Random Stuff III. We didn't need this.
According to my choked browsers, II apparently went on too far unfortunately.
I use Excel the same way. I build formulas through multiple simple cells before I combine them to the final format I need.
I do that too. It makes it a little easier to update years later. I do like to combine formulas to avoid needless calculations, but it can be tricky to decipher a really long and convoluted formula.
Although I'm not sure that combining would reduce the calculations.
If you have IF(VLOOKUP(A1,A:B, 2)=2, TRUE, FALSE) in C1, then would that save processing time compared to having VLOOKUP(A1,A:B,2) in C1 and IF(C1=2, TRUE, FALSE) in D1? It seems the same number of steps, but is there a saving when the nested function is resolved within the main function?