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10 Events
« on: February 09, 2021, 10:19:21 pm »

It occurred to me that I have never really took a crack at designing Events for Dominion.

My focus mainly goes toward Kingdom cards, probably because I prefer designing these. Oddly enough though, I woke up this morning with a headful of ideas to fulfil that Event gap in my life. Lots of the ideas portrayed below were juggling in my head for a long time, but have been nothing more than rough sketches. This sudden desire to put on paper the new Event ideas I’ve had pushed me to finally clean up these drafts and to compile everything into a nifty little 10 pack.

On the Dominion Discord server, I have posted a few (4) Events, some of which already got their wording tweaked. It would be a little too much of an attention hog to post and ask for feedback for all 10 of them over there... so instead, I’m doing the same, but here! :P

The testing has been minimal for these (as in, there hasn’t been any testing, whoopsy daisy). This isn’t normally how I go about things, but eeeeh. I’m going to do a leap of faith here! Hopefully, the ideas aren’t too abysmal, or worse of all, too unbalanced/broken. If you’d like to pool in to give me some pointers about these 10 Events, feel free (and welcomed) to do so!

So, here’s the bad boys, ordered by cost:

We start this journey with the wackiest of the wack-Os. It’s a communal Event! It joins the likes of Trade Route, Forager and Lurker as an effect shared between the players. A downside I could see to Brewery is that there is kind of a first player disadvantage. The more players invest in Brewery together, the bigger the payoff. But… it has to start somewhere. And the player who does so before the others will reap less benefits than the others will with their subsequent plays. Then again, stuff like Flag Bearer exists, so that’s not a never seen before problem. Anyway, Brewery could explode with Buys, but there’s a condition to fulfill for you to get there. “I’ll just buy more Coppers with Brewery’s extra Buys to keep it going!” Okay. Well enjoy your 5+ Coppers in your deck then, I suppose. Stuff in Dominion relying on Coppers is always so strong, as we all know. Coppersmith and Counting House are top tier cards, after all.

Edit: Changed the wording slightly ("onto" → "on"). Turns out I changed my mind and now prefer the word "on", since Brewery acts more like a pseudo Tavern mat than a deck.

Cute little thing going on here. You gain more and more expensive cards the more you buy Loot in a turn, starting with . ‘Course, this is heavily reliant on extra Buys. Otherwise, it’s uh… It’s probably just going to sit there. I mean, it can give your 5/2 opening a small kicker... and you can “Delve” a Silver with Loot. But truthfully, it wants +Buys. With 6 Buys and , you can reach for a Province with Loot, and each extra Buy and after that is another Province. How neat would it be to pull that one off?

Edit: Changed the wording slightly ("+" → "plus"). Thanks based Butcher for the wording! And thank you Bbobb for the suggestion!

I once made a card with that exact same name and picture as an entry for a weekly contest. It didn’t win and I totally agree with that: it kind of sucked. So here’s Bifurcation, the Event. It tries to do an Annex thingy where you shuffle stuff into your deck. Except here, it’s shuffled onto your deck. And hey, you can bottom deck 3 crappy cards, which is where Secret Passage stuffs crap sometimes too. You’ll see these 3 unwanted cards at once though, for your deck will be weirdly layered with Bifurcation. The fact that you must bottom deck at least 1 card means that you can’t buy something really good and topdeck it with Bifurcation thereafter. Overall, I suspect Bifurcation to be pretty situational (and probably not very good?), but that’s okay. They can’t all be top tier Events.

Guide, but it’s an Event. You can control what you discard with this, though. But, uh, it costs you a Buy to do so. It may draw more than Expedition, but unlike Expedition, you don’t know until you have your new hand whether Refurbish was a worthy investment or not. If the risk of losing your Buy for a dud doesn’t seem worth it, perhaps Scouting Party’s effects are more desirable to you? I thought it’d be a reasonable thing to price this in the same range as Expedition.

Edit: Simply changed the formatting, 'cuz it looks better this way. The number '5' is now on the next line... that's all!

Next, we move to a Cavalry/Villa hybrid. An Event that makes you return to your Action phase! People tend to like these kinds of things. Once per turn though, let’s not get crazy! So here, maybe two terminal drawing cards collided. In this case, you pick Travel’s Village option. Or perhaps you had the Actions to spare, but were out of draw (ex: you drew payload cards). In this situation, Travel’s Smithy option becomes pretty sexy. It’s versatile. Its mere presence in a given Kingdom should proooobably not go unnoticed.

I once made a card that was pretty much this. It was called Printing Press. It revealed the card from your hand, gained a copy of it and *smooch* voilà! No topdecking and upper bound either. I much prefer this Event variant. Printing Press was erm, boring, I guess? Collect is cooler in my opinion. It even Discards the card you want to gain a copy of, so you don’t topdeck too many of them. Why the limit? Well. I don’t want this to print Platinums. Or King’s Courts too, for that matter.

We continue the trend of comparing these Events to existing Dominion cards. Here, the comparison is, of course, Scheme. But Herbalist says hi too! With the whole “topdecking when discarded” biz. Here, you’re forced to do so. But you bought Tactics, so of course you wanted to do that. What you maaaay not have wanted to do is to topdeck that Copper or that Silver alongside your awesome Action card. Too bad! It’s Tactics. The topdecked cards come in duo. Unless you have no Treasures in play. In which case you’re no fun.

Edit: Man, that's weaksauce. I normally try not to go there, but this could really benefit from a +1 Buy. And voilà, there's one now! I'm nooot going to fluctuate Tactics' cost just quite yet. Picture this: Topdecking a Mountebank and a Silver every turn. Yikes. And now that you have the extra Buy to do other stuff on top of the topdecking thingy, that's an even more dangerous game to play. Leeeet's just keep this at for the time being.

Well. A pure vanilla Event. No official Events even do that. That’s cool, that’s simple. However, pure vanilla makes Citizenship way easier to evaluate than some of the crazy stuff here like, say, Brewery. And as such, this is the one that will probably get my head ripped off the most. When I made this, I thought was reasonable to add 2 Coffers and 2 Villagers onto your mats. Time will tell if I’m bad at pricing stuff.

Well, this definitely has a Count-esque approach to it. You can even save stuff from your hand before the fire trashes it all, just like Count does. A good question would be: “How does this fare against that other trashing Event?” The Event being Trade. Trade gives you back Economy via Silver. Not what you’d like the most added to you deck, but hey, “trash 2; gain 2” is pretty sweet overall. Meanwhile, Forest Fire cleans up your hand full stop. So you get to trash more, huzzah! But uh, don’t draw too much before you plan on unleashing flames to your hand. And late into the game, remember that you can only save 2 Provinces. The others will have to burn. And the 2 saved Provinces? They’ll clog up your next hand. Careful when playing with fire!

Kay. So why does this super Mine costs ? I original priced this at , but it somehow felt… off. It’s not that far away from Gold and man, why wouldn’t you take this over Gold if you hit ? At , it competes with Province, so now the interesting thinking game is afoot. Yeah yeah, Reap is in the same boat. Nyeh. Excavation is pretty simple. Engine users will probably hate this. Let the hate flow, I say, for this doesn’t invalidate Excavation’s right to exist.

Edit: Gave this more thoughts and weeeell, I bit the bullet and decreased Excavation's cost back to . Now it's really in love with Platinum. And it's not too bad of a deal if you seek to buy Golds. Yes, these kind of games exist. Oh I also changed the formatting so that the "Gain a Treasure" sentence appears on one line instead. Sexier that way.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 11:31:32 am by X-tra »
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2021, 11:03:32 pm »

All of my fan card mockups are credited to Shard of Honor and his Dominion Card Image Generator (the new fork).
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2021, 03:29:14 am »

Just some wording changes I suggest:

If you have 5 or more Coppers in play, put one of them onto this, and then + and +1 Buy per Copper onto this.

For the onto to on change, see Cargo Ship and Research. For the other change, see Church, City Gate, Swashbuckler, etc.

Gain a card costing up to +plus per number of times you've bought Loot this turn (counting this time).

For the first change, see Butcher. For the second, I just think it generally sounds better. For the third, see cards like Bank, Horn of Plenty, and Conspirator.

After drawing your next hand, discard up to 5 cards, +1 Card per card discarded then draw that many.

See Cellar

This turn, put an Action and Treasure onto your deck in the order you choose any order when you would discard them from play.

See Scheme



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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2021, 09:04:59 am »

Thank you for the suggestions. I will adapt some of them, but probably not all of them. For instance:

Brewery: "On" vs "onto" is an odd one. You put cards onto your deck, but you put cards on your Tavern mat. I think it falls in the eye of the beholder which wording they prefer.

As for the "and", stuff like Pirate Ship does say "and then". And I think I’ll keep it that way too. The "and" is good to make sure the players understand the + and +1 Buy are linked to the condition of having 5 or more Coppers in play. Without it, one could think that the only thing having 5 Coppers in play achieve is to make you put one of them onto Brewery.

Refurbish: Donald said that he’d change Cellar to say +Cards instead of "draw". It synergises better with other Dominion stuff.

The rest is some good quality of life advice, so thank you for that. :)
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2021, 06:38:45 pm »

I like these Events overall.

Brewery would be interesting at $0, although perhaps the possibility of gaining a $6-cost card in the opening while also pseudo-trashing a Copper is too strong.  Like you were alluding to, I don't know if there is enough incentive to be the first player to buy it, unless your opponent(s) have trashed their Coppers and you for some reason want to keep them.  It's not really a viable strategy to try and use Brewery for payload, since the more you use it, the less likely you are to be able to use it again. 

Loot is one of my favorites, although it does somewhat favor a player who opens 5/2 or 2/5.   

I'm struggling to see how Bifurcation would be useful, other than if you have drawn deck and only have a few cards in your discard pile that you want to have in your starting hand for the next turn.  But even so, the bottom-decking seems superfluous in that case.  The only other scenario I can see is if you have Pearl Divers.

I like Refurbish.  Since this triggers during your Clean-up phase, I'm assuming that this wouldn't let you put Village Greens and Faithful Hounds in play. 
Can you buy it more than once? 

Travel looks more game-changing (in a fun way) than Villa or Cavalry.  Unlike Villa/Cavalry, this won't won't junk your deck if you buy it too often, and there's no chance of not being able to play it because you exhausted the supply.  On the flip side, the once per turn limitation probably means you won't see the same kinds of mega-turns that are possible with Villa and Cavalry.

Collect seems like it would introduce quite a few interesting decisions, and I think like it better than Duplicate for that reason. 

With regards to Tactics, was the intent to follow similar wording to Scheme (discard then topdeck) rather than Herbalist in order to prevent a combo with Capital?

Citizenship looks fine at $5, but I'm pretty bad at assessing the cost of things.  You gain +2 Coffers when you buy Spices.  You also then have a card that gives you +$2 and +Buy when you play it, but I feel like getting 2 Villagers instead isn't too shabby.

Forest Fire is also one of my favorites from the bunch.  You can't buy it too early in the game, but it would be fun to try trash a bunch of junk and set up your next turn with two good cards.

I'm not too hot on Excavation; I don't think I'd buy it very often unless it's a Platinum game or if Fortune is available.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 06:44:29 pm by Timinou »


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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2021, 09:01:19 pm »

Thank you for your thoughts! :)

I like Refurbish.  Since this triggers during your Clean-up phase, I'm assuming that this wouldn't let you put Village Greens and Faithful Hounds in play. 
Can you buy it more than once? 

About Village Green and Faithful Hound, correct, Reactions happening “other than during Clean-up” on discard wouldn’t trigger with the aid of Refurbish (actually had to request help on the Discord to remember rules, hehehe).

You can also indeed buy this multiple times. For each time you Buy it, you are granted another chance of discarding for +Cards (also demanded help on the Discord with that one. I’m very good with rules, yes yes).

With regards to Tactics, was the intent to follow similar wording to Scheme (discard then topdeck) rather than Herbalist in order to prevent a combo with Capital?

I honestly just prefer the wording of Scheme. Tactics could’ve said something like: “Put an Action and Treasure card you have in play onto your deck in any order”. Dropping the whole “when you discard them from play”. But I also didn’t want to create weird interactions with Peddler, Duration cards, Night cards, and other stuff.

I'm not too hot on Excavation; I don't think I'd buy it very often unless it's a Platinum game or if Fortune is available.

I’ve had people say stuff like: “This is balanced at because Delve exists”, and I’m like what. I mean, yeah, is crazy expensive. I could consider dropping it to , but no way do I want this to undercut the price of stuff like Reap. I don’t know...
« Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 09:04:05 pm by X-tra »
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2021, 09:07:03 pm »

why not have Excavation have a variable cost (since it's very situational in its "good" use case)?
Like, $4* +$1 per treasure available to buy

(so worded bc fortune isn't a treasure pile, platinum isn't in the kingdom, etc; plus this way it gets cheaper if someone runs a pile)


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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2021, 04:03:38 pm »

Man, making Events is pure fun! I didn't know until I tried. I can definitely see why Donald likes to bring these little buggers back expansion after expansion... and now I've got the Event fever as well! What I'm saying is, well, I made more Events. Can't just stop at 10, y'know! 5 more are queued, although, I'm not too sure about their power lever and/or their place in Dominion. So if you guys want to have word or two about them to help a fellow user out, by all means, go ahead. :D

I'll slowly roll them out as days go by. Stuff is easier to digest that way. So, let's open up with this "Duchy":

Ever wondered what happened when your Duke turns evil? Tyranny's the answer. You get as many as a Duchy would give you, and hey, for the same cost too! Except, you have 2 junk cards in your deck instead of 1. If there's some good trashing available, you can come out on top, though. Keep the , and none of the junk! And maybe you'll buy Tyranny regardless just because someone wants to lower piles...  ::)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2021, 04:11:19 pm by X-tra »
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2021, 04:11:10 pm »

Man, making Events is pure fun! I didn't know until I tried. I can definitely see why Donald likes to bring these little buggers back expansion after expansion... and now I've got the Event fever as well! What I'm saying is, well, I made more Events. Can't just stop at 10, y'know! 5 more are queued, although, I'm not too sure about their power lever and/or their place in Dominion. So if you guys want to a word or two about them to help a fellow user out, by all means, go ahead. :D

I'll slowly roll them out as days go by. Stuff is easier to digest that way. So, let's open up with this "Duchy":

Ever wondered what happened when your Duke turns evil? Tyranny's the answer. You get as many as a Duchy would give you, and hey, for the same cost too! Except, you have 2 junk cards in your deck instead of 1. If there's some good trashing available, you can come out on top, though. Keep the , and none of the junk! And maybe you'll buy Tyranny regardless just because someone wants to lower piles...  ::)

This seems neat; but I feel like it will be very rare that you would buy it instead of Duchy. I wonder if there's any minor boost it can get to make it a more interesting decision.
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2021, 04:27:31 pm »

I don't think that's true. It's not that rare that you robustly draw your deck every turn, and if you can burn both the Curse and the Estate, this is neat.


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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2021, 04:45:04 pm »

Man, making Events is pure fun! I didn't know until I tried. I can definitely see why Donald likes to bring these little buggers back expansion after expansion... and now I've got the Event fever as well! What I'm saying is, well, I made more Events. Can't just stop at 10, y'know! 5 more are queued, although, I'm not too sure about their power lever and/or their place in Dominion. So if you guys want to have word or two about them to help a fellow user out, by all means, go ahead. :D

I'll slowly roll them out as days go by. Stuff is easier to digest that way. So, let's open up with this "Duchy":

Ever wondered what happened when your Duke turns evil? Tyranny's the answer. You get as many as a Duchy would give you, and hey, for the same cost too! Except, you have 2 junk cards in your deck instead of 1. If there's some good trashing available, you can come out on top, though. Keep the , and none of the junk! And maybe you'll buy Tyranny regardless just because someone wants to lower piles...  ::)

I think it might be worth trying the a simpler, more exciting version.

Gain a Curse for +3 VP.


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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2021, 05:11:36 pm »

I think it might be worth trying the a simpler, more exciting version.

Gain a Curse for +3 VP.

I mean, I like the idea of players having the choice to keep their Estate if it really comes down to that. So they'd be 1 over their Duchy buy this way.

I too believe that Tyranny is not an Event you'll always buy over Duchies, especially if trashing is non-existent in the Supply. Though, there are a couple of other applications to this Event besides that too...
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2021, 03:49:59 pm »

Looks like Scouting Party and Pursue made a new friend. It even costs and gives a Buy too. Wait, does it? Let's explore... and discover!

Discover forces an Action card or a Gold from your deck to be left on top of it, ready to be drawn into your next hand. The potential for highrolls with Discover is very much real. For instance, on a / opening, Discover guarantees that you'll have your precious Mountebank or Wharf or what have you in your turn 3 hand. Or you can always Chapel turn 3 with Discover as well. Other neat tricks involve drawing your entire deck, buying a powerful card, and using an extra Buy you have to immediately topdeck it via Discover. Hurray for Engine consistency!

Last thing worth mentioning: why the choice between +1 Card and +1 Buy? Wouldn't you pretty much always go for the extra Buy? Well, it depends! What if you topdeck something you kind of don't like? Like in a deck of almighty powerful cards, through sheer lack of luck, your lone Pearl Diver gets put on top of your deck. Yuck. In this case, using the extra Buy option, you could rebuy Discover, but choosing the +1 Card option this time. That way, you won't automatically re-topdeck your Pearl Diver, seeing as it is now in your hand! It's a neat-o trick you can pull off. ;)
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2021, 03:14:59 pm »

Oh dear.

Now just what in the heck do we have here. It's beautiful, it's grand, it's marvelous, it's once-in-a-game: it's a Wonder!

When you buy it, the only time you will in a given game (similar to stuff like Seize the Day), you will triple your remaining with 3 new Buys to spare. But it's quite expensive. You have to get there. Having or , for instance, does not seem to be just quite enough. "Overpaying" this by or is weak, you'll invest a lot to gain so little. You do not want to botch this amazing opportunity. In fact, let's bring up some charts to better see what's going on here!

As you can see, to break even, ignoring your need for extra Buys, you need at least . That's as much as Dominance's cost. Another worthy aspect to look for is how little you need here to triple Province. You only need . The reduction in buying two Provinces in a turn is marginal. It goes down from to . saved. Meh. Hardly impressive. The triple Province trick, however, definitely is something to keep in mind. You know you'll pull it off too. You'll have 3 Buys guaranteed.

It's worth noting that this Event was originally made as a joke; but I tried to flesh it out into something that could potentially work, even though it's still super duper silly!

Edit: There was a small mistake with my data table. In the first 3 columns of the right table, you can afford 0 Province, not 1. This has been rectified.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 01:12:01 pm by X-tra »
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2021, 11:39:03 pm »

I like that the math works out to be impossible to use it to just break even on .
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2021, 04:06:12 pm »

A different take on Banquet, this time involving other players and ditching the Coppers.

I am not too sure about this one, truth be told. I have a hard time gaging how much you shoot yourself in the foot with Buffet. I suspect that on average, it's rather weak... and that's an euphemism. However, if there are some exceptionally strong and cards, something like Fishing Village and Wharf, I think Buffet could have some merit. But if there is a strong to begin with, then other players can just gain it to their hand. Hrrmmm. Buffet's power level seems like it gravitates around ; however, I do not wish for players to double Buffet open. I feel like too many cards would be flying left and right this early into the game.

Perhaps I should drop the "to their hand" clause. Eh. We'll see.

Edit: Yeah, okay. This won't do. I removed the "to their hand" close. Buffet is still helpful for your competition, but it's not downright suicide anymore. :P
« Last Edit: February 23, 2021, 10:59:15 am by X-tra »
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2021, 04:43:01 pm »

There aren't very many cards I'd be willing to get at a discount if I had to give my opponents free, immediate-use s to do it. And having to get a -cost is honestly worse than just getting a most of the time. I wouldn't buy this very often if it was free.
All of my fan card mockups are credited to Shard of Honor and his Dominion Card Image Generator (the new fork).
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2021, 06:11:05 pm »

Let us finish this new little 5 Event streak with something I will probably do after I'm done typing: Rest.

Ok, so, Rest. You kill a turn. A turn in which you do nothing, except buying Rest again. The turn after, though, behold! You'll start with a massive hand of 11 cards! There's definitely some kind of Tactician shenanigan going on here. Just uh, don't play Duration cards if you plan on buying Rest this turn. And you should also probably not Rest in the face of discarding Attacks. That'd be just... ouch.

Rest is probably weak in most cases. Giving all of your opponents a Mission turn in which they can actually buy cards is... wow, you're wasting a lot of time doing this. But! Rest also costs . This means that it can be bought any time you need that kind of push. This flexibility alone can make Rest a worthy Event. I suspect Rest will be bought more often in slug-ish games. If you have a mega dud hand, you can theorize that better stuff is left to be drawn in your deck. Thus, you could plan a Rest turn with this dud and expect a big 11 cards starting hand full of goodies on the turn after.

In the end, I will just let you guys ponder on the cute little Rest + Fair combo.
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Re: 10 Events
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2021, 01:45:09 am »

In the end, I will just let you guys ponder on the cute little Rest + Fair combo.

Storeroom + Bonfire + Rest has some interesting potential as well.

Or how about Rest + Inheritance. Open with Rest, buy it again to draw your deck, then buy Inheritance on turn 3 for 3 copies of a $4 Action card (and 8 more copies available at $2).

Thanks to Shard of Honor for his Extended Version of the Dominion Card Image Generator, which I use to mock up my fan cards, and to Violet CLM, who made the original.
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