Here's the first log, I'll be adding more of these later:
On this board, there are some different strategies you can use:
Council Room/Big Money: buy 1 or 2 Council Rooms, lots of Treasure cards, Provinces after you have 2 Golds in your deck and Duchies after half of the Provinces have been bought. It has a hard time dealing with Militia, so you shouldn't do this in a game against a human opponent, but you probably would've won against this bot.
Library/Big Money: The same thing except with Library instead of Council Room, and you might want to get a third Library if the game is long. You still don't want any action cards other than Library, though. It can deal with an opponent's Militia pretty well, but on the other hand it makes your opponent's Council Rooms incredibly strong so this probably isn't the best strategy against a human opponent either.
Festival/Library engine: Open Moneylender/Silver, (get a Militia at some point if it looks like your opponent isn't going for a Library based strategy) and try to get rid of your Coppers while buying Festivals and Libraries. Don't buy another Silver, because it would just get in your way (the first one gets in your way too, but the extra speed early is worth it). Then you can play your Festivals for +actions, +buy and +$ and draw a new hand of 7 cards with Library after that. Militia doesn't really hurt you a lot, Council Room still helps you. This is an option that's worth considering.
Council Room/+action engine (with Militia): Open Moneylender/Silver or Moneylender/Workshop, if you opened Workshop, use that to gain Villages (and possibly a Militia and/or some Moats depending on your opponent's strategy). An early Mine is worth considering. Buy Council Rooms and some Festivals with $5 hands, Villages and perhaps some Silvers with $3 hands. Then you can easily build a deck which draws all the cards in your deck every turn and then plays a Militia to reduce your opponent's handsize back to three after the Council Rooms (unless he has a Library, then the Militia just lets him discard junk cards and draw more potentially good cards with Library). This is possible to counter with a Moat, but buying a Moat is probably not worth it in Big Money decks and the Festival/Library deck doesn't really care about Militia anyway.
I think that Festival/Library has the best match ups against the other strategies on this board, and it's pretty strong on its own too, so it's probably what you should do.