is downright awful (top down) just terrible.