Miscellaneous > General Discussion

Random Stuff Part IV

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--- Quote from: GendoIkari on September 22, 2023, 05:01:38 pm ---Apparently we need to name the road our house will be built on. It's a small easement road shared between 5 houses; we're supposed to submit suggestions. Crowdsourcing it! The main road it's off of is Peach Orchard Road; looking for something that conveys serenity or nature.

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Roady McRoadface?



--- Quote from: GendoIkari on September 22, 2023, 05:01:38 pm ---Apparently we need to name the road our house will be built on. It's a small easement road shared between 5 houses; we're supposed to submit suggestions. Crowdsourcing it! The main road it's off of is Peach Orchard Road; looking for something that conveys serenity or nature.

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I never did give an update on this. We ended up submitted like 7 possible suggestions, just 1 other neighbor submitted 1. Of ours, the county said all but 2 weren't an option because the names were in use somewhere else in the county already. We were then outvoted by everyone else preferring the other suggestion, "Peach Blossom Court". Wasn't too happy with that, but not a big deal.

Faust is right, should have been Roady McRoadface.


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