No doubt the game is better in its published form. But my experience with the game, much less than all the playtesting done before publication, makes me itch for these changes:
- Either price Adventurer at $5 or give it +1 Action. As-is, the circumstances where it's preferable to Gold are few and contradictory: a deck where your average card value is $1.5, which is easiest to achieve with heavy trashing -- but in trim decks, you don't usually need to hunt for treasure!
- Price Hunting Party at $6. It's an improvement on Laboratory, after all.
- Price Navigator at $3. Alternately, change the +2 coins to +1 action, though that might make it a bit too Scout-like. As is, Navigator seems like a cool card that I never get to play with, because it never seems like the best terminal to pick up.
- Allow Thief to choose not to take or trash a revealed treasure. It would still be a weak attack on most boards, but it would eliminate the risk of aiding your opponent by trashing a Copper.
- Price Counting House at $4. Why is this $5?
- Price Trading Post at $4. It's a powerful opener but much less powerful even purchasing it as early as Turn 3. Making it available to open with only to players with good initial shuffle luck throws too much of the game to chance. (I don't think any other $5 card depreciates so precipitously after the first reshuffle.)
- Loan. Instead of the options being "trash the revealed treasure or discard it" it should be "trash the revealed treasure or put it on top of your deck." Maybe. When Loan hits a Gold or Platinum, you'd have been better off not playing it at all. Then again, it's probably okay if the optimal strategy is not to play it at all later in the game. But it can also hit that first Silver you buy when you play Loan on Turn 3, and that's just unnecessarily brutal. Maybe Loan could keep the "trash or discard" instructions if it was worth $2 and priced at $4. Then the risk would be a little more worth taking.
- Pirate Ship. After reading about Pirate Ship here, I am persuaded that Pirate Ship isn't the dominating force that it always winds up being when I play with it, or against it. But not being a better player than I am, it just seems horrendously overpowered. I played a couple of House Rules games with my brother, wherein every time we'd use Pirate Ship for the money, rather than the attack, a coin would be *removed* from the mat at the end of the turn. This seemed to balance the card perfectly, but I fully concede that it may have only seemed balanced in light of our sub-optimal play. Still.