I'm not writing an article on Menagerie. Sorry if you got your hopes up. This is more along the lines of those discussion threads I've done before, where I feel like I'm bad at something and we can talk about it and collect information and perspectives.
Also, let's get this out of the way:
Please, let's try to keep the discussion from going off-topic. Thank you.All right, who here has never lost a game of Dominion because they underestimated Menagerie?
It doesn't feel good. Menagerie is such a fun card, and I don't want to watch my opponent have fun AND win the game! I want to have fun and win the game, I love both of those things! It's true, that if Menagerie was just +1 Action and +3 Cards for $3, it would be totally broken, so if there's a board where you can enable it to be that most of the time, you're going to lose if you don't make that a part of your strategy. Menageries are easy to get lots of, so what makes it worth focusing on?
Maybe this isn't quite the right way to go about it, but it's at least a starting point. Whenever someone makes a deck with Menagerie that I didn't think was viable or as explosive as it was, it's usually because I didn't think about a certain enabler.I think we could start by finding the best enablers for Menagerie and maybe the discussion can go from there.
What makes an amazing Menagerie enabler?Well the best of the best are going to be non-terminal --
The Terminal ones have to be played before your Menagerie, which requires a Village before you get to use your awesome source of draw. This is hardly something I want to build a deck around, though it's not something I want to ignore either.
It discards cards from your hand -- this is a great way to get past duplicate cards in your hand to activate future Menageries, and it alleviates the main problem that decks like this have: they can stall once you buy your second Province.
It allows you to play duplicate cards -- An abundance of Actions from lots of Villages will allow you to run a Bridge deck or a Goons deck with Menagerie as your main source of draw, though a lot of the time it can take two stacks of Villages for you to get enough to make this really work.
What are things to look for in a kingdom that allow for Menagerie hands?It gains Menageries -- Almost every gainer in the game has an easy time gaining Menageries because of its cost, and though they're pretty easy to buy, sometimes you're pinched on Buys and gaining them is much better.
It trashes cards -- you start the game with seven Coppers in your deck. If you can't get rid of some of them, you're going to have a hard time activating your Menageries.
...then there are some of the
more questionable ways to make Menagerie good: things that help but I'm not quite sold on. Feel free to convince me that I'm wrong.
Having lots of unique cards in your deck -- Knights, Tournament, Black Market, all of those awful cards that nobody in their right might would ever want to play with. Sure, they have different names. Does that make Menagerie better? Uhh...
Terminals? Hunting Party? Disappearing cards (Festival, Native Village, Fishing Village, etc.)? Top-deck interaction? Maybe these are good. How good are they?
Ranking Menagerie enablers:Hopefully with the help of this thread, we can put together an approximate ranking, maybe some categories, of how awesome various cards are at making Menagerie a truly broken card. I'm thinking like Warehouse on top of the pile, along with Hammy, Artificer. Then another layer with like Oasis, Upgrade, I dunno. If I had this part done already, I would just write an article, but I'm not that good so let's talk about it!
...and one more time, just for-safesies:
Please, let's try to keep the discussion from going off-topic. Thank you.