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Author Topic: Weekly Design Contests #1 - #100  (Read 1684031 times)

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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #500 on: October 30, 2018, 10:53:31 pm »

And now, introducing the long awaited RioGrande/DaysOfWonder Crossover the world has been waiting for,
Dominion: Ticket to Ride!
The expansion, if it was real, would come with an undetermined number Ticket cards and about 19 Tokens numbered 1-19. To play, you put a token on each supply pile that costs more than $0. Then you deal out three Tickets to each player. Each player may return one of their starting tickets, and at any time may spend an Action to draw three more tickets. The Tickets each have two numbers on them. To complete a Ticket, you need to gain a card from both piles on a ticket in a single turn. When you complete a Ticket, you receive +1VP for every $1 in the combined cost of the two cards. At the end of the game, you receive -1VP for every $2 in the combined cost of the two cards at the top of the needed piles.
I'll probably add to the description later, and might add an example Ticket.

Ticket to Ride was actually my first choice for a game to port over. Connecting the routes for points seemed like a cool concept, but I gave up on the idea for lack of knowing how to implement it. So, I commend you for coming up with something that seems like it could actually work.

A few questions/concerns:
(1) When you spend an Action to draw 3 Destination Cards do you then return 1 of them as you do in the opening?
(2) Since you need at least 2 Buys/Gains to complete a Destination card, you should include an extra Buy each turn in games using this.

Can't wait to see what you come up with! You could probably come up with some cool gainer concepts that will work for Dominion in general, but work especially well for completing Destination cards.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #501 on: October 31, 2018, 12:50:23 am »

Does Dungeons and Dragons count as a board game?

Ancient Ruin
Action - Gathering $4
+2 Actions
The third time you play an action this turn, put 1VP on the Ancient Ruin supply pile, then you may trash this to take the VP from the Ancient Ruin supply pile.

The idea is that you're exploring this dungeon with your buddies (other actions) and the longer you explore, the greater the risk (of character death), but also the greater the reward (treasure).
(I'll maybe make a nice render with violet CLM's generator later)
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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #502 on: October 31, 2018, 12:58:08 am »

For my board game crossover, I have chosen the most fun, most well-balanced, most strategic, most friendship-building title in history...


*whack* *bam* *punch* *slam* *spit*

Ouch... I deserved that.

But anyway, yes, I chose the game that regular people call the most quintessential board game in existence, while we more avid gamers may declare it a waste of cardboard and paper money. But it did inspire this card...

Action/Duration - $2
At the start of your next turn, trash a Silver or discard two copies of a card from your hand. If you can't, end your turn.
During your Cleanup phase, if you don't have three copies of any card in play, discard this.

This comes from the Monopoly mechanic where rolling three doubles (playing three of the same card) in a row lands you in jail. When in jail, you can pay money to get out (trashing the Treasure) or roll a double (discarding two cards with the same name), or just wait three turns (losing your Action phase). If you can stay out of Jail, though, you're in the money!

I did make some more Monopoly-inspired cards, but I felt Jail was enough torture for you all.

Edit: Changed Jail to an Action-Duration because I started to hate the original version.

"*whack* *bam* *punch* *slam* *spit*" is how I felt trying to track how this card plays. :P You've packed a very complicated concept into a very small card space. Impressive! Now that I do understand it, I feel it would be easy enough to play with.

I'm assuming "end you turn" means you'll still have a Clean-up phase in order to get the Jail discarded from play? That could be worded a little more clearly, but you're already tight on space.

Might be best to use this wording, "At the start of your next turn, discard 2 copies of a card or trash a card from your hand." This is just a simple switch, but it's more accurate given discarding is always from your hand by default, but trashing is not.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #503 on: October 31, 2018, 03:51:38 am »

Long time reader, first second time submitter:

Take two! (A previous and notedly bad submission is spoilered below. This one might still be bad, let's find out.) I'm still sticking with Temporum, but this time going for the concept of ruling Times. Here, your bonus for ruling a pile is on-buy VP. Each player gets Coronet tokens in their player color. Let's say they each get 10, like Temporum, but they probably don't need that many. You can use the crowns that come with Temporum, even.

Decree: Action-Duration, $2
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, you may move a Decree token to a Kingdom pile without one.

Setup: Put the 3 Decree tokens on Kingdom piles; non-Decree Kingdom cards from piles without Decree tokens cannot be played.

Temporum, originally a Dominion spin-off, has spun-on again. Only being able to visit 4 of 10 real Zones at a time is reimagined as only being able to play 4 of 10 Kingdom cards at time. The time-traveling theme didn't fit, but you can see the parallels by replacing "Decree token" with "Real Zone token", and the card name with "Change History". My main concern is this might be a must-buy in games using it. I appreciate any feedback!
« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 03:26:30 am by crlundy »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #504 on: October 31, 2018, 04:14:20 am »

Long time reader, first time submitter:

Decree: Action-Duration, $2
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, you may move a Decree token to a Kingdom pile without one.

Setup: Put the 3 Decree tokens on Kingdom piles; non-Decree Kingdom cards from piles without Decree tokens cannot be played.

Temporum, originally a Dominion spin-off, has spun-on again. Only being able to visit 4 of 10 real Zones at a time is reimagined as only being able to play 4 of 10 Kingdom cards at time. The time-traveling theme didn't fit, but you can see the parallels by replacing "Decree token" with "Real Zone token", and the card name with "Change History". My main concern is this might be a must-buy in games using it. I appreciate any feedback!
Well, that is a massive change to gameplay. It is not clear to me whether every player has their own decree tokens (I think they definitely should). I would try to avoid referencing Kingdom cards since that leads to many questions (like, how does this play with Black Market?). Action supply pile may be enough.
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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #505 on: October 31, 2018, 06:02:44 am »

But you can't place a Cloister next to another Cloister, since it's a duration card, but you can arrange the grid so that a card is next to multiple cloisters, is that right?

Well spotted!  I have changed it so that you can place Cloisters, and so that there has to be room for it.  I guess if I had room I'd introduce a Cloister Mat with a grid on it, but I really don't have any more room on that card :-)

Having slept on it, for the sake of simplicity, I've changed it back to non-Duration, and made it so that you need separate cards for each one.  Less Carcassonne-y, but more actually practical in a real game of Dominion.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 06:12:06 am by spiralstaircase »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #506 on: October 31, 2018, 08:28:09 am »

And now, introducing the long awaited RioGrande/DaysOfWonder Crossover the world has been waiting for,
Dominion: Ticket to Ride!
The expansion, if it was real, would come with an undetermined number Ticket cards and about 19 Tokens numbered 1-19. To play, you put a token on each supply pile that costs more than $0. Then you deal out three Tickets to each player. Each player may return one of their starting tickets, and at any time may spend an Action to draw three more tickets. The Tickets each have two numbers on them. To complete a Ticket, you need to gain a card from both piles on a ticket in a single turn. When you complete a Ticket, you receive +1VP for every $1 in the combined cost of the two cards. At the end of the game, you receive -1VP for every $2 in the combined cost of the two cards at the top of the needed piles.
I'll probably add to the description later, and might add an example Ticket.

Ticket to Ride was actually my first choice for a game to port over. Connecting the routes for points seemed like a cool concept, but I gave up on the idea for lack of knowing how to implement it. So, I commend you for coming up with something that seems like it could actually work.

A few questions/concerns:
(1) When you spend an Action to draw 3 Destination Cards do you then return 1 of them as you do in the opening?
(2) Since you need at least 2 Buys/Gains to complete a Destination card, you should include an extra Buy each turn in games using this.

Can't wait to see what you come up with! You could probably come up with some cool gainer concepts that will work for Dominion in general, but work especially well for completing Destination cards.
I'm going to follow the T2R rules and say when you draw three later in the game you only need to keep one. For now, to simplify the needing two buys thing, I'll just say add Seaway to the kingdom. Lame, I know. I'll probably come up with something better later, but I'll put this here in case I don't.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #507 on: October 31, 2018, 08:46:35 am »

Homage to Pandemic!
Embargo tokens work the same as with Embargo.

Time to order more Embargo tokens! I've always wondered if it were possible to make a semi-forced, cooperation card for Dominion and I think you've done a pretty good job of it.

I think you can cut some of the wording here and there:

(1) The trashing has no real reason to be attached to the type of the Supple Pile you removed tokens from. Since you can choose any Supply pile arbitrarily, whether it has Embargo tokens on it or not, the trashing in effect has no condition. You might as well say, "Trash up to 3 cards from your hand." This does of course matter if you decide to clear an Action supply pile and you want to trash a Victory or Treasure card, but this is such a fast trasher, I think all your starting cards will be gone before the embargo tokens start flying. This also removes the restriction of having to essentially trash the same named card, but I don't think this will change much either. Trashing 3 cards per turn whether they have to be the same named card or not will likely get you to about the same deck size for the same number of turns.
(2) The bottom portion probably needs to start as "In games using this, when you shuffle your deck, ..."

Cool submission!
Thanks. With regards to (1): The trashed cards are not supposed to share a type with the pile you picked, but among themselves. So you could trash 3 Coppers or 3 Estates or even 3 Shelters, but no mixes. In order to make this clearer I will swap the two instructions above the line. The reason to not just say "trash up to 3 cards" is that I want to ensure that there are times when you would prefer another trasher. Maybe it needs to be more restrictive still, I am not sure that Embargo tokens come into play enough with it yet. An option would be to only allow removing 1 token per play. Possibly I'll be posting a tweaked card later.
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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #508 on: October 31, 2018, 10:22:37 am »

Here's my attempt at a card inspired by auction and price-setting games like Isle of Skye and The Castles of Mad King Ludwig:

It's wordier than I like for most cards, but I think it captures the price-setting mechanic as best as it can.  Not totally sure on the costs and the on-play effect (+3 Coffers might be too strong for $6), and I'm also not sold on being able to call it immediately after the turn you play it, (in games where this is the only way to gain Coffers, the first player to play it basically gets a free $5, which isn't super fun--making it so you can't open it helps some).  But in games with other Coffers cards, it can create some nice player interaction, where you want to hold onto Coffers in case someone else calls an auction.  Sometimes you might use this as a gainer, other times you might prefer to bait other players into boosting your Coffers for a bigger play later--just be careful not to get stuck paying for something you didn't really want.  Anyway, the idea definitely needs tweaking, but here's a stab at it. 


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #509 on: October 31, 2018, 11:08:04 am »

Here's my attempt at a card inspired by auction and price-setting games like Isle of Skye and The Castles of Mad King Ludwig:

It's wordier than I like for most cards, but I think it captures the price-setting mechanic as best as it can.  Not totally sure on the costs and the on-play effect (+3 Coffers might be too strong for $6), and I'm also not sold on being able to call it immediately after the turn you play it, (in games where this is the only way to gain Coffers, the first player to play it basically gets a free $5, which isn't super fun--making it so you can't open it helps some).  But in games with other Coffers cards, it can create some nice player interaction, where you want to hold onto Coffers in case someone else calls an auction.  Sometimes you might use this as a gainer, other times you might prefer to bait other players into boosting your Coffers for a bigger play later--just be careful not to get stuck paying for something you didn't really want.  Anyway, the idea definitely needs tweaking, but here's a stab at it.
I don't like that this requires other players to have coffers. Couldn't they just pay in Debt?
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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #510 on: October 31, 2018, 11:59:05 am »

Here's my attempt at a card inspired by auction and price-setting games like Isle of Skye and The Castles of Mad King Ludwig:

It's wordier than I like for most cards, but I think it captures the price-setting mechanic as best as it can.  Not totally sure on the costs and the on-play effect (+3 Coffers might be too strong for $6), and I'm also not sold on being able to call it immediately after the turn you play it, (in games where this is the only way to gain Coffers, the first player to play it basically gets a free $5, which isn't super fun--making it so you can't open it helps some).  But in games with other Coffers cards, it can create some nice player interaction, where you want to hold onto Coffers in case someone else calls an auction.  Sometimes you might use this as a gainer, other times you might prefer to bait other players into boosting your Coffers for a bigger play later--just be careful not to get stuck paying for something you didn't really want.  Anyway, the idea definitely needs tweaking, but here's a stab at it.
I don't like that this requires other players to have coffers. Couldn't they just pay in Debt?
I agree with this, I think it works better if each other player can always choose to gain the card. Also, another one of my favorite games (CoMKL) being done here!


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #511 on: October 31, 2018, 12:58:20 pm »

Here's my attempt at a card inspired by auction and price-setting games like Isle of Skye and The Castles of Mad King Ludwig:

It's wordier than I like for most cards, but I think it captures the price-setting mechanic as best as it can.  Not totally sure on the costs and the on-play effect (+3 Coffers might be too strong for $6), and I'm also not sold on being able to call it immediately after the turn you play it, (in games where this is the only way to gain Coffers, the first player to play it basically gets a free $5, which isn't super fun--making it so you can't open it helps some).  But in games with other Coffers cards, it can create some nice player interaction, where you want to hold onto Coffers in case someone else calls an auction.  Sometimes you might use this as a gainer, other times you might prefer to bait other players into boosting your Coffers for a bigger play later--just be careful not to get stuck paying for something you didn't really want.  Anyway, the idea definitely needs tweaking, but here's a stab at it.
Wow, that's a brilliant implementation of the price mechanism from Isle of Skye!
I think you could alleviate the "first to play Auction House gains a free $5" problem via adding "When you gain this, each other players gets +1 Coffers." This also makes the card, which you fear to be too strong, slightly weaker.
The only problem is that this would add even more text to an already text-intense card.

I don't like that this requires other players to have coffers. Couldn't they just pay in Debt?
This doesn't work as the active player is supposed to get the Coffers from the other player. He basically sets a buy price for everybody: she pays the bank respectively if somebody else wants the card they pay her.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #512 on: October 31, 2018, 01:02:07 pm »

Well, that is a massive change to gameplay. It is not clear to me whether every player has their own decree tokens (I think they definitely should). I would try to avoid referencing Kingdom cards since that leads to many questions (like, how does this play with Black Market?). Action supply pile may be enough.

Yes, it would be a massive change, which gets to the heart of my initial concern. The idea was to have only 4 tokens total, shared by everyone, to mimic Temporum. There could be additional Decree tokens to make it less dominating. I also forgot to mention this card is absolutely un-playtested (yikes).

I initially referenced Action Supply piles, but that version was one line longer, and that was too much text for me. I forgot about the rules questions with Black Market, though. Hmm, sounds like I might just be better of coming up with a simpler, saner submission.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #513 on: October 31, 2018, 01:04:51 pm »

Long time reader, first time submitter:

Decree: Action-Duration, $2
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, you may move a Decree token to a Kingdom pile without one.

Setup: Put the 3 Decree tokens on Kingdom piles; non-Decree Kingdom cards from piles without Decree tokens cannot be played.

Temporum, originally a Dominion spin-off, has spun-on again. Only being able to visit 4 of 10 real Zones at a time is reimagined as only being able to play 4 of 10 Kingdom cards at time. The time-traveling theme didn't fit, but you can see the parallels by replacing "Decree token" with "Real Zone token", and the card name with "Change History". My main concern is this might be a must-buy in games using it. I appreciate any feedback!
This looks pretty harsh and might boil down to: "in games using this, play BM or lose".


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #514 on: October 31, 2018, 01:17:08 pm »

Inspired by Star Realms, my second favorite deck building game, mostly due to it's simplicity.  I like that all you really do is directly hit your opponents health and they do the same to you. I know there are plenty of games that do this (Magic comes to mind first) but this is the one I play the most because my wife loves it.

This split pile has an aspect of that which sounds fun to me. You try to deal damage to your opponents and once you hit a certain point, you are rewarded.  The bottom f the pile allows you to "heal" if you desire. This also gets exciting in 3+ player games.



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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #515 on: October 31, 2018, 03:01:10 pm »

When you play a card from your hand, directly after you finish resolving it, you may replay it once per card copy of that card in your Clientele Mat.

It resembles how you get Clients with the Patron role in Glory to Rome. Similarly to the number of Clients you can have in GtR is limited by your influence, here it is limited by your provinces.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #516 on: October 31, 2018, 03:16:25 pm »

Decree: Action-Duration, $2
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, you may move a Decree token to a Kingdom pile without one.

Setup: Put the 3 Decree tokens on Kingdom piles; non-Decree Kingdom cards from piles without Decree tokens cannot be played.

This looks pretty harsh and might boil down to: "in games using this, play BM or lose".

Yeah. :/ I will try to get in a game or two with it, just to confirm, and then probably figure out a new submission instead.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #517 on: October 31, 2018, 05:48:48 pm »

Based on Broom Service:

Root Gatherer
Types: Action, Duration
Cost: $6
+3 Cards. You may set aside a card from your hand face down. If you do, at the start of your next turn, reveal it and each other player reveals the cards they set aside with Root Gatherer cards. If you are the only player to reveal a copy of that card, put it into your hand and gain a card costing up to $5. Otherwise, discard it.

Haven a card in order to gain a card costing up to $5... unless someone else Havens a copy.  Feeling brave or will you play the cowardly Smithy?
« Last Edit: November 02, 2018, 12:40:58 pm by Fragasnap »
Dominion: Avarice 1.1a, my fan expansion with "in-games-using-this" cards and Edicts (updated Oct 18, 2021)


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #518 on: October 31, 2018, 05:59:12 pm »

Root Gatherer
Types: Action, Duration
Cost: $6
+3 Cards. You may set aside a card from your hand face down. If you do, at the start of your next turn, reveal it and each other player reveals the cards they set aside with Root Gatherer cards. If you are the only player to reveal a copy of that card, put it into your hand and gain a card costing up to $5. Otherwise, discard it.

Haven a card in order to gain a card costing up to $5... unless someone else Havens a copy. Feeling brave or will you play the cowardly Smithy?

Which game is this based on?
All of my fan card mockups are credited to Shard of Honor and his Dominion Card Image Generator (the new fork).
If you're having font issues with the generator, click this link and click on the button to request temporary access to the demo server that loads the font.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #519 on: October 31, 2018, 08:26:41 pm »

Ok, there is a link to my card below--I couldn't figure out how to add the image correctly.  If anyone wants to fiddle with it and post it, please feel free, I was really struggling with it. 
Update is below.
It's inspired by Orleans, which is a game that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Dominion, because it has taken the deck building dynamic and turned it into bag building, along with a lot of other elements.  This card will also come with a Boatman track, that will have six slots:  a beginning slot to place the players' boatman tokens and 5 other slots starting with a bonus of 1 victory token, progressively adding one more each time and ending in a bonus of 5 victory tokens.

This was the art I was trying to add to it, although it is not the best art it was hard to find good art for this card:

Update:  With great help from crlundy, I've adjusted it so that it doesn't need a separate track, just a boatman mat. Below is the link to the improved version.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 11:35:43 pm by Nflickner »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #520 on: October 31, 2018, 08:38:09 pm »


I was inspired by 7 Wonders game. In particular, its mechanic of getting cards.

My submission is:

« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 04:42:43 am by Tarken »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #521 on: October 31, 2018, 09:00:42 pm »

Ok, there is a link to my card below--I couldn't figure out how to add the image correctly.  If anyone wants to fiddle with it and post it, please feel free, I was really struggling with it.

Nflickner, here's a possible new version. Without cropping, the art gets cut off. I also tweaked the wording (I didn't change your design; it should function the same), but it might feel less Orleans-y as I haven't played the game. Hope it helps!


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #522 on: October 31, 2018, 11:18:49 pm »

Ok, there is a link to my card below--I couldn't figure out how to add the image correctly.  If anyone wants to fiddle with it and post it, please feel free, I was really struggling with it.

Nflickner, here's a possible new version. Without cropping, the art gets cut off. I also tweaked the wording (I didn't change your design; it should function the same), but it might feel less Orleans-y as I haven't played the game. Hope it helps!

Thank you crlundy!  That was very helpful.  I just adjusted a couple things in the wording, but i think your wording is quite good!  Very thankful for your help :) 


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #523 on: October 31, 2018, 11:48:57 pm »

Inspired by Netrunner:
The first one imitates trace. (One player pays credits to increase his trace power, then opponent chooses either pay to exceed trace power, or suffer from the trace ability.)
And the latter two refer to Ice. (In Netrunner, defender builds firewalls named "Ice" to protect his servers from the Runners.)

Hired Blade
$5 Action - Attack
+3 cards
You may discard any treasure cards from your hand.
If you do, each opponent chooses one:
Discard that many treasures, or gain a curse.

Ice Wall
$5 Action - Reaction
+1 card
+1 action
+1 $
When another player gains a victory card, you may reveal this.
If you do, that player takes their -1 coin token.

Tax Station
$2 Action - Reaction
+1 card
+1 action
Move the +1 cost token to any pile.
(Cards from that pile cost 1 more on everyone's turns)
When any player buys a card from a pile with +1 cost token on it, you may reveal this and gain a coffer.

Clarification: There is only one +1 cost token in game.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 07:06:02 am by artless »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #524 on: November 01, 2018, 03:27:13 am »

Based on the resource accumulation spaces of Agricola:

Others have already stated it, but this is a nice, clean and simple design. I have not played Agricola so I am not familiar with how this mechanic works there, but in Dominion it may need a few tweaks to address some issues.

Here are my concerns:
(1) The opportunity cost does not seem high enough. When setting the price at $3, there is always going to be a number of Coins in the pile that makes that price worth taking it. Depending on the number of players, that magic number may always land on your turns or worse, your opponents. You could make the choice to take the token pile a lot harder by making a Curse gain the condition, similar to Defiled Shrine.
(2) I mentioned this briefly already, but the number of players will drastically alter how this plays. In a 6 player game, some players may never have a shot at getting a decent pile of Coins. You could make this scale less with more players or change what adds tokens all together.

I realize most of the ideas for these competitions are developed on the fly and are going to have issues that maybe are not worth fussing over (my cards certainly apply), but man this is a cool idea and I'd love to see it fleshed out. Thanks for sharing!
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