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Author Topic: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread  (Read 33816 times)

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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #50 on: March 21, 2014, 11:49:16 pm »

game1: i think it's a lot better to just gain a silver on your second to last turn on one of the two Haggler gains, makes it a bit more likely to get the double province as you can then afford to apprantice a province AND the Altar for draw. But you still pulled it off nicely so it wasn't as big of a mistake as i thought before i saw your last turn :)

Is it really a mistake at all? I didn't expect there to be two Provinces left to buy! Given that the best my opponent can do is Province+Duchy, I wanted to maximize my chances of hitting 13; Village is better for that than Silver, I would think. And, while I don't claim I realized it at the time: I don't need the Silver even if both Provinces are left, because I can play as I did and get the Silver mid-turn. So I think gaining Village is better in the common case, and good enough in the unexpected case.


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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #51 on: March 22, 2014, 07:41:34 am »

game1: i think it's a lot better to just gain a silver on your second to last turn on one of the two Haggler gains, makes it a bit more likely to get the double province as you can then afford to apprantice a province AND the Altar for draw. But you still pulled it off nicely so it wasn't as big of a mistake as i thought before i saw your last turn :)

Is it really a mistake at all? I didn't expect there to be two Provinces left to buy! Given that the best my opponent can do is Province+Duchy, I wanted to maximize my chances of hitting 13; Village is better for that than Silver, I would think. And, while I don't claim I realized it at the time: I don't need the Silver even if both Provinces are left, because I can play as I did and get the Silver mid-turn. So I think gaining Village is better in the common case, and good enough in the unexpected case.

hmm i don't know, i really expected him to go double duchy there and haggler gain something that enables him to double province next turn. And in that case i'm sure silver is better than village. But for hitting 13 village might be better but i'm not even sure.


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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #52 on: March 22, 2014, 11:06:47 am »

2.7 defeats ravi 3-0

Code: [Select]
Crossroads, Lighthouse, Native Village, Develop, Scheme, Cutpurse, Bandit Camp, Contraband, Explorer, Fairgrounds
A bunch of fun cards that really don't amount to any sort of combo.  Develop is the only trashing.  No draw to build any consistent engines.  I decide to go big on develop because there is not much else.  Once I got my fourth province, I knew my deck would slow down, so I started buying uniques (and developing into uniques) and end up with 6 pt fairgrounds, and my opponent cannot catch up.

Code: [Select]
Crossroads, Fool's Gold, Lighthouse, Stonemason, Vagrant, Steward, Warehouse, Armory, Fortress, Merchant Ship
We both open with steward for trashing.  However, my strategy uses fools gold, his strategy is engine with merchant ship, trashing almost all money, which makes this interesting as opposed to a simple mirror.  I am unable to trash quite like I want, and his engine does not come together quite like he wants (I think he should have picked up an armory to really help the engine along) and I end up winning by a single untrashed estate after he breaks PPR.

Code: [Select]
Vagrant, Storeroom, Swindler, Wishing Well, Herald, Graverobber, Harvest, Trading Post, Adventurer, Peddler
He goes straight BM with swindler and trading post to help out a bit.  I go for the herald idiot tactic.  As such, I don't hit 5 until turn 9, so I am finally able to clear my deck up a bit with trading post, but I have 5 heralds and a couple peddlers as well as a storeroom (swindler gift from his T7 to me - a silver would have been the correct choice here given the engine I was trying to build).  From this point it just snowballs and the engine is unstoppable.
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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #53 on: March 22, 2014, 01:20:47 pm »

Max7272sp Defeats Dawn_Harbor 3-1

Game 1: Max7272sp wins 99-73

Herald/Upgrade/Bishop. I get out to an early lead, and although the end game drags on, get a comfortable victory.

Game 2: Dawn_Harbor wins 33-21

I go for Advisors, my oppenent gets a couple band of misfits. With death cart in the kingdom, that proved stronger down the stretch. Comfortable 5/3 province win for my opponent

Game 3: Max7272sp wins 55-49

Feodum in the kingdom. My opponent clears them out pretty fast before turning to duchys. Not really sure what my strategy was (or what the best in this kingdom would be) but I do a combination of 2 margraves, a couple Inns, and some gold. I thought my opponent had it, especially when they took the penultimate province, but I am able to end the game and squeak out a narrow win. Very close down the stretch according to the point tracker.

Game 4: Dawn_Harbor resigns with the score 29-2

Forge/Fortress/Junk Dealer combo. I get a junk dealer with my 5/2 opening, and then get another on turn 3. I trash down much faster, get more fortress', and my opponent resigns with 3 provinces left.

Thanks for the games Dawn_Harbor!


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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #54 on: March 22, 2014, 03:11:26 pm »

Aardshark defeats Nala 3-1

Game 1: Aardshark wins

Very close colony game, with King's Court as the only pseudo-village effect. By the end of the game my 3 King's courts were paying dividends, but my victory is probably a result of first turn advantage.

Game 2: Aardshark wins

Not much to see here. Nala attempts to build an actual deck, but without very strong engine pieces gets buried in curses from ill-gotten gains. My 5-2 opening compounded her misery.

Game 3: Nala wins

Basically the in inverse of the last game. I compound my misery by thinking I can get double tactician going, based on a failure to carefully read herbalist (thought it gave a + action). Even if it had, double tactician would have been questionable, but I'm curious if IGG could have been beaten with proper play, since there were stronger engine pieces on the board than last time (e.g. Embassy + Worker village).

Game 4: Aardshark wins

Fairly interesting colony board. Nearly endless supply of non-terminals (familiar, grand market, warehouse and stables) makes fishing village weaker than usual. I forgo a potion the first round to get my economy going with Militia (which ends up being my only terminal), and as a result get into familiars late and get behind in curses. I don't know if that was the right choice, but I am able to build a strong engine driven by stables and warehouses, and grand markets, with some platinums to boost the economy. The curses are an almost welcome supply of discard for warehouse. I almost catch up in curses, only losing the split 5-3, and win the grand market split 6-4 which I think more than compensates. I am able to consistently buy colonies, while Nala can only buy provinces, and I secure the match.

Thanks for the games Nala!


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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #55 on: March 22, 2014, 03:16:32 pm »

AdamH defeats joefunk 3-0

I'll edit this post with video links, write-ups, etc.

Edit 1: link to the Twitch stream
Edit 2: I read the chat that I was able to pick up (most of it) and added summaries of what people said to each game. Thanks for the discussion, everyone who was involved!
Edit 3: link to the YouTube video playlist, I also added in YouTube and Twitch links for all of the individual games, plus my comments.

Game 1: joefunk 24, AdamH 26
Game log     YouTube video     Twitch video
Kingdom Cards: Doctor, Envoy, Feodum, Navigator, Salvager, Thief, Bazaar, Governor, Market, Adventurer

All the components for a draw engine were here, but there's Governor too. I build my deck around Governor, so the early trashing of Doctor becomes very important, and he goes for something more money-focused. I build until I'm able to quad-Province for the win. If there's one game this match I'm proud of the way I played, it's definitely this one.

The chat during this game was mostly talking about some subtleties of Governor games, by F.DS standards, they weren't commenting on how I could have done nearly everything better, so I think that means I must have played this one pretty well  ;D

Game 2: AdamH 29, joefunk 22
Game log     YouTube video     Twitch video
Kingdom Cards: Courtyard, Crossroads, Tunnel, Death Cart, Scavenger, Sea Hag, Talisman, Band of Misfits, Mandarin, Rebuild, with shelters

So let's just pretend for this game that Rebuild doesn't trigger Tunnel. I think I played it quite well! I feel like even though Rebuild is a soft counter to a Sea Hag attack, that the curses would be important, so I prioritize that before going for Rebuilds. He appears to ignore Rebuild and that largely makes the difference here. On the other hand, Rebuild/Tunnel with Scavenger to support is just amazing and I obviously should have done that instead.

The chat during this game was trying to yell as loud as they could that Rebuild triggers Tunnels, which I was completely unaware of until after the game ended. I laughed so hard reading this. I'm such a moron. I blame Tunnel :P

Is Tunnel just that big of a blind spot in my game? I mean, this is a pretty huge oversight and it's a little embarrassing...

Game 3: AdamH 8, joefunk 5
Game log     YouTube video     Twitch video
Kingdom Cards: Apothecary, Ambassador, Chancellor, Great Hall, Market Square, Bandit Camp, Ghost Ship, Ill-Gotten Gains, Fairgrounds, King's Court

Well you just have to go all-in on Ambassador here, right? My opponent opens 5-2 and I have two fortunate shuffles to start the game off, so I think that's what decided the game. From then on I'm just Kinging Ambassadors and building until I have a forced win on three piles with a lead. I'm not quite sure what his plan was, but no matter what it was, it wasn't happening with all the Curses and a bunch of Coppers in his deck.

Most of the chat during this game was a discussion of Apothecary/Ambassador. Apparently Potion/Amb was better than double Amb here, which surprised me, it makes me want to try out Apothecary/Ambassador and see how it feels, honestly. Towards the end of the game there were many suggestions on how I could three-pile the game, as it seems I had lots of options in my final few turns.

I knew this opponent from the tournament in Michigan, we played three games together in the semifinals, he's a really cool guy even if I spent more of my time staring at Robz than talking to him (hey he won that game and did better than us in the tournament...). Thanks for the match, joefunk!
« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 11:09:14 am by AdamH »
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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #56 on: March 22, 2014, 06:38:36 pm »

Here are the logs for my match against Marin.

I'll add commentary a bit later.

The biggest thing here was Game 3, where I totally blow it like I have never blown it before. I somehow get it in my head that Procession-Rats is a thing. It just doesn't occur to me that this does not remove a net amount of Rats from my deck. So that's a blow to my plan (which would have easily won without Rats at all, since I get a dominating 5/2 here). But realizing my mistake, I go for all the rats anyway, thinking this will help eventual cities.

I end the game sorely defeated, with 2 Cities and 15 Rats.

Even worse, I'm quite sure I've made this exact mistake before, regarding Procession Rats. Yuck.
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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #57 on: March 22, 2014, 07:35:28 pm »

Here are the logs for my match against Marin.

I'll add commentary a bit later.

The biggest thing here was Game 3, where I totally blow it like I have never blown it before. I somehow get it in my head that Procession-Rats is a thing. It just doesn't occur to me that this does not remove a net amount of Rats from my deck. So that's a blow to my plan (which would have easily won without Rats at all, since I get a dominating 5/2 here). But realizing my mistake, I go for all the rats anyway, thinking this will help eventual cities.

I end the game sorely defeated, with 2 Cities and 15 Rats.

Even worse, I'm quite sure I've made this exact mistake before, regarding Procession Rats. Yuck.
Game 1: Only thing I can think is maybe you pick up a Rebuild at an opportune time? Eh, pretty much you have to just play this engine though, I think, and I haven't taken the time to look at particular nuance (which is a little hard to get from a log).
Game 2: I'm pretty sure you want to get the second Scavenger, pretty fast. Turn 3 I would give it serious consideration (probably not get it because you have warehouse, which I *think* is the right call, though I'm not sure). Turn 5 I'm definitely in on scavenger #2. So then you get the bank, which I think is the right call, though getting the money flowing that way (you'd much rather hit 5 every turn). Maaaaybe this should be IGG anyway. But then your greening phase - I'm pretty sure you go green too fast. You're behind on the curses, but you have a bank. So I think your game plan is to get a couple provinces up and win that way. It's going to be tough, because you're in bad shape in any case. I'm on the fence on your duchies, but I feel fairly confident you're getting estate too soon.

Game 3: Wow you gain a bunch of extra rats after your whole deck is trashed. Surely you've figured out by now that the thinning isn't going to work, you get like... 8 extra rats beyond getting rid of all the junk? It will take 4 cities before this is worth it; maaaaaaaybe you can actually do this eventually, but you want to build your cities up first - particularly becase he can just get them too, and suddenly you have all these rats junking up your hands.

Game 4: I really really really dislike familiar here. Chapel cleans it up so well, and you're wasting 2 gains/buys getting it. I think you'd be much better off just accelerating yourself - the goal here is 4 highways (maybe more? Deny your opponent, maybe play colliding workshops early in a turn), a bunch of menageries, plazas, and workshops. That's a lot of cards to gain; you want to get running ASAP. I really don't know why you picked up a silver. I really think you had chances here - the big thing actually is that you are too slow in getting extra workshops up. Sure, you win the Highways, but as long as you can get 4, you'll at least be ok. Marin is well-positioned because he just has more of the cheap stuff. So you needed to invest some time at some point in the midgame - getting more workshops to get plazas and menageries and eventually endgame control.


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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #58 on: March 22, 2014, 08:07:15 pm »

Here are the logs for my match against Marin.

I'll add commentary a bit later.

The biggest thing here was Game 3, where I totally blow it like I have never blown it before. I somehow get it in my head that Procession-Rats is a thing. It just doesn't occur to me that this does not remove a net amount of Rats from my deck. So that's a blow to my plan (which would have easily won without Rats at all, since I get a dominating 5/2 here). But realizing my mistake, I go for all the rats anyway, thinking this will help eventual cities.

I end the game sorely defeated, with 2 Cities and 15 Rats.

Even worse, I'm quite sure I've made this exact mistake before, regarding Procession Rats. Yuck.
Game 1: Only thing I can think is maybe you pick up a Rebuild at an opportune time? Eh, pretty much you have to just play this engine though, I think, and I haven't taken the time to look at particular nuance (which is a little hard to get from a log).
Game 2: I'm pretty sure you want to get the second Scavenger, pretty fast. Turn 3 I would give it serious consideration (probably not get it because you have warehouse, which I *think* is the right call, though I'm not sure). Turn 5 I'm definitely in on scavenger #2. So then you get the bank, which I think is the right call, though getting the money flowing that way (you'd much rather hit 5 every turn). Maaaaybe this should be IGG anyway. But then your greening phase - I'm pretty sure you go green too fast. You're behind on the curses, but you have a bank. So I think your game plan is to get a couple provinces up and win that way. It's going to be tough, because you're in bad shape in any case. I'm on the fence on your duchies, but I feel fairly confident you're getting estate too soon.

Game 3: Wow you gain a bunch of extra rats after your whole deck is trashed. Surely you've figured out by now that the thinning isn't going to work, you get like... 8 extra rats beyond getting rid of all the junk? It will take 4 cities before this is worth it; maaaaaaaybe you can actually do this eventually, but you want to build your cities up first - particularly becase he can just get them too, and suddenly you have all these rats junking up your hands.

Game 4: I really really really dislike familiar here. Chapel cleans it up so well, and you're wasting 2 gains/buys getting it. I think you'd be much better off just accelerating yourself - the goal here is 4 highways (maybe more? Deny your opponent, maybe play colliding workshops early in a turn), a bunch of menageries, plazas, and workshops. That's a lot of cards to gain; you want to get running ASAP. I really don't know why you picked up a silver. I really think you had chances here - the big thing actually is that you are too slow in getting extra workshops up. Sure, you win the Highways, but as long as you can get 4, you'll at least be ok. Marin is well-positioned because he just has more of the cheap stuff. So you needed to invest some time at some point in the midgame - getting more workshops to get plazas and menageries and eventually endgame control.

Yeah, I think you're pretty much right on here for every game. The first one, I think a big thing for me was that he picked up two Nomad Camps, and I only picked up one. Nomad Camp is a deck stopper here at the wrong time. You need it at some point, but on top of your deck is the last place you want it. I think I integrated it into my deck at a more opportune time than he did. Of course, first turn advantage is really helping me out here.

On the second game, I guess my thinking is, Warehouse is obsoleting the need for a second Scavenger. But you are probably right. I think he gets singificantly better shuffle luck than me here, though, and I'm in bad shape no matter what. He only has one Scavenger too, and he gets to it like *every* turn. It ends up closer than I expect, though, and you might be right about the finer points.

I can't even explain what I was thinking in the Rats game. Call it a total lapse of sanity.

In Game 4, yeah, Familiar was a mistake. IAn equally bad (or possibly worse) mistake was taking Highway number 6 instead of Plaza or Workshop. You only need four of them! Ugh. So, on my last turn, I know if he plays all his Highways and Workshops he wins, but I think I just have to count on him not doing that. The likelihood of him getting it all on that turn is *only* about 75%, I think. He could draw too many of the Workshops right away, screwing up his Menageries, for instance. But I have to go for it.
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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #59 on: March 22, 2014, 08:41:26 pm »

IGG + warehouse is worse than straight IGG so you need a real benefit from scavenger+warehouse to make it better and I'm not convinced. I think there's also a case for discarding the deck with scavenger much less than usual.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 08:43:34 pm by DG »


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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #60 on: March 22, 2014, 08:43:03 pm »

Double Scavenger is pretty strong in slogs, have a Scavenger in hand each turn until they collide, which becomes progressively less likely as your deck expands.


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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #61 on: March 23, 2014, 02:46:00 pm »

azadin defeats matste 3-1

Game 1:
azadin - 1
matste - 0

Code: [Select]
Poor House, Oasis, Trade Route, Navigator, Procession, Thief, Band of Misfits, Cultist, Duke, Mystic
The only trashing here was Trade Route, making Cultist a big deal. Lack of a village (except a processed Oasis or Mystic) told me this was probably just straight up Cultist-BM. I might have been wrong here, as I tend to underestimate Duke's strength, especially in a slog like this, but I won the ruins split 8-2 which was enough for the win. I probably shouldn't have bought the two BoMs at all, I was probably thinking I could use them as Navigators or Trade Routes later in the game, but I realized after I had them that duchies or even silver would have been a better choice. Thoughts?

Game 2:
azadin - 2
matste - 0

Code: [Select]
Great Hall, Workshop, Alchemist, Philosopher's Stone, Bishop, Marauder, Cartographer, Hunting Party, Outpost, Expand
I definitely don't think I played this one right. My first thought was Hunting Party couldn't possibly be good here with the presence of ruins, and I think I'm still right about that. However, my play seemed to lack focus in this game. I started doing a BM-ish thing with some Cartographer support, and then got an Expand and Bishop in there as well later on. I probably shouldn't have bought/gained the GHs as soon as I did. They probably should have been silvers if I was going for BM. The game was a lot closer than I would have liked, and it looked like my opponent was going to catch up to me there at the end and actually pull out the win, but he must have miscounted and I won by turns. What do you guys think the proper strategy on this board would be?

--- Interlude (where Goko placed me as first player 8 times before giving matste first player) ---

Game 3:
azadin - 2
matste - 1

Code: [Select]
Great Hall, Lookout, Scheme, Horse Traders, JackOfAllTrades, Treasure Map, Explorer, Mountebank, Tribute, Adventurer
With Lookout/Jack being the only two forms of trashing here, Mountebank seemed like a big deal. I got a little nervous when my opponent bought two, and I absolutely did not want to lose the curse split. This was my biggest mistake here, since terminal collisions really gimped some of my turns. I probably should have played Double Jack straight without trying to get fancy with the lookout and Mountebank(s!) I bought, especially since Jack counters cursers decently well. How does Double Jack fend against Mountebank, though, since you're also junking your deck with a card you can't trash?

Game 4:
azadin - 3
matste - 1

Code: [Select]
Vineyard, Oasis, Philosopher's Stone, Armory, Bandit Camp, Explorer, Harvest, Market, Stash, Trading Post
Vineyard. I looked for a way to build an action-dense engine with the board and realized that there wasn't any draw. There was, however, a certain card called Armory that could gain themselves and Oases. It could also gain potions which guaranteed vineyard purchases on the next turn. I was hesitant at first to build up Vineyards since a deck full of armories and oases can't do much else, but when my opponent started getting them, I decided to mirror and hopefully pass him up. I know I didn't play this optimally but I do feel I played better than my opponent here.

If anyone else has other suggestions for me based on the games, please let me know. I love getting feedback. These games weren't the most interesting, in my opinion, but there were probably still some interesting nuances to some of the interactions that I missed.

Thanks for the games matste, and good luck in the rest of the tournament!


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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #62 on: March 23, 2014, 03:17:21 pm »

hdu88 vs OnlyChobo

Game 1
There's a Goons engine, but there's Marauder and no trashing so Goons slog is probably better. I get an early Candlestick Maker (1st reshuffle) in order to control piles in the endgame. I get lucky with a double Goons turn, which lets me use coin tokens to buy Duchy every turn and end it on piles. I think my opponent made some questionable decisions with Survivors, but it probably didn't matter.


Game 2
Young Witch and Governor with Develop as the bane. We both block Young Witch perfectly for a while (Developing Estate into Develop helps) before he goes for Duchy/Duke and I go for Province. I build a bit more than usual before cashing in on the Provinces, while he goes for the turbo suicide remodel strategy that gets helped by me giving him a bunch of Silvers. In the end I only win because of a lucky 2xGovernor 2xGold turn.


Game 3
Cultist and no trashing. The question is what to do afterwards. I notice that BoM can be a Menagerie or a Crossroads, so I go for a turbo suicide forge strategy with BoM. At 3 Provinces I draw my deck and notice that my only source of money is Abandoned Mine, and furthermore I have no way to gain Provinces other than forging Provinces, so I forge some stuff into Gold and buy a Silver (which should be a Menagerie in retrospect), intending to forge my $5 cards with Silver and rebuy Silver every turn. My opponent resigns after I gain my 4th Province.

I would like to give a brief shout-out to the deckbuilding game Puzzle Strike and its community. I doubt I'd be able to pull off something as crazy as I did in Game 3 without thinking "What would Dan/arodae6re/SXTLHGaiden/HugAKitten do if they played Dominion?"


Thanks for the games OnlyChobo. You played really well, but I feel like a few games went in my favor because of shuffle luck.
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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #63 on: March 23, 2014, 03:52:52 pm »

azadin defeats matste 3-1

Game 1:
Code: [Select]
Poor House, Oasis, Trade Route, Navigator, Procession, Thief, Band of Misfits, Cultist, Duke, Mystic

If you win the Ruins split 8-2, Cultist is probably your best choice at $5 since it's basically a Lab if you don't have any other actions in your deck.

Game 2:
Code: [Select]
Great Hall, Workshop, Alchemist, Philosopher's Stone, Bishop, Marauder, Cartographer, Hunting Party, Outpost, Expand

I have no idea if this is right or horribly wrong, but I'd go Hunting Party/Bishop because Marauder is not that strong of a junker, and playing Bishop every turn sounds amazing.

Game 3:
Code: [Select]
Great Hall, Lookout, Scheme, Horse Traders, JackOfAllTrades, Treasure Map, Explorer, Mountebank, Tribute, Adventurer
I usually go for Jack shuffle Mountebank shuffle Jack, but again I have no idea if that's right. The thing is, Jack doesn't "junk" your deck because it replaces itself if you draw it. In fact, if you discarded a Curse it will draw 2 cards.

Game 4:
Code: [Select]
Vineyard, Oasis, Philosopher's Stone, Armory, Bandit Camp, Explorer, Harvest, Market, Stash, Trading Post
I feel like you played this better than I could. My "strategy" on Vineyard boards is hoping my opponent doesn't realize the power of Vineyard.
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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #64 on: March 23, 2014, 05:42:31 pm »

Jdaki vs Max_D (MJD)
Game 1:
Soothsayer into Vault, vs Merc engine shenanigans- Market square might have helped the engine along sufficiently, but otherwise the draws are too smooth for me

Game 2:
Double Tact- storeroom-monument vs some BM-hunting grounds-death card stuff- not convinced this was really that close, though I guess he might have got 16 on his next go

Game 3:
Hunting party- I go for Apothecary as my +2 coins, he tries to use Council room- this does get some big goes near the end, but apothecary with a little NV help is better than I expected!

Thanks to Max for the games, didn't manage to say so in the match. Also Goko had no restarts required which was a nice thing.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 05:47:58 pm by Jdaki »


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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #65 on: March 23, 2014, 08:05:28 pm »

I set up a Hermit-Bridge combo [...].  Is this combo already out there?

I've played it before, kind of, but not as sophisticated as you did, apparently. It worked in 12 turns, though.

Edit: Ah, just saw people already discussed. Sry, no regular web access atm.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 08:10:23 pm by lespeutere »


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Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« Reply #66 on: March 23, 2014, 11:37:11 pm »

I usually go for Jack shuffle Mountebank shuffle Jack, but again I have no idea if that's right. The thing is, Jack doesn't "junk" your deck because it replaces itself if you draw it. In fact, if you discarded a Curse it will draw 2 cards.

That was pretty much my plan, but having two Mountebanks instead of two Jacks was my mistake, in my opinion. And I originally meant to ask how Jack counters Mountebank since it gives you the curse (which you can trash), and a copper, which you cannot. Typically you want higher money densities in a Jack powered BM game, but I just wasn't sure what the actual effect would be.
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