Caveat: I don't own Empires and have never played with any of the new cards before.
That being said, I think Donate is strong enough to ignore Catapult completely, at least in the early game. You don't need the Catapult trashing, a late-game Donate can take out curses if necessary, and the engine is strong enough to draw itself reliably after trashing the starting cards (even after adding 2-3 Curses).
City Quarter is strong, but it needs Action cards in your hand in order to fully activate. Haunted Woods is amazing here. Even with only one each turn, you're starting each turn with an 8-card hand (or 6 if your opponent made you discard), which is enough to make City Quarter very worthwhile. With two Haunted Woods each turn, it's completely bonkers. There's also Scheme to ensure a City Quarter in your starting hand, and Dungeon can give you more Actions and discard non-Action cards to trigger City Quarter's effect. I would get at least 3 of them, and possibly more later in the game - however many it takes to keep drawing your deck.
Charm is the only +Buy on the board, so it will definitely play a role. I'd probably use it for the +Buy ability a lot, since there aren't many good cards with the same cost. Haunted Woods+Charm or Haunted Woods+Mystic is probably the best use of its main ability, but Scheme+Dungeon, Scheme+Silver, or Scheme+Catapult might be situationally useful as well. I would probably get at least two Charms for the +Buy. The fact that City Quarter and Donate are expensive means that +Buy won't be as crucial in the early game.
Settlers/Bustling Village is probably too weak without much +Buy and with Donate trashing your starting Coppers. However, if you can pick up a couple of extra Settlers, they will never hurt, and they can help activate your City Quarters. The same goes for Wishing Well, but it's outclassed by Scheme and Dungeon. I probably wouldn't buy Coin of the Realm at all here until late in the game for Keep points; it doesn't help City Quarter at all, there are only two terminals, and City Quarter is a much better village on this board. Mystic will be useful for the money, but Charm would probably be better there after Donating. Catapult might be worthwhile in the later game, depending on what your opponent is doing. Even if it only trashes a Curse per turn to make a second Donate unnecessary, that's probably good enough.
Keep will be interesting to play around. Charm being the only extra buy makes picking up late-game Treasures difficult but not impossible. The top priority is to keep the engine running smoothly, though, so picking up spare Silvers early probably isn't a good idea. It's important to remember that buying a Province is a 12 point swing, whereas buying a Gold when neither of you had it or your opponent has just one is only a 5 point swing.
I would probably open Silver/Silver or Mystic/Settlers, get at least $6 in my deck (?), and then Donate all the junk, followed by buying a Charm or two and then City Quarters, Haunted Woods, and cheap cantrips. Charm plus debt lets you buy Haunted Woods and City Quarter in the same turn, which is pretty nice.