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Gamer's Cards
« on: October 30, 2017, 12:34:12 pm »

A few ideas I came up with. Feel free to critique and suggest improvements (typos, balancing issues, formatting, etc.)

(split pile)
(split pile)

(split pile)

« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 12:07:14 pm by Gamer3000 »

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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2017, 01:40:23 pm »

Tropical Oasis can lead to infinite turns.
Centuries later, archaeologists discover the remains of your ancient civilization.

Evidence of thriving towns, Pottery, roads, and a centralized government amaze the startled scientists.

Finally, they come upon a stone tablet, which contains but one mysterious phrase!



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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2017, 02:18:18 pm »

I've only read through the top two cards so far, but might as well post since I don't know when/if I'll have time to read through the rest.

Barn Yard (which should be one word) needs to cost $5.

There are already official things called Plague (a Hex) and Trading Post (a card in Intrigue).
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 02:23:14 pm by LastFootnote »


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2017, 02:43:32 pm »

In a game with 8+ heirlooms, which do you use?  :P


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2017, 03:41:08 pm »

There are too many cards to give feedback, so I'll just refer to a few.

Archaeologist - It's a bit random, isn't it?
Barren Desert - This card by itself is not very good, so I don't think people will buy 5 of them just to get to the Tropical Oases.
Builder - It's ambiguous because I don't know if you set aside treasures from hand or from play.  Also, some treasure cards don't have a clear value (like Bank).  Also, couldn't you just use this to pseudotrash all copper?
Chandelier - Wording could use some work, but sounds fine.
Fortifications - This probably won't come up often, but if your entire deck is in hand, and your opponent buys a gold, you can get infinite VP.  But aside from that, I'm not sure this is a very interesting card.  A cantrip that gains a silver, that's just about the most boring way to silver flood.

Skipping ahead to events...
Bad Luck - I'm not sure how much hexes are worth but I suspect this is overpriced.  On the other hand, if it were cheaper, it could prove degenerate.
Census - Generally for VP cards you want something that pushes the game to ending.  This one gives you extra VP for gaining cards, but that might not be enough.  Imagine you hit $12 and 3 buys consistently, you can just get 6 VP a turn.
Good luck - Like with Bad Luck, I think this is overpriced.  Boons are mostly worth $1 or $2.

Skipping further ahead to landmarks...
Botanical Springs - Forgotten Jewels doesn't work mechanically, because you play treasures before buying cards.  Maybe it should trigger upon discard.  Is it intended to be mandatory?  I'm not sure I like that.  Sometimes it would feel like you've been swamp hagged.
Colloseum - Nice.  What if it were on gain instead of on buy?
Shrine - Sounds really difficult to track, and degenerate with Knights.  This landmark is basically telling me to buy lots of actions and I don't think that's very interesting.
Well - Sounds ok, except with Beggar. I dunno, you should test it.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 03:48:14 pm by trivialknot »


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2017, 08:12:50 pm »

Shouldn't Junk Yard be an Action-Reaction?

Minor nitpick: Action-Victory cards have the white above the green on the banner. (It was reversed on Commander.)

Cleansing Water should have the Action type. Do you get the $1 if you played it during your Action phase, or only if you played it during your Buy phase? I think this needs some kind of qualifier (like Crown).

A similar thing applies for Forgotten Jewels. Do you get the night effect if you play it during your Buy phase?


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2017, 08:55:51 pm »

It would be nice to have some explanation as to why the card does what it does. Like, Inquisition looks like it started as "Receive a Boon", then that's quite boring and weak so let's tag some vanilla bonuses on, and let's make them next turn because why not? There's no coherence to the card. And quite a few other cards are like that, or at least seem to be like that.

Forgotten Jewels - It's not entirely clear what this is meant to do. Did you mean:
If it's your Buy phase: +$1
If it's your Night phase: Gain a card costing etc...
If right, I think that's quite nice, and I like the way that it ties into the Landmark, although only minorly (and I suspect the Landmark isn't one that often makes much of a difference).

Gatherer is kind of the obvious card to do at the start of a Traveller line given the official ones. Hunter is a reasonable basic card for early in a Traveller line, although maybe compares too well to Caravan to be 2nd in line? However, the rest are incoherent both individually and as a set, both mechanically and thematically. And compare Commander to Teacher or Champion, it's nowhere near as good. Witch Doctor is probably stronger but only because it can kill opponent's turns (more likely in multiples, but not only), which isn't fun.

I think it's too easy for Armada to yield a situation where you're both giving out more Debt than the other can produce $, and just accumulating more and more Debt and being unable to buy anything. I suspect almost any King's Court / Armada game ends like that, but I don't think KC is required.

Why is one half of Colosseum when-gain and the other when-buy? When-gain for both seems better. I like it, though.

There are some nice ideas: I like both Ancient Remains and Recurring Loans, and Scribe's bottom half is really interesting (I'd probably call it Copyist, which is pretty much the same idea but less subtle :p). Hard to judge whether that's the correct top half to pair with it (though I agree it wants something simple), or how good it is, but I like the idea.

Street Sweeper
is nice but causes confusion with Durations.

I agree with pretty much all of the other comments people have made.


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2017, 11:13:38 am »

Just some things:
Haunted Village could play itself as a Reaction to resolving an Action. Like

"+1 Action | When you finish playing an Action card, you may reveal this from your hand to play it."

Armada can lock out players. It's a common misconception that if a card is bad, it can't also be broken. Armada is both. Either make the debt conditional on them having debt (-1$ token basically) or on something else they can avoid doing (see my Scribe).

Forgotten Jewels should just be a Treasure with a choice, like Charm.

Barn Yard is strictly better than Fugitive, which is too strong to be a regular 4$.

If I compare Gambler to my Scientist, I think it could cost 5$. Although of course as is it can be picked up for any opening. That's neat, as it's not that good early on.

Witch Doctor stacks nastily. Commander is available too late in the game for its trashing to really matter, unless you play a bad, bad slog. However, only Witch Doctor goes into slog territory, and not necessarily a slog that benefits from trashing really.


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2017, 11:40:00 am »

Thanks for the feedback. I haven't gotten around to playtesting the cards yet (although I hope to start soon), so the cards are susceptible to extensive editing. I'll try to keep the cards updated as best I can.
Forgotten Jewels - It's not entirely clear what this is meant to do. Did you mean:
If it's your Buy phase: +$1
If it's your Night phase: Gain a card costing etc...
That is what I meant. I couldn't quite figure out how to word it, as Treasures can occasionally be played out of the Buy phase, but I think the new wording is a lot clearer.


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2017, 11:45:11 am »

Taken directly from Charm:

When you play this, choose one: +1$; or the next time you buy a card this turn, you may also gain a card costing 1$ per 2$ the bought card costed.

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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2017, 10:56:38 am »

Thanks for the feedback. I haven't gotten around to playtesting the cards yet (although I hope to start soon), so the cards are susceptible to extensive editing. I'll try to keep the cards updated as best I can.
Forgotten Jewels - It's not entirely clear what this is meant to do. Did you mean:
If it's your Buy phase: +$1
If it's your Night phase: Gain a card costing etc...
That is what I meant. I couldn't quite figure out how to word it, as Treasures can occasionally be played out of the Buy phase, but I think the new wording is a lot clearer.

You could also have the "otherwise" wording like Werewolf.


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2017, 11:49:31 am »

Always glad to see another batch of unique cards.

Archaeologist: Should say "Heirloom: X" at the bottom. Also, consider using Oracle's wording. "Afterwards, draw a card."

Assassin: This is a classic jumble of attacks slapped on a card. When designing attack cards, simple is usually better. Look at Skulk and Raider.

Bargaining Table: I don't see how these abilities fit together. I dislike cards that are basically "Do W, X, Y, Z" when they have little to do with each other.

Barnyard: See CpiGuy's Desolate Village for a similar card. I like his version with +1 Card better.

Barren Desert/Tropical Oasis: There's no real connection between the two. All of the other split piles have a tangible synergy, not just 2 similar cards.

Builder/Resident: Builder is unclear. When can you call it? Do you keep the from the treasures? I'd set the Treasures aside under it, not on it to mirror Crypt. Resident has a nice synergy with builder but probably too much going on. The split pile has promise, but I'd start simple and tweak from there.

Chandelier: Why does this give +1 Card at the end? It's a very marginal difference from putting it at the top. The wording is unclear. Do you do the same thing to each of them, do you do each effect to a different card, or can you do any effect on each card?

Fortifications: If this is more of a BM card +2 Cards would be more fitting than a cantrip. Also, why not commit to a full cost? is a little weird.

Gambler: Loans should say "When you discard this from play, put it onto your deck." Looks like a fun card.

Traveller: This is a bunch of words. Try simplifying it a lot further. Commander should have the Action colour on top too.

Haunted Village/Armada: Haunted village needs to be a reaction, and Armada seems like it could be a pain. The cards want a more thematic link too, like Coastal Village/Armada.

Hooligans: Vanilla Boni/Text Bonus/Attack is a bad format, unless the attack or text bonus is particularly unique or cool.

Inquisition: Nice, but lacking in theme. Inquisition seems like an attack, not a fate-duration.

Junk Yard: Lol nice art. This actually has no attack, it's just an attack card. The reaction is unthematic and worth dropping. Also, consider going - so you don't have to gain coppers and estates from the trash.

Mage: "until they have". Seems like hexing would be a better proxy for 3 attacks.

Priest: I like it. Priest should cost though. That way it's more on par with Artisan and it can't gain priests. Cleansing Water needs Crown's wording though, right now it doesn't work.

Puppeteer: Meh.

River: Self-counting Victory cards is a bad idea. This is what Duke started as, and it had to be changed.

Scribe: I like it, but the wording should reduce costs. "While this is in play, copies of cards you have a copy of in play cost half as much , rounding up"

Servant: I see no reason to give you a hex on buy, it seems weak enough.

Sorcerer: Better than your other attacks, but still not quite there.

Street Sweeper: I like it.

Stronghold: Unnecessary reaction, but it should say "be unaffected by" not "ignore". Also, why the price limit on taking cards from the discard pile? Seems like it wouldn't hurt to remove it.

Tempest: Hmm, I think this should say "take 1 per" not +. But there's no real official precedent.

Trading Post: I think you meant to delete this.

Victory Hall: Nothing worthwhile about this card IMO.

Bad Luck: Needs testing to see if it's too degenerate. It might need something else on it though.

Census: I like it.

Good Luck: I don't think this one needs to exist, and for a boon is a hefty price.

Hunting Spree: Seems nice.

Jubilee: I like Renovate from the mini-set design contest better.

Revolt: Seems degenerate, and all in all not worth it.

Botanical Springs: I like the combo idea, but I think it needs some tweaking. The Landmark could benefit Jewels more, and the two could have a thematic relationship.

Colluseum: Nice.

Shrine: There's no need to say + if it's when scoring.

Well: I like my Landmark Sewers better, which only counts cards costing .
My magnum opus collection of dominion fan cards is available here!


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2017, 01:05:29 pm »

River: Self-counting Victory cards is a bad idea. This is what Duke started as, and it had to be changed.

It's worth noting that Castles basically does this, but has a bunch of cards that do other things in the middle of the pile. But the point is that to make this sort of pile work, the easy solution is to vary and sort the costs of the cards, like Castles does. As in, you could have a stack of pure Victory cards with increasing costs that all just said "This is worth 1VP per card you have from its pile," and it would probably work out, once you found a good range of costs. It might look a bit boring next to Castles, though.


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2017, 11:00:18 am »

In general you have some nice ideas but the vanilla stuff often seems quite arbitrary. There are also too few terminals for my taste.

If you have a Victory card and Bargaining Table in your hand this is a Oasis-like discarding cantrip that gets VPs which is quite dubious.
It could work as you cannot easily play multiples per turn but I really wouldn't venture into the territory of non-terminals that get you VPs. The only two official cards are either conditional on greening (Groundskeeper) or appear late in the game (Plunder).

Barnyard looks good.

I don't get Barren Desert, if you have one in your discard pile it is extremly good: a Lab that trashes, an extra Buy plus Urchin's handsize attack.
Tropical Oasis on the other hand looks pretty weak for a sifter and especially so with a trasher on top of it that makes sifting less important.

About the Travellers, a Lab that trashes at the end of a Traveller line makes no sense; you get it too late in the game for trashing to matter much.

I like the Attack idea of Armada but would consider to change the vanilla stuff to something else than Market Square.

Mage is a non-terminal Attack, something you should really think twice about wanting to do because normally it should not be done (Urchin is weak and Familiar requires a Potion).

Street Sweeper is simple and good. I like gainers that you don't want to open with as they become stronger over the course of the game.

I like Tempest but it should feature the Night type in the text.

Census looks good but I would limit the tokens on it to prevent situations in which nobody wants to green.

I don't like Botanical Springs, it is just two virtual Gardens.

Colosseum, Shrine and Well look good to me.


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Re: Gamer's Cards
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2017, 02:38:35 pm »

I think it's too easy for Armada to yield a situation where you're both giving out more Debt than the other can produce $, and just accumulating more and more Debt and being unable to buy anything.
Agreed. A 6-player game with multiple villages would end atrociously (if ever). I'll try to re-work it so it works better.
Stronghold: Also, why the price limit on taking cards from the discard pile? Seems like it wouldn't hurt to remove it.
I might change that. It just seemed a little strong to be able to fish out your Gold/Platinum.
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