Dominion > Dominion General Discussion

Semi-Interesting Dominion Moments Thread

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--- Quote from: grep on May 25, 2023, 10:40:43 am ---Just realized that Endless Chalice prevents Alms (which sounds slightly counterthematic)

--- End quote ---

True, though generally speaking Alms is most useful in the early game, so by the time you get an Endless Chalice, you're probably not going to be using Alms much anyways

Footpad + Old Witch in the same game. Opponent plays Old Witch, giving me a Curse. Since it's during an Action phase, I draw a card. That card happens to be another Curse, which I then immediately trash. I had not had a Curse in hand before the Old Witch was played

Magic Lamp going off on turn 3.

Turn 3 - ehunt
e plays a Secret Cave.
e draws an Infirmary.
e gets +1 Action.
e plays an Infirmary.
e draws a Copper.
e trashes a Copper.
e plays a Copper and a Silver.  (+$3)
e plays a Lucky Coin.  (+$1)
e gains a Silver.
e plays a Magic Lamp.  (+$1)
e trashes a Magic Lamp.
e gains 3 Wishes.
e buys and gains a Giant.
e shuffles their deck.
e draws 3 Coppers, a Silver, and a Wish.

I had bought Inheritance while my opponent hadn't. I play a Hex attack, giving them Fear. They discard a useless Estate, because it's an Action card on my turn.

In a game with both Market Square and Footpad, my opponent trashed a card, with an empty draw pile, discarded their Market Square gaining a Gold, causing them to reshuffle - and drawing that same Market Square back, and reacted again to the same trashing! They only had one Market Square at that point, so there was no doubt that it was the same card. So they ended up essentially reacting twice with the same card


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