Seagull - Action - $4
+3 Cards
Discard a card. If it's an Action, +1 Action. If it's a Silver, gain a Seagull.
When you buy this, you may overpay for it. For each $1 you overpaid, trash a card from your hand.
The two most fun vanilla effects for me are +cards and +action. So here is a card that can do both. It can be sort of a worse lab (worse lab because you need to discard an action, which are the cards you usually want to play when you chain labs!), but also it helps in that it adds 1 extra card of sifting. The best way to take advantage of this card is to flood your deck with actions, so you don't mind discarding one. Seagull gives a way to gain more actions (more copies of itself) -- be careful though, discarding silver isn't entirely easy, and you just played a terminal and probably wanted that silver. Seagull helps in yet another way, if you overpay, you can trash cards in your deck that aren't actions to increase the action density.
The overpay mechanic means this card has to cost at least $4, otherwise it becomes way too strong of an opening. (4 will almost always be overpay seagull and trash an estate). Opening Silver / Seagull seems like it might be super strong, but it's usually weaker than opening Silver / Trasher or Trasher / Seagull. I say it's better than Smithy / Seagull, but not by too much and could depend on the rest of the board.
As always, open to feedback.