Treasure Map, Graverobber, Village
If your tmaps miss, but you collide this combo, play it anyways and then gain it back from the trash, topdecking it for another shot!
Also works:
Treasure Map, Lurker, Watchtower
For this one it's easier to keep one map in the trash (from lurker maybe), then when the time is right, fish it out and topeck it! What's even better is, when you collide the maps, you can use watchtower to topdeck the golds.
Apprentice, Rogue, Native Village
Here's the scenario: You're playng a thin engine that's started to green, so you decided to to hammer the Duchy pile. You can't take much more green or you'll start to choke, but fortunately there is NV pseudo-trash. So you apprentice your duchies, helping you draw your deck even with added green, then rogue them back to your discard pile to stash away on the NV mat. It's criticall we use apprentice as the tfb here as it needss to be nonterminal: using a terminal trasher would take too much terminal space and hinder the viability of this combo.