Okay, I get what you are saying now, almost want to delete my old comments, I feel dumb about this, wasn't getting quite what you were saying, and wasn't communicating well. Also, mid-typing I confused myself with a previous, unposted, version of the card and that further muddied things. Almost want to go delete things, but that would be even more confusing for poor souls reading this.
Anyway, a lot of what I was trying to say is about having 5 of them potentially being broken in not-that-rare kingdoms. Broken when you have a solid engine = broken.
The underdog player not having to lower piles was a thing I was meaning to talk about somewhere in there. And I do believe costing $1 is a form of synergy, as is being able to gain Lily by trashing Silver, as is being able to put Gilt back on top of the Lily remaining in the pile. Also, Gilt is only a copper trasher, which I think is relevant.