Thanks for doing this grrgrrgrr, and for the win. Yeah, I think it'll be good to think about changes of some description before we go on. Here are my thoughts to start with:
3 cards to consider each time seems too many; ideas and interest will run out quickly.
I guess when people are used to playing the official cards as they are, it's hard for some to think of changes that wouldn't disrupt the game they're familiar with too much? Overall the design space feels limited.
The WDC by contrast has huge potential for different contests, and so it has a long future to look forward to. There doesn't feel like much of a future with this as it is.
There's a bit more design room and future if we start introducing hypothetical expansion sequels. In fact there was a community set design contest on this forum years back, could some revival of that happen? (I had been thinking, if somebody were to make a shareable app for playing fan cards, just like online, there would have to be a 100% fan card 'base set'; what would that be set be? Community pooling of ideas would be great for it.)
Or if the WDC is so popular do we want to basically run 2 at once?
I'd appreciate any feedback, other suggestions, etc.