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Author Topic: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Game over - 4 way draw between BRIT)  (Read 23817 times)

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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Winter 1902 - Deadline May 27 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #100 on: May 27, 2015, 09:08:09 pm »

Another deadline has passed without all orders. I will be a bit more strict here, because the player has posted in other threads after I send a reminder. I don't want to completely ruin the game balance, so I will roll for the result, between the options considered in messages.
Rolled 1d2 : 1, total 1


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Spring 1903 - Deadline June 1 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #101 on: May 27, 2015, 09:12:28 pm »

map updated

The deadline for the Spring 1903 moves is
June 1 - 6pm PT

Please sent your orders in time.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Spring 1903 - Deadline June 1 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #102 on: May 30, 2015, 12:00:38 am »

Can't access QTs from mobile, please PM any urgent messages this weekend.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Spring 1903 - Deadline June 1 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #103 on: May 31, 2015, 01:09:28 pm »

deadline in 30h


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Spring 1903 - Deadline June 1 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #104 on: June 01, 2015, 12:48:30 am »

I'll meet with a friend tomorrow evening. If I receive all orders until 4pm, I will update a bit earlier otherwise, I'll update on Tuesday.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Spring 1903 - Deadline June 1 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #105 on: June 01, 2015, 07:00:39 pm »

I do not have all orders yet, so I will update when I get them, but latest by tomorrow morning.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1903 - Deadline June 5 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #106 on: June 01, 2015, 07:21:05 pm »

Ok, that was quick here is the update

The deadline for the Fall 1903 moves is
June 5 - 6pm PT

Please sent your orders in time.

Notice that this is only a 4 day deadline, because I don't have time to do an update on Saturday.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 07:14:14 pm by ghostofmars »


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1903 - Deadline June 5 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #107 on: June 04, 2015, 11:44:49 am »

Deadline in 33h.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1903 - Deadline June 5 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #108 on: June 05, 2015, 09:01:22 pm »

Winter is coming...

I ordered the following retreats
F Egy - Eas
A Mor - Sou
liopoil, please decide if you want to stay there, retreat to Hej instead or disband the fleet.
Jack, please decide if you want to stay there, retreat to Gib instead.

Centers and resulting builds/disbands
Britain 8/18 - no build
Italy 8/18 - 1 build
Russia 7/18 - 2 builds
Turkey 7/18 - 2 builds
Germany 5/18 - 3 disbands
Austria 3/18 - no build
France 1/18 - 1 disband

The deadline for the Winter 1903 builds/disbands is
June 7 - 6pm PT
You have one day more than usual, because I cannot update tomorrow.

Please sent your orders in time.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Winter 1903 - Deadline June 7 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #109 on: June 05, 2015, 09:41:54 pm »

liopoil, please decide if you want to stay there, retreat to Hej instead or disband the fleet.
Update: liopoil disbanded F Egy, so he will have 1 build.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Winter 1903 - Deadline June 7 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #110 on: June 07, 2015, 11:34:50 pm »

Sorry, I don't have time for a proper update atm, will post a new map tomorrow.

Here are the builds/disbands
Britain A Lon
France A Sou
Germany A Lvo, A Pru, F GBo
Italy F Rom
Russia A War, A Sev
Turkey A Con, F Dam

Spring 1904 moves are due on June 11th, 6pm (PT)

I'll move to a 4 day schedule, which seems to be sufficient for the current level of discussion in the QTs.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Spring 1904 - Deadline June 11 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #111 on: June 08, 2015, 12:54:19 pm »

Map updated

This seems also a good time to remind you of the Suez Canal Rules

  • A fleet may move back and forth between Egypt and Hejaz.
  • Movement between Egypt or Hejaz and the Mid-Atlantic Ocean is allowed. It is assumed the unit travels around the southern tip of Africa. A unit that moves in this manner does so at half strength. This means that a unit adjacent Egypt or Hejaz succeeds in moving there if opposed only by a fleet moving from the Mid-Atlantic Ocean and a fleet adjacent to the Mid-Atlantic Ocean succeeds in moving there if opposed only by a fleet moving from Egypt or Hejaz.
  • A fleet in Egypt or Hejaz cannot support a unit holding in or moving to the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. This is true even though the fleet in Egypt or Hejaz can itself move to the Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
  • Likewise, a fleet in thid-Atlantic Ocean cannot support a unit holding in or moving to Egypt or Hejaz.
  • A fleet moving from Egypt or Hejaz to the Mid-Atlantic Ocean does not cut support being provided by a fleet already in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean unless the attack results in F Mid-Atlantic Ocean being dislodged. The opposite is equally true. A fleet moving from the Mid-Atlantic Ocean to Egypt or Hejaz does not cut support being provided by a unit already in Egypt or Hejaz unless the attack results in the unit being dislodged.
  • F Mid-Atlantic Ocean can convoy an army from or to Egypt or Hejaz. An army convoyed from Egypt or Hejaz attacks its destination space at full strength. An army convoyed to Egypt or Hejaz attacks at half strength.
  • If two units are retreating to Egypt or Hejaz, or the Mid-Atlantic Ocean, and one of them must travel around the southern tip of Africa, the unit that does not travel around southern Africa may retreat while the other unit is disbanded.

If particular questions come up in the QT, I'll answer them there as I see them. If you don't want to answer a question in a QT, because other nations will see it, please PM me with your question.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Spring 1904 - Deadline June 11 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #112 on: June 10, 2015, 12:28:41 pm »

Deadline tomorrow. Please submit your moves until 6pm (PT).


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Spring 1904 - Deadline June 11 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #113 on: June 11, 2015, 09:11:44 pm »

The deadline for the Fall 1904 moves is
June 15 - 9am PT
Please sent your orders in time.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 06:47:09 pm by ghostofmars »


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Spring 1904 - Deadline June 11 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #114 on: June 11, 2015, 09:15:25 pm »

List of the orders

Austria: A bud -> tri
Austria: A tri -> tyr
Austria: A boh -> mun
Britain: F por Supports  F mid
Britain: F nwy -> nws
Britain: F mid Supports  A spa
Britain: A lon -> den
Britain: F nth Convoys  A lon -> den
Britain: A bel Supports  A net -> col
Britain: A pic -> bur
Britain: F eng Supports  A bel
France: A spa Holds
Germany: A als -> bel
Germany: A net Supports  A als -> bel
Germany: A kie -> col
Germany: A sil -> pru
Germany: F bal -> kie
Italy: A bur Supports  A als -> bel
Italy: A mar Supports  A spa
Italy: A ven -> tri
Italy: F rom -> gly
Italy: F tys -> wes
Italy: F wes -> gib
Italy: F mor Supports  F wes -> gib
Italy: F cyr -> ion
Russia: F den -> hel
Russia: A swe Supports  A lon -> den
Russia: A gal -> sil
Russia: A war Supports  A gal -> sil
Russia: A ukr -> gal
Russia: A mos -> stp
Russia: A sev -> rum
Turkey: A gre -> mac
Turkey: A ser -> bud
Turkey: F egy -> mid
Turkey: A mac -> bos
Turkey: A con -> bul
Turkey: F aeg -> con
Turkey: F dam -> eas


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1904 - Deadline June 15 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #115 on: June 12, 2015, 01:46:01 pm »

Map updated



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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1904 - Deadline June 15 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #116 on: June 12, 2015, 01:58:22 pm »

Just as a reminder, because it is different than in normal Diplomacy: Spa has three coast Spa(nc), which is adjacent to Por, Gas, and Mid; Spa(wc), which is adjacent to Por, Mid, and Gib; and Spa(ec), which is adjacent to Mar, Gly, Wes, and Gib. That means a fleet in Spa(ec) cannot provide support from Spa for any move into Mid or cut support from Por.

Please keep that in mind when submitting your moves this season.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1904 - Deadline June 15 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #117 on: June 12, 2015, 03:39:30 pm »

That means a fleet in Spa(ec) cannot provide support from Spa for any move into Mid or cut support from Por.
Hmm, I wonder why that detail is of particular interest...  ::)


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1904 - Deadline June 15 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #118 on: June 12, 2015, 03:55:01 pm »

I will be out of town from June 16th till june 22nd. I won't have a computer but will take my phone. I have no guarantee of wifi though for most of the trip. This was fairly last minute so I apologize for that.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1904 - Deadline June 15 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #119 on: June 12, 2015, 03:58:03 pm »

I will be out of town from June 16th till june 22nd. I won't have a computer but will take my phone. I have no guarantee of wifi though for most of the trip. This was fairly last minute so I apologize for that.
Oh, right. I am out of town for even longer, June 14th-July 24th. I will have a phone too, and I think I got quicktopics to work on mobile. This will be my only Forum commitment, so I'll still check in every day most likely, but not for very long at a time. Slightly longer deadlines might be helpful, we'll see.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1904 - Deadline June 15 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #120 on: June 12, 2015, 04:34:08 pm »

I will be out of town from June 16th till june 22nd. I won't have a computer but will take my phone. I have no guarantee of wifi though for most of the trip. This was fairly last minute so I apologize for that.
Here are some ideas, how to change the deadlines. Please let me know what you would prefer or what alternatives would be better.

F1904: 6-15 (9am so 9h earlier), W1904: 6-16 (6pm), S1905: 6-22 (6pm, two days more than usual)
Shifting the current deadline a bit forward so that you can commit your builds before you leave, then the next Spring is longer.

F1904: 6-15 (6pm), W1904: 6-17 (6pm, one day more then usual), S1905: 6-23 (6pm, two days more than usual)
The disadvantage is that you would need to commit build moves while travelling.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1904 - Deadline June 15 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #121 on: June 12, 2015, 04:50:34 pm »

I will be out of town from June 16th till june 22nd. I won't have a computer but will take my phone. I have no guarantee of wifi though for most of the trip. This was fairly last minute so I apologize for that.
Here are some ideas, how to change the deadlines. Please let me know what you would prefer or what alternatives would be better.

F1904: 6-15 (9am so 9h earlier), W1904: 6-16 (6pm), S1905: 6-22 (6pm, two days more than usual)
Shifting the current deadline a bit forward so that you can commit your builds before you leave, then the next Spring is longer.

F1904: 6-15 (6pm), W1904: 6-17 (6pm, one day more then usual), S1905: 6-23 (6pm, two days more than usual)
The disadvantage is that you would need to commit build moves while travelling.

I've been having trouble seeing the maps on my phone, but these last ones worked. I think orders before I leave is better so that I don't need to worry about deadlines while traveling. As for QT's, I'll check when I have wifi. If I find a good spot to get wifi I'll post here saying so.


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1904 - Deadline June 15 - 9am PT)
« Reply #122 on: June 12, 2015, 06:47:26 pm »

Deadline updated


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Fall 1904 - Deadline June 15 - 9am PT)
« Reply #123 on: June 14, 2015, 11:41:39 am »

Deadline in 24h


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Re: Diplomacy 5: 1900 variant (Winter 1904 - Deadline June 16 - 6pm PT)
« Reply #124 on: June 15, 2015, 12:48:25 pm »

Map updated

KingZog, I retreated your unit from Bud to Vie, please let me know if you want to retreat to Boh instead.
faust, your fleet retreated to Bal, which is the only option.
Jack, unfortunately you have no supply centers anymore, please do not post in your QT anymore. If you want access to the spectator QT, please send me a PM.

Centers and resulting builds/disbands
Britain 9/18: 1 build
Italy 9/18: 1 build
Russia: 8/18: 1 build
Turkey: 8/18: 1 build
Germany: 3/18: 1 disband
Austria: 2/18: 1 disband

The deadline for the Winter 1904 moves is
June 16 - 6pm PT
Please sent your orders in time.

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