Dominion > Dominion General Discussion

Semi-Interesting Dominion Moments Thread

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After opening Potion-Silver in the hopes of getting one of the 3P cards, I did not hit 3P until the 5th shuffle. I should just have resigned at that point.


--- Quote from: Seprix on May 17, 2016, 07:59:53 pm ---This thread is gonna die.

--- End quote ---

Geez, have some patience!

I plan to use this thread, just as soon as more semi-interesting stuff happens in my games.


--- Quote from: wachsmuth on May 17, 2016, 08:22:34 pm ---After opening Potion-Silver in the hopes of getting one of the 3P cards, I did not hit 3P until the 5th shuffle. I should just have resigned at that point.

--- End quote ---

5th shuffle? Ouch.

They can't all be the best moment ever.

Playing Adventures, I quickly got up to Champion right before a shuffle.

Champion ended up being the bottom card of my deck.

My opponent played their newly upgraded Warrior and discarded it.


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