Grujah, are you going to do something in your turn?
Although it's still Grujah's turn, I'll already post what my ideas are for my next rule. I'd like to add some income, and also give an incentive that not all players clump together.
My current proposal is
Once per turn, the current player may spend 1 IP to spawn a treasure chest in any empty location. He does this by posting Treasure chest at ## where ## is the name of the tile where the treasure chest is spawned. This tile cannot be entered by any unit until the end of the turn.
When any unit enters a location with a treasure chest, the owner of that unit rolls 1d200. The result is added to that player's amount of Nomic dollars.
-A location is empty if it does not contain a unit, a treasure chest, or any future object. Should this be clarified?
-Initially I wanted to penalize spawning a treasure chest close to you (specifically: I wanted to make it only possible to spawn a treasure chest in a location which is furthest from any unit). I think that is not necessary, since you're not allowed to pick up the treasure you spawned that turn.
-I think this already creates nontrivial decisions when combined with the Proximity rule. If you want to use the proximity rule every turn, then you can't spawn the TC too far away, but if you spawn it too close, someone else might grab it (perhaps when giving up the proximity points). If you put it in a location where you need exactly 4 moves to grab it, others might block you. There can be kingmaking: maybe player A cannot grab a specific treasure chest, but might decide who can pick it up (by blocking the other player), and people can bride others with small amounts of Nomic dollars to block or not block.
Ideas, thought and comments are welcome!