Eevee emotional analysis:
Sometimes in mafia, being suspected makes the target frustrated. I think there are three different kinds of frustration:
1. Omgus'ing, maybe saying "you should know better", getting aggressive towards the people suspecting you, calling them dumb.
2. Being unhappy with yourself for putting town in this position, the "woe is me".
3. Being frustrated at the arguments other people are making, calling the arguments terrible while not necessarily suspecting the people making them.
I think the first is pretty much a toss-up regarding their alignment, it's usually just a sign that someone is upset. The second I think is towny, because scum in that position is in fight-mode, not looking to concede it could be their fault, but rather looking to claw their way out of the trouble (robz really fooled me with acting resigned and blaming himself as scum in a recent game, but I'm not claiming these are perfect heuristics and Robz knows how I think pretty well and is good at manipulating me specifically). The third I think is a scum frame of mind "No, guys, if you only saw that argument is terrible, you'd realize you shouldn't suspect me", I think this often comes with not suspecting your accusers (because you know they are town), but trying to disprove their specific arguments because you don't feel they are legitimate (and the frustration comes from being in a bad spot with the suspicion but not feeling it's deserved because the arguments aren't "right").
TWM sounds to me like he is frustrated about the reasons for the suspicion, rather than being worried about the consequences for town, which seems to me like scum behavior.