Here is my Lunatic Mode 8 Colony solution.
Kingdom (Shelters, Colonies)
Poor House
Scrying Pool
Black Market
Death Cart
(Baker and Tactician in the Black Market)
1. Buy Abandoned Mine.
2. Play Abandoned Mine. Buy Poor House.
3. Hand PH-AM-OE-Nec-Hov. Play Poor House for +$4. Buy Death Cart.
4. Play Copper and use coin token to buy Squire.
5. Play Death Cart, trashing Squire, gaining Scrying Pool. Buy Stonemason, gaining Develop and Storeroom.
6. Play Develop, trashing Death Cart for Sir Vander and Hermit.
7. Play Stonemason, trashing Sir Vander for Sir Martin, Squire, and Gold.
8. Play Hermit, gaining Black Market. Trash Hermit for Madman.
9. Play Black Market and Gold, buying Tactician.
10. Buy 32 Coppers, 29 Curses, and the last 27 Ruins.
11. Play Tactician.
1. Starting hand is Scrying Pool and 4 Coppers.
2. Tactician duration effect: get +1 Action, +1 Buy, and draw 3 Coppers, Hovel, and Overgrown Estate. Handsize is 10. 2 Actions left.
3. Play Scrying Pool, getting +1 Action and drawing Poor House, Stonemason, Squire, Develop, Storeroom, Black Market, Sir Martin, Madman, Necropolis, 30 Ruins, and Gold. Handsize is 49. 2 Actions left.
4. Play Madman, getting +2 Actions and drawing 48 cards. Handsize is 96. 3 Actions left.
5. Play Necropolis for +2 Actions. Handsize is 95. 4 Actions left.
6. Play Squire for +$1 and +2 Buys. Handsize is 94. 3 Actions left.
7. Play Sir Martin for +2 Buys. Handsize is 93. 2 Actions left.
8. Play Ruined Market for +1 Buy. Handsize is 92. 1 Action left.
9. Play Storeroom, getting +1 Buy and discarding hand for +$91.
10. Buy 8 Colonies.