Most people do not find it fun when their opponent spends a bunch of time scrolling up and poring over the log, which (honestly) most people are going to do if they can and they find it matters, even if they find it annoying when other people do that.
If my opponent is taking a long time I switch tabs and do something else for a second -- and besides, this is why we have a 3 minute time limit.
Truncating the log makes isotropic more fun for... I'll go out on a limb and say everyone except you
You're just wrong -- when it first happened I made a point of bringing it up in every game I played with a serious player. This was a small sample, maybe 8 people, but at least 3 totally agreed with me that they wanted the log back, 2 or 3 really liked it the new way, and a few were like "uh, there was a log before?"
I also know three other people IRL who agree with me.
Feeling the way you do, I suggest using the built-in point counter for all games you propose and refusing to accept proposals without it. People who want to publicly track the trackable information are very well-catered to with the addition of the point counter.
I use drheld's extension and the built-in point counter with disabling turned off in every game I play.
If you additionally want to use some sort of extension that tracks the entire composition of everyone's deck I'm sure pretty much nobody who's willing to play with the point counter will object, and by and large they'll be glad they don't have to wait for you to scroll through the log.
Yeah, I pretty much want to write this. It sounds like a lot of work though :/
Personally, I'm thrilled the log is no longer available, because my opponents don't waste my time scouring it for information, and I don't waste their time doing the same myself. It makes for a breezier, more fun experience for me all around. I don't use the point counter for games I propose, but I'm happy to accept proposals with the point counter and will use it when it's available.
It's great that some people are made happier by the change; it's obviously a useful feature for many users. It would just be really nice if it were an option, like the point counter.