Also, I guess I could throw in my two cents about the teasers in this thread:
I assume Landmarks will be responsible for most of the Setups and VP symbols.
I'm guessing the hexagons do only come in red and are Debt Tokens. Someone mentioned how hexagons fit together like Catan, but I think it's mostly to distinguish them from the red circle player tokens. The debt would go with the paying later thing. $0-cost card, but when you gain this gain a Debt Token? Maybe you pay VP tokens to get rid of tokens (of course the Debt Token card would also have to give out VP tokens). Or maybe you just pay them off with money, but they're worth -VP.
Trashing from the Supply I think is coupled with handing out VP tokens, since VP-giving cards need to still bring the game to an end somehow. Not sure how it should work, though.
I also usually hate bidding, and love Dominion for the lack of politics. But I have no reason not to trust Donald, so I think I'll like it. I think the "bidding against yourself" thing like Spades is a reasonable guess. Or some kind of turn-based or anonymous bidding.
Also I like that Duration cards aren't noted as "returning from a previous set". Means that they're just a standard thing from now on and we'll get to see them with new themes, whenever it makes sense. And for no real reason, I hope one is a VP-token Duration card. Also, kind of sad there are no Reserve cards, but maybe next time...