I haven't played the partner version, but I agree it sounds like it works well at bringing the four-player game down to a similar sanity level as 2- and 3-players. And I've tried Echoes with three set-ups, starting with just the Echoes cards (for maximum crazy but also to see what all the shiny new cards do), then the v1.0 rules set-up, then the revised rules since that. I think the set-up described in the rules is actually more logical if Echoes is the only expansion, although I wish they'd account for having more cards in Age 1 than other ages, and I understand that with more expansions on the horizon they need something a bit more methodical so they don't have to start saying "If you're playing with Expansion X and Y, shuffle n cards of expansion X and m of expansion Y with q cards from the base game; but if you're playing with Expansions X, Z and J, throw them all in the air and play with whichever ones you can catch".
In any case, I personally don't mind the craziness of 4-players and/or using lots of Echoes cards, but I know a lot of people would rather have more control over the game, especially if they're trying to find out what's so good about it.