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Author Topic: S11 Champion Match Announcement: Saturday, 12 December; 19.00UTC  (Read 3921 times)

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S11 Champion Match Announcement: Saturday, 12 December; 19.00UTC
« on: December 10, 2015, 08:14:37 pm »

This seasons' Champion Match will take place this Saturday, 12 December at 19.00UTC, which is December 12, 2015, 02:00:00 pm forum time.

You can watch the match  live over at (recordings are also enabled now, in case you can not catch it live). Commentary will be provided by AdamH and Deadlock39.

The match will feature our current champion, Stef, who will be challenged by Burning Skull this time. Due to the League results, Stef has a head-start and only needs to win 1,5 of the 6 games.

Can Burning Skull make it? Tune in Saturday and find out!
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 08:40:23 pm by -Stef- »
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Re: S11 Champion Match Announcement: Saturday, 12 December; 19.00UTC
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2015, 09:11:09 pm »

I edited in the local forum time. Thanks to Awaclus for re-suggesting that, I somehow forgot about the possibility.

And in case you're wondering, the syntax is [time]1449946800[/time] where you should replace 1449946800 by the unix timestamp of the moment you're referring to.
This website can help you out with figuring out that number.
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Re: S11 Champion Match Announcement: Saturday, 12 December; 19.00UTC
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2015, 07:05:05 am »

I edited in the local forum time. Thanks to Awaclus for re-suggesting that, I somehow forgot about the possibility.

And in case you're wondering, the syntax is [time]1449946800[/time] where you should replace 1449946800 by the unix timestamp of the moment you're referring to.
This website can help you out with figuring out that number.

Or you can just type the date and time in your own forum settings time like you normally would (or just the time, in which case it uses the current date, or just the date, in which case it uses 00:00:00 for the time), and then it converts it into the Unix timestamp automatically when you post. It's pretty flexible - both "2pm" and "14:00" work, and all of "2015-12-11", "11.12.2015" and "12/11/2015" work and give you the same result. You can also use "today" and "tomorrow" in place of the date.
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Re: S11 Champion Match Announcement: Saturday, 12 December; 19.00UTC
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2015, 01:58:07 pm »

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Re: S11 Champion Match Announcement: Saturday, 12 December; 19.00UTC
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2015, 03:38:50 pm »

the chat

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<assemble_me> hi
<drsteelhamm3r> hi
<mpsprs> Hi!
<drsteelhamm3r> everything looks/sounds fine
<drsteelhamm3r> just send them to both, making them takes quite some time?
<wanderingwinder> That is so bad for my epilepsy
<jsh357> come on burning skull, be the third!
<awaclus_> hi everyone
<wanderingwinder> Adam is actually higher rated than Stef this morning
<shecantsayno> hey
<assemble_me> you should tell stef and burning skull not to forget to click on those dice symbols for provinces and shelters
<mpsprs> Are they setting the provinces/estates stuff?
<assemble_me> until they're really turned off
<assemble_me> GMTA matt :D
<shecantsayno> does it really matter that much?
<awaclus_> yeah, getting told not to forget to click on the dice symbols is such a turn-off
<shecantsayno> I find whether something is shelters/estates or province/colonies rarely makes a difference
<assemble_me> lol deadlock advertising in the dominion client :D
<assemble_me> well done:)
<deadlock_39> figured I might as well
<mpsprs> I agree, we should play them as submitted
<shecantsayno> lol
<wanderingwinder> I don't know what "doesn't matter" means
<assemble_me> it looks okay
<wanderingwinder> People usually buy colonies when available
<mpsprs> It looks okay
<shecantsayno> counterfeit
<awaclus_> cf for sure
<gkrieg> yep
<shecantsayno> i don't like soothsayer at all
<awaclus_> I don't like Soothsayer at all
<awaclus_> oh wow
<shecantsayno> :)
<jsh357> the art is so boring yeah
<shecantsayno> I'd pick Minion before Soothsayer
<wanderingwinder> Some cards that only help you hit 5? so silver?
<assemble_me> the single copper :D
<assemble_me> signature play
<shecantsayno> it's his signature play
<assemble_me> adam and deadlock haven't mentioned the most powerful card on this board
<shecantsayno> a real shame
<mic_qsenoch> i know what it is!
<jsh357> tunnel
<gkrieg> rs?
<wanderingwinder> I don't think I would want soothsayer until late
<assemble_me> ^
<jsh357> hamlet/tunnel so good
<awaclus_> I think if you want to do things with Golds, Tunnel is better than Soothsayer
<jsh357> that just sounds naughty
<shecantsayno> with opponent having forge soothsayer is unequivocally awful
<shecantsayno> give him a card at very low cost
<wanderingwinder> until they are drawing their deck anyway
<mic_qsenoch> are we going to see how many blitz games we can play in one of theirs SCSN?
<shecantsayno> oh sure
<shecantsayno> let's start with the next
<mic_qsenoch> k
<shecantsayno> reliable isn't a fixed state
<shecantsayno> minion attack makes opponent's deck less reliable
<shecantsayno> i like the minions
<mpsprs> Stables starts to lose reliability too once you've trashed most of your money
<mic_qsenoch> were these designed or just selected from random
<assemble_me> selected from random
<awaclus_> yes
<mic_qsenoch> the joke got twice as funny the second time awaclus
<awaclus_> true
<gkrieg> Awa has been copying people today
<mic_qsenoch> some of your jokes are up to 100x times funnier
<mic_qsenoch> maybe one day you can break a record for funniest joke yet
<mic_qsenoch> at this pace i'm confident you can make it
<gkrieg> another 5/2
<wanderingwinder> played extremely well? I mean he played fine, but it didn't seem super special
<mpsprs> It looked like it was on random to me
<gkrieg> decent art on this board
<awaclus_> Hunting Grounds to gain opponent's Witches sounds like a good idea
<wanderingwinder> why do we really care about increasing deck size?
<gkrieg> forager is only +buy
<wanderingwinder> yeah, so?
<wanderingwinder> I mean, not that it's nothing
<wanderingwinder> but I don't expect it to be a super important factor
<gkrieg> I don't think they'll thin down enough for it to be an issue
<wanderingwinder> trashing HG for points/piles probably more important
<gkrieg> It is just a reason to not get more than two foragers
<gkrieg> double MV?
<wanderingwinder> especially because HP isn't even in the kingdom
<gkrieg> haha
<wanderingwinder> who said HG isn't amazing?
<gkrieg> You forgot to look at the hidden text
<gkrieg> I've been trolling secretly this whole time
<jsh357> who won?
<wanderingwinder> who won what?
<gkrieg> stef won the first
<jsh357> last game
<awaclus_> the last game hasn't been played yet
<wanderingwinder> Stef, it says so on the left
<jsh357> i was confused because i thought he only needed 1.5 from the start
<gkrieg> he does
<wanderingwinder> yes
<wanderingwinder> that's correct
<wanderingwinder> I meant the "1 game"
<wanderingwinder> think 2 processions is too many at this point
<wanderingwinder> but maybe I am wrong
<assemble_me> way way ahead
<wanderingwinder> third one?
<wanderingwinder> I mean, he's definitely way ahead
<gkrieg> I don't agree with the third one
<assemble_me> way way way ahead ;)?
<wanderingwinder> so I'm probably wrong
<gkrieg> I don't agree with multiple witches either
<assemble_me> would have processed witch. witch not so great at the moment
<wanderingwinder> still need to be careful about piles, game could end very fast here
<wanderingwinder> I think Stef is trying to work out if he can win right now?
<gkrieg> stef only has two I think
<wanderingwinder> or worrying about BS doing so on his turn
<wanderingwinder> trying to figure out what he's going to Proc
<gkrieg> impossible for him I think
<srkfunkdoc> yooooo
<srkfunkdoc> which game was the first one?
<adamhorton> JW: Hamlet, Tunnel, Smithy, Gardens, Stables, Royal Seal, Soothsayer, Counterfeit, Minion, Forge; Provinces/Estates
<awaclus_> the one with soothsayer, minion, tunnel, etc
<mpsprs> Stef processions a forager early
<wanderingwinder> could he not have done it? proc a Forager for another proc, draw it, proc forager again, how many buys is that?
<assemble_me> what matt says
<wanderingwinder> I guess that doesn't do it
<srkfunkdoc> ah cool
<assemble_me> does not lower the curse pile
<gkrieg> lighthouse out
<mpsprs> lighthouse
<assemble_me> stef has a lighthouse
<drsteelhamm3r> he did take it?
<gkrieg> he took it the second time
<gkrieg> take another estate?
<wanderingwinder> I assume Stef wins now
<drsteelhamm3r> most likely
<assemble_me> 2 game final :/
<mpsprs> Is he one buy short right now?
<mpsprs> I didn't look at the other piles
<drsteelhamm3r> one too many
<infth1tbox> lame championship match format
<srkfunkdoc> ^
<srkfunkdoc> i dont get why people defend it
<infth1tbox> might as well not play it at all in this format
<drsteelhamm3r> last match went in to game 6
<enfynet> I'm Champion in my group! (of 6...)
<srkfunkdoc> yea but for every other season it's been a hype killer
<wanderingwinder> Don't need a final match at all
<mic_qsenoch> so much hype to be killed
<mic_qsenoch> i mean, the masses were screaming for thrilling dominion matches
<srkfunkdoc> i mean excitement for the ppl watching haha
<assemble_me> don't like junkdealer here. it's really the worst 5$
<infth1tbox> well, I didn't actually know that the format was this way until way after I knew about the match, actually killed any excitement I had for it
<assemble_me> after testing i'm convinced
<wanderingwinder> why is well great here?
<infth1tbox> still nice to watch high-level dominion
<shecantsayno> I agree
<shecantsayno> with it sucking
<wanderingwinder> I like 1 JD
<shecantsayno> me too
<gkrieg> why so many ww?
<shecantsayno> for the draw
<wanderingwinder> it is better money to get more 5s
<mic_qsenoch> SCSN, i keep thinking "they are playing too slow, they're going to run out of time"
<shecantsayno> hahaha
<shecantsayno> I had the same
<assemble_me> looks like stef isn't going for the feodum thing
<wanderingwinder> Silver is good here, need money
<shecantsayno> I like upgrading catacombs into gold
<shecantsayno> could gain a feodum off it if you really want
<assemble_me> the feodum payload was very explosive when we played there, sad
<mic_qsenoch> you don't know that he wasn't going there eventually
<wanderingwinder> IGG Kappa
<wanderingwinder> KappaRoss
<wanderingwinder> KappaClaus
<mic_qsenoch> so we're up to 4 engine boards now
<infth1tbox> probably all 6
<infth1tbox> who would submit a board that wasn't?
<adamhorton> ^
<mic_qsenoch> cool people
<adamhorton> you should submit a slog, then MQ
<shecantsayno> there's igg mic
<adamhorton> you didn't this season
<adamhorton> Kappa
<mpsprs> So submit non-engine boards.
<drsteelhamm3r> the previous seasons had some
<srkfunkdoc> last season one of the chosen boards was a game where rebuild was arguably best
<drsteelhamm3r> this time, no luck
<wanderingwinder> me, if I submitted
<mic_qsenoch> i never submit, you're right i am not being the change i want to see in the world
<shecantsayno> what happened to your habit of flooding the submissions with totally random things?
<mic_qsenoch> i never did that, only threatened
<shecantsayno> i don't submit either
<shecantsayno> would prefer to see games I haven't seen before
<mic_qsenoch> i think DG did that maybe
<shecantsayno> lol
<mic_qsenoch> i didn't see #2, but i thought the rest of these are pretty cool
<wanderingwinder> Don't need remake
<mic_qsenoch> to make up for my complaining :P
<shecantsayno> yeah the boards are cool
<infth1tbox> I submitted a board yesterday for something in the future
<wanderingwinder> Terminal space? remake and Butcher are equally terminal, right?
<shecantsayno> you want two watchtowers for watchtower-rats
<infth1tbox> I thought it was cool, but its also an engine board
<shecantsayno> def before fishing villages
<mpsprs> Stef got the second watchtower to topdeck with a rats too, which was really good based on his draw
<shecantsayno> opening remake is weak compared to wt-rats
<wanderingwinder> I mean, remake is fine
<wanderingwinder> But I don't think it's quite as good
<enfynet> They can't all be the best Remake open ever
<drsteelhamm3r> no autoplay for poor BS
<drsteelhamm3r> no wonder he loses
<mpsprs> Assemble turned off autoplay for this board!
<infth1tbox> so what you're saying is that the playtesters are horribly biased?
<infth1tbox> go figure
<wanderingwinder> They didn't play in an interesting enough way? What bias!
<assemble_me> yeah I turned it off. maybe I want rat food
<assemble_me> I think he mills a province to draw an extra card, mainly
<wanderingwinder> Obviously BS has to lower provinces, he's losing the long game
<gkrieg> I disagree adam
<wanderingwinder> Minstrel generally better to have than FV if you aren't hurting for money
<mpsprs> Look at the turn Burning Skull has though. Without Wandering Minstrel it has no chance
<enfynet> Adam is from Ohio, right? The two NFL teams are both primarily Orange. It's not his fault.
<gkrieg> Adam just give it up
<wanderingwinder> Adam is such a huge NFL fan KappaClaus
<srkfunkdoc> i was just waiting to see if this one made it
<enfynet> He doesn't have to be. Marketing covers the state in orange every fall.
<wanderingwinder> Stef was winning later anyway though
<wanderingwinder> milling the province was correct
<mpsprs> Double Tac!
<gkrieg> haha
<srkfunkdoc> i could never make double tac work
<enfynet> Quick, show Adam the orange cards
<mpsprs> I beat A_M with double Tac
<srkfunkdoc> just doing single tac with a million havens
<assemble_me> I played single tac here
<srkfunkdoc> i had better success with that
<assemble_me> was very close
<wanderingwinder> I don't understand how this board is particularly interesting?
<srkfunkdoc> WW, because it's double-tac vs. single-tac
<srkfunkdoc> also things like bandit camp as the only village, haven's involvement
<wanderingwinder> That's about as good a reason as "Tomatoes are vegetables"
<enfynet> 5/2 is WAY better than 4/3 on this board...
<enfynet> Tomatoes are fruit... ;)
<gkrieg> I like the single tac with the havens
<wanderingwinder> yes, tomatoes are fruit
<wanderingwinder> I mean, there's nothing wrong with it
<srkfunkdoc> i've done best with 2x remodel
<wanderingwinder> It's just kind of blegh the same as everything else
<srkfunkdoc> but no idea if that's actually a good idea
<assemble_me> torturer not so great here with all those lighthoueses
<srkfunkdoc> ^
<gkrieg> double tac/remodel would be my other strategy. With some markets
<srkfunkdoc> i completely ignored torturer in favor of catacombs after a while
<assemble_me> I picked up two and the second one was surely wrong and probably the first one as well
<assemble_me> yes catacombs way better
<wanderingwinder> these kinds of decisions aren't more interesting, varied, or game-breaking as in Money games or slogs TBH
<mpsprs> I played Double Tac, remodel, markets one/two bandit camp for terminals lots of 2s, and a giant last turn for at least triple province
<assemble_me> was it 3 or even 4?
<mpsprs> I may have hit 4 against you
<srkfunkdoc> yea it's just hard for me to imagine this working with that few villages
<wanderingwinder> Not less so either
<assemble_me> it was a lot for surr
<srkfunkdoc> that's why i went away from the double tac
<wanderingwinder> just we get all these as though it's better than the other
<drsteelhamm3r> how much have you played this board funkdoc? :)
<wanderingwinder> And it makes things monotone
<srkfunkdoc> a bunch of times but only against bots
<srkfunkdoc> they go nuts for remodels
<wanderingwinder> so none?
<srkfunkdoc> just once against another person
<wanderingwinder> ;)
<srkfunkdoc> =)
<enfynet> i wish my playback wouldn't freeze so often
<wanderingwinder> I don't mean this as a criticism of you guys
<wanderingwinder> what a brag
<srkfunkdoc> WW, it's a reflection of the overall community values imo
<srkfunkdoc> engines are assumed to be ~Real Dominion~
<infth1tbox> yeah ^
<mpsprs> I think it's a valid criticism of the community.
<wanderingwinder> yes, I agree
<drsteelhamm3r> btw this board was the most controversial when deciding which will be played
<enfynet> Engines are more interesting. Otherwise it is basically Yahtzee
<infth1tbox> that's not true at all
<wanderingwinder> he's probably in a bad mood
<srkfunkdoc> i actually think recognizing the skill in money/slog games is a lot harder
<drsteelhamm3r> burning skull played double tac without virtual money
<srkfunkdoc> and not something discussed very much at all on the forums
<gkrieg> haha
<infth1tbox> you even see it when people are just talking about cards, always defaulting to their value in an engine
<wanderingwinder> It's obviously resignable
<srkfunkdoc> like i'm still new enough that a slog board wouldn't pop out at me and make me go "omg i should totally submit this!"
<wanderingwinder> like, I assume he's not having fun
<wanderingwinder> so why not resign?
<srkfunkdoc> why play the matches then
<srkfunkdoc> i guess you have to for stream purposes
<infth1tbox> is it a requirement of the league that you commit to playing all the league championship match on stream if you qualify?
<srkfunkdoc> i think they've played all the matches with someone else joining in before
<srkfunkdoc> after the match was decided
<wanderingwinder> It's expected
<enfynet> It
<drsteelhamm3r> if you don't want to share your hand for some reason, you obvously don'thave to
<gkrieg> just because one game isn't fun doesn't mean the next on won't be
<enfynet> It's a good thing I won't be in any championships. I can't even watch a stream without hangups
<srkfunkdoc> yea krieg but i know some players just hate playing meaningless games
<srkfunkdoc> idk
<wanderingwinder> when you're losing, don't feel like you're getting good luck, or playing well, and your opponent who has won every game starts saying how bad they're playing, it's pretty easy to not want to play anymore
<enfynet> That's a much easier thing to do online vs IRL... I play 90% of my games with real cards so resign doesn't often come to mind (for me, anyways)
<drsteelhamm3r> in multiplayer or 2p?
<infth1tbox> I mean, I haven't rage quit IRL, but its happened in games I've played
<wanderingwinder> why can't you resign IRL?
<gkrieg> agreed. My wife asked if she could resign yesterday because it was a goons game where she got pretty unlucky. I think that was the first time she's done that
<wanderingwinder> in some games, (I've played a lot of chess ), it's very common
<enfynet> I've seen enough games where other players either have bad shuffle luck, or make bad decisions at the right time for me to have a chance to come back. That, and I enjoy watching other people win sometimes. An opponent resigning isn't quite as satisfying as actually winning a complete game
<gkrieg> I think I keep track of things more online so it's easy to tell I'm behind. Harder IRL
<wanderingwinder> I certainly don't have a problem not resigning, just don't have any problem at all with resigning either
<enfynet> Chess/Checkers is easier to see "impending doom" than some other games as well. That and Monopoly (which I enjoy... btw... so I might have just invalidated all of my opinions)
<gkrieg> they also don't have any luck elements. Dominion does
<wanderingwinder> I don't see how those are reasons against resigning
<wanderingwinder> just reasons why you don't always
<srkfunkdoc> resigning feels weird to me because i come from competitive video games where that's heavily frowned upon
<srkfunkdoc> though that's because you don't get credit for a loss if you disconnect
<srkfunkdoc> called "ragequitting"
<wanderingwinder> That's a bad rating system then
<srkfunkdoc> it's there to protect against honest connection problems
<srkfunkdoc> and these games are fast-paced so you can't just wait to reconnect
<wanderingwinder> Also in e.g. starcraft, they always concede
<srkfunkdoc> no great solution really
<enfynet> best solution: split screen multiplayer in a movie theater
<srkfunkdoc> ah
<wanderingwinder> yeah, you can have connection problems you lose
<srkfunkdoc> i'm a fighting-game guy
<wanderingwinder> anything else, you can game it
<drsteelhamm3r> agree with WW
<srkfunkdoc> the lucky thing is the actual top players don't care a ton about online records
<wanderingwinder> like, if DC is no penalty, you can easily never lose
<srkfunkdoc> netplay for fighting games mostly stinks because they're so precise
<srkfunkdoc> so this is something you mostly see discussed among newer ppl
<wanderingwinder> Is this game still going on?
<srkfunkdoc> lol
<wanderingwinder> next turn Stef can end it?
<drsteelhamm3r> mostl likely
<drsteelhamm3r> needs anoter develop I think but can easily get it
<mpsprs> I'd expect he can. But maybe Burning Skull can
<wanderingwinder> BS didn't king king???
<drsteelhamm3r> lol
<gkrieg> strange
<drsteelhamm3r> those kc's were too late
<infth1tbox> BS probably on auto-concede autopilot
<infth1tbox> given the way match has gone
<gkrieg> I think he could've won it there though
<enfynet> that was... odd
<wanderingwinder> I don't think it's ending here now?
<gkrieg> 6 gains seems difficult
<mpsprs> develop consp to carto anddevelop
<wanderingwinder> he should be able to do it
<stef_42> hi
<drsteelhamm3r> congratz again
<mpsprs> Congrats Stef
<stef_42> thanks
<stef_42> were some really nice sets
<wanderingwinder> meh
<stef_42> think I only misplayed one terribly :)
<mpsprs> WW wants slogs
<stef_42> no gardens for WW
<stef_42> well there was one with gardens
<wanderingwinder> I never said that
<wanderingwinder> I just want more variety
<enfynet> Slog variety? :)
<drsteelhamm3r> how would you ahcieve such variety, ww?
<stef_42> was plenty of variety for me here
<drsteelhamm3r> maybe we can improve in some way
<stef_42> there was a lot of variety
<burningskull88> phew. I feel like someone applied a sledgehammer to my head
<wanderingwinder> I don't have a problem with any of the sets
<infth1tbox> well, I think 6 engines, even if they were all different, leaves a lot of room for more variety
<stef_42> sorry Igor :)
<burningskull88> it's OK, was fun to play anyway
<wanderingwinder> just feel they're largely similar
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