Anyway, I have always been a vocal opponent of Action-Treasure cards whenever they've been proposed for fan cards. And I have to say that my opinion hasn't really changed (this is just a first-reaction; obviously playing with the cards is a whole different level). It feels very awkward that the same card sometimes uses up an action point to play and sometimes doesn't. You're playing an action, that should require an action point to do so. At the same time, you're playing a Treasure, why do you have to spend an action point?
The effect itself seems fine; though I wonder if it was necessary to have different effects in buy phase vs action phase.
And then there's the fact that you can now play Actions while you are in the middle of resolving a Storyteller or Black Market. Now Donald has defended this on BGG by pointing out that the confusion there is the fault of Storyteller and Black Market, not of Crown. Well sure, but we already have Storyteller and Black Market.