I'm still a fan of Page, but it feels more money-ish than I had realized. People talk about getting a Champion for your engine, but by that point, you're usually going to have quite a few treasures. This can be a good or bad thing depending on how you view it, but those treasures are often going to end up being your payload; the champion just makes it easier to draw them and get +buy. It's important to keep in mind that most Page games are mirrors, so you can't count on attacks being your payload. Therefore, it just turns into "once I have my Champion, how fast can I score points?" This often means just drawing all of your treasures and buying a bunch of Provinces. The threat of attacks is what really pushes Page games to mirrors; Champion isn't actually all that fast, but once you get it you can attack the heck out of your opponent. Only with both absence of other attacks and a way to do something without $3 or $4 cards should you skip Page.