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Author Topic: Weekly Design Contests #1 - #100  (Read 1647510 times)

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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1950 on: May 14, 2019, 12:05:52 pm »

Fur Trader is pretty cool, it turns your travelers into great halls, which you know is fine. What’s interesting is you really want TWO fur traders, which is an interesting difference from the existing traveler lines. But then you’ve upgraded two travelers into no longer being travelers. I’m not sure whether this antisynergy makes it too weak, but it certainly makes it interesting. Wait just realized the gold gives +buy, you’ll want that anyway regardless even if you don’t load up on travelers for vp. Cool idea!

Manor is also interesting, I wonder about its strength. In the line itself I have a way to fully upgrade multiple travelers, (theres trashing, cycling, and a village)  I don’t know if I would ever buy a province . 1vp is a small price to pay for a self-islanding province and it let’s me green early. Once I get 3 in play, I could just buy estates. I wouldn’t ever need to build economy. I’d love to see simulations but I imagine buying cottages every turn, trashing holding onto abbeys for a bit, while getting an early city hall for cycling and village, then continuing to drain the pile and upgrade fully, seems like a great single-pile strategy. Granted, it seems like a *fun* monolithic strategy, and there’s a lot of tactics on when to upgrade and how to not be over-terminal (a vanilla village actually makes this strategy less interesting and easier).
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 01:10:30 pm by anordinaryman »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1951 on: May 14, 2019, 02:02:29 pm »

$3 Action-Attack-Traveller

+1 Coffers per Infantryman in play.
Each other player may discard a card.
If they don't, they gain a Copper to their hand.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for an Archer.

$4 Action-Reaction-Traveller

Reveal a card from your hand. For each type it has, trash a card from your hand.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may first reveal this from your hand, to be unaffected by it.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Cavalry.

$5 Action-Reserve-Traveller

+2 Cards
You may put this on your Tavern mat.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may call this for +2 Cards.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Mauler.

$6 Action-Attack-Looter-Traveller

Each other player trashes an Action card from their hand (or reveals they can't).
If they did, they gain a Ruins to their hand.
Choose one of the trashed cards. +1 Coffers per it costs.
When this is trashed, trash the card that caused it.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a General.

$7 Action

+1 Card
+1 Action

While this is in play, when another player gains or discards a card, they put it onto their deck instead.
When you play an Attack, +1 Action.

With this set I aimed for some internal interactions and for strong cards on the lower levels such that you have to think about more than just whether you want 1 or 2 Disciples that go along with that Teacher.

Most of these cards are probably too wordy and the double lines are also not something I appreciate.

I hope that Mauler's "kill the attacker" wording is clear. It might make sense to play with a larger Ruins pile in order to prevent Mauler's attack from becoming to nasty or play with something like: "In games using this, when a Ruins is trashed, return it to the Ruins pile."
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 03:49:11 am by segura »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1952 on: May 14, 2019, 02:33:47 pm »

The Treasure Traveller line.  You follow the life of a coin from being lost and nearly useless, to being part of an incredibly valuable collection.  Each card has some sort of requirement before they can "Travel".  These requirements are meant to make it more interesting and difficult, but not swingy like Sauna or Urchin. They are all 100% doable every time (except for the requirement on Coin Purse, but that should be doable 99% of the time), but they may be slightly inconvenient.
You have to wait an extra turn to get to Vintage Coin Collection.  That's meant to show time passing as the collection ages. It also makes it so going for Inherited coin collections as a major source or VP likely won't work.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1953 on: May 14, 2019, 04:23:16 pm »


Here is my go at a from scratch Traveller Line. I'm sure there are some balancing issues and the line might not play 100% as intended, but I think it's mostly in the right place. Any feedback is always appreciated, but please keep in mind that the power level of a Traveller card generally does not correspond to its cost. That is definitely the case with this line. Lastly, the 3rd card in the line (Captive) requires 4 new Artifacts so I'll start with those. Don't worry, they are simple!

Artifacts: (1 of each)


Cards: (Commoner-10 cards; Worshipper-5 cards; Captive-5 cards; Martyr-5 cards; Matriarch-5 cards)

Thanks for looking!

Trade Ship: At the end of your turn, +1 Coffers.

Crane: At the end of your turn, +1 Villager.

Sigil: At the end of your turn, +1 VP.

Reliquary: At the start of your turn, trash a card from your hand and gain a Copper to your hand.

Commoner: +1 Card, +1 Action, Discard up to 2 cards from the top of your deck | When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Worshiper.

Worshiper: +1 Action, +$2, Receive special terms (+1 Card, +1VP, etc) from each Artifact a player has | When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Captive.

Captive: +3 cards, +1 Buy | When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Martyr. If you do, take the Trade Ship, the Crane, the Sigil, or the Reliquary.

Martyr: You may return this to its pile to draw until you have all cards from your deck and discard pile in hand. Either way, do this twice: Trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing up to $2 more than it to your hand | When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Matriarch.

Matriarch: For the rest of the game, players can't take Artifacts you have and your Treasures make $1 more per Artifact you have.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2019, 09:54:18 pm by Kudasai »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1954 on: May 14, 2019, 04:32:31 pm »

Wow, beaten to posting a Treasure-Traveller idea! At least mine're the only Treasure-Travellers that are also food!

I hope you find the line quite flavourful ;)

$2 Treasure-Traveller
+2 Buys
When you gain this, each player (including you) gets +1 Coffers. When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for an Aperitif.
That's a heck of a discouragement from buying this! Hope it turns out to be worth it...

$3* Treasure-Attack-Traveller
When you play this, you may trash this, to gain a Gold to your hand. Otherwise, +$2 and each player (including you) gains a Copper.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Meal.
I'm a sucker for mixing up types so here's a Treasure-Attack with some self-junking.

$4* Treasure-Traveller
+1 Buy
When you play this,
+$2 per Buy you have.
(Including the +1 Buy from this)
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Dessert, or two Morsels.
A Buy-Diadem. Plus, you can loop around in this traveller line! And... aha, that's what the +2 Buys on the Morsels are for!

$5* Treasure-Traveller
+3 Coffers
Gain a card costing up to $5. Put a card you have in play on top of your deck.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Toast.
I had to have an actual Feast-like effect in one of these cards, obviously. The topdecking might force you to slow down some of your Travelling?

$6* Treasure-Duration
For the rest of the game, when you play a Traveller, +1 Buy, +$2 and +1VP. During each clean-up phase, if you played one or more Travellers this turn, trash a card instead of discarding it.
(This stays in play. This is not in the Supply.)
I might have gone a bit far in the trashing 'downside' for this, but I'd imagine that by the seventh shuffle you'd have given yourself enough junk that this could be helpful for streamlining your deck (plus, the Buy this card gives you could be useful for buying extra Coppers to trash)


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1955 on: May 14, 2019, 09:19:01 pm »

Types: Action, Traveller
Cost: $3
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a Silver.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for an Archbishop.
Types: Action, Traveller
Cost: $4*
+$2. Gain a Duchy. Each other player may gain an Estate.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Cardinal or an Iconoclast.
(This is not in the Supply.)
Types: Action, Attack
Cost: $5*
+3 Cards, +1 Action. Each other player gains a Curse.
(This is not in the Supply.)
Types: Action, Traveller
Cost: $5*
+3 Cards. You may trash 2 cards from your hand and gain a card equal to their total cost in coins, putting it into your hand. If the total cost of the trashed cards in coins is at least $5, exchange this for a Saint or return this to the Cardinal pile if you can't.
(This is not in the Supply.)
Types: Action, Duration, Victory
Cost: $6
For the rest of the game, when you gain a card, you may set a card from your hand aside with this face down.
Worth 3VP for each differently named card set aside with this.
(This is not in the Supply.)

Deacon finishes the circle of simple effects. Page and Peasant cumulatively offer all the vanilla effects, so Deacon gives the next most simple.
Archbishop is a kind of sideways Bishop. It gives more $ and more VP and everyone can optionally join in, but it slows players down instead of speeding them up. Stop here and drain the Duchy pile into your deck or take the next step into either Iconoclast or Cardinal.
Iconoclast is a Cursing Super Laboratory. Of course, you've guaranteed gaining one Duchy by getting here, so one part of that draw is kind of a wash, but now you can force Curses onto others while getting big draw consistency.
Cardinal is a Smithy with an optional 2-card-Forge-to-hand. If you Forge anything of value (like, hey, that Duchy you have and don't want), your Cardinal must ascend to Saint (or retire if all the Saints are gone). It's probably more benefit than drawback, but you do have to Forge something to get the Saint: It's not a given.
Saint gives you a way to respond to all the gaining happening in this line. Set aside your Duchy. Set aside Iconoclast's Curses. Grab an Estate from someone else trying to drain the Duchy pile so you get to set aside a card. Set aside that Estate later. Because it sets aside from hand face down, there's no way to know exactly how much other players' Saints are worth. If you get multiple Saints, each gets to set aside in response to a single gain, too, so that's nice.

I'm not a big fan of Travellers generally, so I don't know how much I like this line. Any outside perspectives are welcome.

EDIT 1: Tried to do something cute with the formatting which didn't work. Added some musings on the cards.
EDIT 2: Made the effects of Iconoclast and Saint bigger. It seemed like going for them might be too rarely worth the effort because Saint's VP ceiling was so low unless you really take yourself apart and Iconoclast's draw at +2 Cards was such a wash with Archbishop's forced Duchy gain.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2019, 07:35:10 am by Fragasnap »
Dominion: Avarice 1.1a, my fan expansion with "in-games-using-this" cards and Edicts (updated Oct 18, 2021)


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1956 on: May 14, 2019, 09:19:42 pm »

Wow, beaten to posting a Treasure-Traveller idea! At least mine're the only Treasure-Travellers that are also food!

I hope you find the line quite flavourful ;)

$2 Treasure-Traveller
+2 Buys
When you gain this, each player (including you) gets +1 Coffers. When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for an Aperitif.
That's a heck of a discouragement from buying this! Hope it turns out to be worth it...

$3* Treasure-Attack-Traveller
When you play this, you may trash this, to gain a Gold to your hand. Otherwise, +$2 and each player (including you) gains a Copper.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Meal.
I'm a sucker for mixing up types so here's a Treasure-Attack with some self-junking.

$4* Treasure-Traveller
+1 Buy
When you play this,
+$2 per Buy you have.
(Including the +1 Buy from this)
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Dessert, or two Morsels.
A Buy-Diadem. Plus, you can loop around in this traveller line! And... aha, that's what the +2 Buys on the Morsels are for!

$5* Treasure-Traveller
+3 Coffers
Gain a card costing up to $5. Put a card you have in play on top of your deck.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Toast.
I had to have an actual Feast-like effect in one of these cards, obviously. The topdecking might force you to slow down some of your Travelling?

$6* Treasure-Duration
For the rest of the game, when you play a Traveller, +1 Buy, +$2 and +1VP. During each clean-up phase, if you played one or more Travellers this turn, trash a card instead of discarding it.
(This stays in play. This is not in the Supply.)
I might have gone a bit far in the trashing 'downside' for this, but I'd imagine that by the seventh shuffle you'd have given yourself enough junk that this could be helpful for streamlining your deck (plus, the Buy this card gives you could be useful for buying extra Coppers to trash)

Very interesting cards and Traveller combos.

Morsel - I do enjoy the decision a player has to make about when to start this line and give their opponents a free Coffers token. That Coffers will mean different things at different stages of the game; early game probably seeing the most benefit. Of course (get it... course!?) those Coffers may be more beneficial to the player that has extra Buys to use them with.

Morsel/Meal Combo- Cool combo potential with Morsel. I wonder if it's too strong though. One Morsel/Meal combination makes $9 Coin and 4 Buys (including your starting Buy). For 2 Morsels/Meal it's $14 Coin and 6 Buys. With Coffers laying around it wouldn't be that hard to hit 1 Province and 2 Provinces respectively. I think this will end games a lot faster than people can get a Toast thing going.

Dessert - I can tell you from experience that +3 Coffers is very strong, even on a terminal Action. Enough so that it almost on its own justifies the all powerful, fourth, Traveller line spot. Adding the ability to gain a $5 cost makes it bonkers strong. The top decking from play is also a very good ability on it's own.

Toast - I like the trashing effect. If it's there to punish players, I don't think the game will ever last long enough to get to that point.

Again, this is a very interesting line. I just think a closer look needs to be taken on a few of these cards. Thanks for sharing!
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 09:21:42 pm by Kudasai »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1957 on: May 14, 2019, 10:10:51 pm »

$6 Action-Attack-Traveller

Each other player trashes an Action card from their hand (or reveals they can't).
If they did, they gain a Ruins to their hand.
Choose one of the trashed cards. +1 Coffers per it costs.
When this is trashed, trash the card that caused it.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a General.

You need to have the looter type: ruins only come out if there is a Looter. You might actually have to put Looter on the in-the-supply traveller, or you might put it here. Types matter since your cards care about the number of types.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1958 on: May 14, 2019, 10:45:57 pm »

Any feedback is always appreciated, but please keep in mind that the power level of a Traveller card generally does not correspond to its cost.

Not including the final upgrade for each traveller line, I'd say most of the cards are balanced at their "cost." if they were in the supply:
Page -- this would never be bought without it being a traveller. So, this is not priced right.
Treasure Hunter -- looks like costing about 3 works, potentially 2 would work. You might need to slap a +buy on this one to make it work as a 3. The price is close to being right.
Warrior -- This is balanced at 4, but being a traveller makes people tend to upgrade past it, and the final card offers a solution to the incessant trashing. So, if it were in the supply, there might have to be some mechanisms here to prevent the ease of playing a bunch, especially early (other action-trashers are all 5s for this reason). But I'd say it's definitely more than a 3 and less than a 5. The price is at least pretty close to being right.
Hero -- this is a pretty classic 5+. It's similar to Explorer, almost strictly better, but not quite. Think of it like forager/trade route. It would be priced at a 5 in the supply and I wouldn't complain. maybe a 6 because of the added gain any treasure flexibility. But looks good as is. Hm, on second thought I think a 6 would best. Still, pretty close to the right price.

Peasant -- This is totally priced right, it's a weaker herbalist, but still stronger than a 1. If Herbalist didn't exist, I'd be happy with this as a 2 and buy it without it being a traveller.
Soldier -- Similar to Gladiator, it's a +2 with a possible +3 (in this case, more) if a condition is met. It's about the right cost. 4 might work, but it's definitely a 3 or 4. I'd say 3 is actually the right cost for this if it were in the supply by itself.
Fugitive -- compare to ware house, forum, Inn. 4 again seems about right.
Disciple -- this I am less sure about. I think to be in the supply it would need an anti-self-gaining clause (which is covered right now by it not being in the supply). It could potentially cost 6. 5 might work.

So, almost all of the power levels of current travelers correspond very well to their cost. The notable exceptions being the end of the line, which I don't think would be easily balanced in the supply at any cost (Champion even more so) at all.


As far as feedback, I think actually using some of those cost analysis (especially for the beginning of the line) could help. Some of them seem oddly priced. I get that it's a 4 so people can't, under normal circumstances, double up on the traveller line T1 T2. But why don't you want that to happen? Could you redesign it such that it would be fine to double up T1 T2?
Personally, I am weary of things that say "other players can't do this." Getting rid of choices/strategies makes the game less fun. Matriarch preventing the stealing of artifacts rules out one of the whole fun mechanics of artifacts, stealing it back and forth!
I don't like that getting to Matriarch a few turns before someone could irrevocably change the tide of the game (they get a few artifacts and they are lost forever).
I do think that the four artifacts you included are quite interesting! To be honest, Reliquary seems really under whelming. Trade a card for a copper? This only helps with estates and curses... so it's unlikely to be helpful but it hits every turn. Seems more like a self-hex. Or perhaps that's the point, do you want to have that to power up your matriarch? Ah, I see now. That's pretty cool!!

« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 10:57:20 pm by anordinaryman »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1959 on: May 14, 2019, 11:29:50 pm »

Page -- this would never be bought without it being a traveller. So, this is not priced right.
Peasant -- This is totally priced right, it's a weaker herbalist, but still stronger than a 1. If Herbalist didn't exist, I'd be happy with this as a 2 and buy it without it being a traveller.

Compare both to Pawn. They both only work as travellers. I agree with the rest of your advice.
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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1960 on: May 15, 2019, 02:52:31 am »

Thanks for the feedback. Again, I can only answer to what I intend the cards to do and not what they actually will do. That can't be determined without playing many games with these.

As far as feedback, I think actually using some of those cost analysis (especially for the beginning of the line) could help. Some of them seem oddly priced. I get that it's a 4 so people can't, under normal circumstances, double up on the traveller line T1 T2. But why don't you want that to happen? Could you redesign it such that it would be fine to double up T1 T2?

Mainly I don't want players to be able to gain two of these before the first shuffle because some of these cards can scale into very, very powerful cards. Making Commoner $4 will slow it down hopefully enough to where a player not playing with this line might be able to compete.

Personally, I am weary of things that say "other players can't do this." Getting rid of choices/strategies makes the game less fun. Matriarch preventing the stealing of artifacts rules out one of the whole fun mechanics of artifacts, stealing it back and forth!
I don't like that getting to Matriarch a few turns before someone could irrevocably change the tide of the game (they get a few artifacts and they are lost forever).

Matriarch does eliminate the taking of Artifacts, but I don't think players will generally go straight for Matriarch, thus ensuring the majority of the game will see Artifacts playing as normal. Here's my thinking on it. Exchanging Martyr for Matriarch signals to all other players to try and take your Artifacts before you can get your Matriarch into play. Without good engine support and maybe a few Captives to ensure you actually have the Artifacts when you play Matriarch, your opponents will have a fairly big window to take your Artifacts and then Matriarch literally just takes an Action and does nothing. If you get an Artifact further into the game it will be yours forever, but that is a very inefficient way of going about it.

Even if a player manages to lock down an Artifact or two, Worshiper can still allow you to get the benefits of other player's Artifacts. One Worshiper won't match actually having the Artifact (on account of it being a stop card), but 2 or more is a different matter. If you can manage the hindered draw and draw your Worshipers every turn, than 2 Worshipers is twice as good as having the actual Artifact. So good I'm betting Worshiper needs a nerf. Something like knocking the coin production down from $2 to $1.

I do think that the four artifacts you included are quite interesting! To be honest, Reliquary seems really under whelming. Trade a card for a copper? This only helps with estates and curses... so it's unlikely to be helpful but it hits every turn. Seems more like a self-hex. Or perhaps that's the point, do you want to have that to power up your matriarch? Ah, I see now. That's pretty cool!!

Reliquary is most often going to be the worst of the 4 Artifacts early game, but late game if a player is going all the way for Matriarch it should become the best.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 03:53:06 pm by Kudasai »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1961 on: May 15, 2019, 11:55:28 pm »

anordinaryman if you like fur trader, it’s from my snowline thread, on my snowline thread I have another traveler line. But since I can only submit one traveler line I went with the one I liked the most.


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Mythical Creatures
« Reply #1962 on: May 16, 2019, 12:53:17 am »

Mythical Creatures are travellers with a new traveller's line:

From lowest traveller Puck you can change to Wood Gnome or Mountain Troll - your decision.
But the main point is the last card Dryads. It is a traveller too, but it changes back! So you can jump to any lower traveller and get the card into your hand at once. So its power is the combination of dryads (+1 card +2 actions) AND the new traveller. If there is a foreign traveller's line in play you can jump into it too!

I have tested in play and it is very tricky.
So here is the line:

« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 04:00:02 am by herw »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1963 on: May 16, 2019, 03:16:40 am »

Focused on flavour this time. Going to see if the cards can speak for themselves...
Edit: changes to Errand Runner, Quester and Victim.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 10:17:46 am by Aquila »


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Re: Mythical Creatures
« Reply #1964 on: May 16, 2019, 03:28:23 am »

Really interesting Traveller Line! Dryads shouldn't have a line separating the text since everything should happen when played. As it is currently worded you only get +1 Card and +2 Actions when played.

Thanks for sharing!


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Re: Mythical Creatures
« Reply #1965 on: May 16, 2019, 03:51:23 am »

Really interesting Traveller Line! Dryads shouldn't have a line separating the text since everything should happen when played. As it is currently worded you only get +1 Card and +2 Actions when played.

Thanks for sharing!

ah yes - thanks for clarifying - have changed

I have printed with german text and i always played it in this way.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 04:01:09 am by herw »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1966 on: May 16, 2019, 06:24:57 pm »

Very interesting cards and Traveller combos.

Morsel - I do enjoy the decision a player has to make about when to start this line and give their opponents a free Coffers token. That Coffers will mean different things at different stages of the game; early game probably seeing the most benefit. Of course (get it... course!?) those Coffers may be more beneficial to the player that has extra Buys to use them with.

Morsel/Meal Combo- Cool combo potential with Morsel. I wonder if it's too strong though. One Morsel/Meal combination makes $9 Coin and 4 Buys (including your starting Buy). For 2 Morsels/Meal it's $14 Coin and 6 Buys. With Coffers laying around it wouldn't be that hard to hit 1 Province and 2 Provinces respectively. I think this will end games a lot faster than people can get a Toast thing going.

Dessert - I can tell you from experience that +3 Coffers is very strong, even on a terminal Action. Enough so that it almost on its own justifies the all powerful, fourth, Traveller line spot. Adding the ability to gain a $5 cost makes it bonkers strong. The top decking from play is also a very good ability on it's own.

Toast - I like the trashing effect. If it's there to punish players, I don't think the game will ever last long enough to get to that point.

Again, this is a very interesting line. I just think a closer look needs to be taken on a few of these cards. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the kind feedback! I've reworked those cards a bit, mostly to make them less powerful. So, here's the set with the changed ones in:

And these are the changed texts:
$4* Treasure-Traveller
+1 Buy
When you play this,
+$1 per Buy you have.
(Including the +1 Buy from this)
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Dessert, or two Morsels.
I just reduced the +$2 per Buy to +$1. Just +$1 for a $4-cost card seemed bad to me at first but I'd say it's balanced alongside Miser etc? One play of this and a Morsel will still get you $5 though so it's still pretty strong.

$5* Treasure-Traveller
Choose one: +2 Coffers and put a card costing up to $5 you have in play on top of your deck; or gain a card costing up to $5 and exchange this for a cheaper Traveller, putting it into your discard pile.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Toast.
Though it's a lot wordier now, it's more similar to Feast (And therefore, I hope, balanced at $5) in that it 'trashes' itself back a stage or two. I might be too enamoured by the card-from-play-topdecking though so I nerfed it and kept it as a choice. 3 Coffers is an awful lot now I think of it, so that's been reduced. I had to clumsily say 'put it into your discard' instead of 'discarding it' because otherwise if you exchanged it for a Meal you could exchange it straight back into a Dessert again.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1967 on: May 16, 2019, 06:45:47 pm »

Very interesting cards and Traveller combos.

Morsel - I do enjoy the decision a player has to make about when to start this line and give their opponents a free Coffers token. That Coffers will mean different things at different stages of the game; early game probably seeing the most benefit. Of course (get it... course!?) those Coffers may be more beneficial to the player that has extra Buys to use them with.

Morsel/Meal Combo- Cool combo potential with Morsel. I wonder if it's too strong though. One Morsel/Meal combination makes $9 Coin and 4 Buys (including your starting Buy). For 2 Morsels/Meal it's $14 Coin and 6 Buys. With Coffers laying around it wouldn't be that hard to hit 1 Province and 2 Provinces respectively. I think this will end games a lot faster than people can get a Toast thing going.

Dessert - I can tell you from experience that +3 Coffers is very strong, even on a terminal Action. Enough so that it almost on its own justifies the all powerful, fourth, Traveller line spot. Adding the ability to gain a $5 cost makes it bonkers strong. The top decking from play is also a very good ability on it's own.

Toast - I like the trashing effect. If it's there to punish players, I don't think the game will ever last long enough to get to that point.

Again, this is a very interesting line. I just think a closer look needs to be taken on a few of these cards. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the kind feedback! I've reworked those cards a bit, mostly to make them less powerful. So, here's the set with the changed ones in:

And these are the changed texts:
$4* Treasure-Traveller
+1 Buy
When you play this,
+$1 per Buy you have.
(Including the +1 Buy from this)
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Dessert, or two Morsels.
I just reduced the +$2 per Buy to +$1. Just +$1 for a $4-cost card seemed bad to me at first but I'd say it's balanced alongside Miser etc? One play of this and a Morsel will still get you $5 though so it's still pretty strong.

$5* Treasure-Traveller
Choose one: +2 Coffers and put a card costing up to $5 you have in play on top of your deck; or gain a card costing up to $5 and exchange this for a cheaper Traveller, putting it into your discard pile.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Toast.
Though it's a lot wordier now, it's more similar to Feast (And therefore, I hope, balanced at $5) in that it 'trashes' itself back a stage or two. I might be too enamoured by the card-from-play-topdecking though so I nerfed it and kept it as a choice. 3 Coffers is an awful lot now I think of it, so that's been reduced. I had to clumsily say 'put it into your discard' instead of 'discarding it' because otherwise if you exchanged it for a Meal you could exchange it straight back into a Dessert again.

At first glance these seem like some nice adjustments. Of course (there I go again!) Travellers are always going to be hard to get just right.

Meal - I guess there are no hard rules for Travellers, but the two official lines seems to have their middle-$4's slightly stronger than an actual $4 cost. Fugitive is about a $4.5 (too strong at $4 and too weak at $5). I can't say the same for Warrior, but I'm sure it's power level is similar. Anyways, Meal is a Treasure and gives +$2 and +1 Buy no matter what and can add +$1 to each other +1 Buy without using the buy. This still seems strong on its own, but considering the Aperitif self-Copper junking and junking from other players, lining this all up could be a nightmare. Perhaps this is where Toast comes in a shines!

I really like that now 2 Morsels and 1 Meal equals $8 Coin and +6 Buys. This seems to equate really well to 3 Fool's Golds which equals $9.

Dessert - Certainly has a lot of text, but it all seems straightforward. You can get rid of "putting it into your discard pile" as exchanged cards automatically go into your discard.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1968 on: May 16, 2019, 07:03:30 pm »

Focused on flavour this time. Going to see if the cards can speak for themselves...

I've been hoping and waiting patiently for your submission. You certainly always put a lot of care into your cards and seeing your take on the infamous Traveller line is exciting.

At first glance, the first three cards seem very under powered. This is not a criticism, but just an observation.
Errand Runner - Great draw for a 2 cost, but this might force a lot of unwanted reshuffles, which can lead to Traveller line delays.
Quester - Nice Gold gainer, but lining up those 2 Estates for the Gold could be tough.
Victim - Maybe the funniest card I've seen on the forums! Very brutal though to the person playing it.

So, I already mentioned these seems under powered, but it all seems to be a means to an end as the 4th and 5th cards are just killer.

Avenger - With all that discarding from the 1st through the 3rd cards, Avenger should never be without a discard pile to draw from. This is just great draw. I do worry that without good Village support, jumping through all those hoops to get here won't be worth it. Maybe this needs a +1 Action on it? I realize Tag Teaming Questers can give +2 Actions, but this seems a bit unreliable.
Tag Team - Very strong, as it should be.

Well, I'm running out of time typing this, so my conclusion will have to be brief: It seems like a player who rushes through this line is going to be brutalized and so far behind by the time they get to cards 4 and 5 that they may not catch back up. So perhaps the winning strategy is to build your deck first so you can best handle 1-3? Out of time! i"ll write more later.

Thanks for sharing!


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1969 on: May 17, 2019, 02:32:29 am »

Here's a line that cares about trashing. It also has a cute little theme of running through basic types.

Strange Scroll
Treasure/Traveller - $2

Trash a card you have in play. If it cost $1 or more, +$2.
When you trash this, you may exchange it for an Arcanist.
Action/Traveller - $3*

+3 Cards
While this is in play, when you buy a card, trash it.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Forgotten Path.
(This is not in the supply.)
Forgotten Path
Reaction/Traveller - $4*

When you trash a non-Victory card, you may reveal this from your hand, to exchange it for a card that shares a type ad costs up to $1 more from the supply or a pile of this Traveller line.
(This is not in the supply.)
Night/Traveller - $5*

Trash a copy of a card that you have in play from the supply. If you did, and there was no copy of it in the trash, +3 Villagers.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for an Ancient Ruin.
(This is not in the supply.)
Ancient Ruin
Victory - $6*

Worth 1 VP for every 2 differently named cards in the trash (rounded down).
(This is not in the supply.)
Card quantities are 10 Strange Scrolls, 5 of each of Arcanist, Forgotten path, Totem, and 2 per player of Ancient Ruin.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 02:40:08 am by faust »
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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1970 on: May 17, 2019, 10:13:38 am »

I've been hoping and waiting patiently for your submission. You certainly always put a lot of care into your cards and seeing your take on the infamous Traveller line is exciting.

At first glance, the first three cards seem very under powered. This is not a criticism, but just an observation.
Errand Runner - Great draw for a 2 cost, but this might force a lot of unwanted reshuffles, which can lead to Traveller line delays.
Quester - Nice Gold gainer, but lining up those 2 Estates for the Gold could be tough.
Victim - Maybe the funniest card I've seen on the forums! Very brutal though to the person playing it.

So, I already mentioned these seems under powered, but it all seems to be a means to an end as the 4th and 5th cards are just killer.

Avenger - With all that discarding from the 1st through the 3rd cards, Avenger should never be without a discard pile to draw from. This is just great draw. I do worry that without good Village support, jumping through all those hoops to get here won't be worth it. Maybe this needs a +1 Action on it? I realize Tag Teaming Questers can give +2 Actions, but this seems a bit unreliable.
Tag Team - Very strong, as it should be.

Well, I'm running out of time typing this, so my conclusion will have to be brief: It seems like a player who rushes through this line is going to be brutalized and so far behind by the time they get to cards 4 and 5 that they may not catch back up. So perhaps the winning strategy is to build your deck first so you can best handle 1-3? Out of time! i"ll write more later.

Thanks for sharing!
Well thanks for all of this! I see a few changes that can be made...

Victim can be more exciting going up to +$3, an Action Silver- was never ~$4.5 was it? He's got to damage you somehow, he's been inflicted on one of his quests, and you can work around the discard in several ways for good enough payload.

But of course this is way too similar to Quester... I've changed it to looking for a pair from the deck. He's still got to gain a Gold, for the link to Quest.

That's heavy cycling with Errand Runner as well, so finally:

All I can see it being is Action copper, that's all it needs. If a Traveller line can do everything, there's a risk that it becomes the sole game strategy sometimes. There are 9 other piles it should potentially benefit from. Avenger might be too much draw to sit together with these payload options?


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1971 on: May 17, 2019, 12:26:15 pm »

I might have spent too long on the art and not long enough on the cards this time...


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1972 on: May 17, 2019, 01:52:38 pm »

First Mate looks crazy. Discard a Gold and a Province, draw 14 cards.
Apprentice does at least come with a cost, you have to trash the good card.


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Re: Mythical Creatures
« Reply #1973 on: May 17, 2019, 01:54:50 pm »

I just noticed the inverted arrow on Dryads. Very nice touch. What if Puck got a similar treatment? Something like this?



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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #1974 on: May 17, 2019, 02:10:28 pm »

First Mate looks crazy. Discard a Gold and a Province, draw 14 cards.
Apprentice does at least come with a cost, you have to trash the good card.

Probably, but I thought that was the whole point of travellers. I'd still take Disciple over it, whatever that means.
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