idk if we have a thread for non-dominion streams but a good one is startin up now: is a longtime buddy of mine who's a freakin god at classic arcade games. he's beaten hundreds of them on one credit, but his recent streams have taken a different approach. specifically, a little something called
MAME Roulette!
the idea is simple: fire up the arcade emulator MAME, and have it display a random list of games. he plays the top game on the list unless it isn't emulated or it's gambling/porn, in which case he rerolls. every 5th game he does Viewer's Choice, where we get to vote on any game from the given list for him to play.
recent highlights include a game where you stick a finger up people's butts, and BBH getting a one-credit clear on the Capcom shooter UN Squadron (after not playing it for years)
he does these every Monday & Thursday, so stop on by! arcade games tend to have a lot more unique aesthetics/presentation than console stuff, and i think that works well for streaming.