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Messages - ashersky

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vote: MiX because RVS and because MiX.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 6!!!!
« on: June 22, 2021, 12:39:12 am »
So, kudos to ash. A formidable opponent. (The rest of you too, but ash took me down).

Thanks.  It was a good battle -- I was projecting more confidence than I had that I would win the fight.  I mean, I would have triggered my IC at some point if I had to, but still.

Also, I liked the freedom of having the triggered IC in my pocket but never using it.  Helped a lot.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 6!!!!
« on: June 21, 2021, 04:55:26 am »
I look forward to learning the way night actions played out, if possible.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 6!!!!
« on: June 21, 2021, 02:21:53 am »

Forum Games / Re: RMM ??: Stargate Mafia (Gauging Interest Phase)
« on: June 11, 2021, 09:01:41 pm »
I like Stargate so I would probably play.

Plus if your the mod I can't tunnel you super hard.


All the answers are YES.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 27, 2021, 11:24:26 am »
When does it become town’s responsibility to learn my meta and stop executing me?

That’s my goal with all of you people.

I sure hope you don’t go changing your meta to fit a mold, it would mess with my reads.


It's not up to a person to change their meta to have people townread them, it's up to others to distinguish a person's town and scum meta. That person just needs to do the same: distinguish other people's town and scum meta. If everyone stops blaming town for getting scumread, we would all improve as a community and we would kill scum. Nowadays it just seems like town does whatever and then scum wins.

I just 100% disagree with all of this.

If it’s up to all other players but you, are you even playing?  Or are you just a prop in everyone else’s game?

“I know I am town, everyone else should just know no matter what I do” is not an acceptable way to play this game, in my opinion.  If that were the case, I could claim mafia, vote only to exile ICs, etc. and not be held accountable.

Hold yourself accountable.  This is a team game, even when you don’t know your teammates.  (Single player factions notwithstanding)  Everyone should play in a way to not hurt your teammates’ chances of winning.  Don’t blame your teammates for your play when it is bad.  I speak from experience.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 27, 2021, 01:35:46 am »
Amazing how much evidence seems to be cropping up.

Amazing how much evidence to the contrary is not cropping up.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 27, 2021, 01:23:11 am »
My role works like this (even though you told me to stop telling you this)

I am a 2 shot poison doctor (it works on the night they would have been targeted or the night they would have died, woooo)

If I use both shots on someone, they die.

I can never target 3 people with my ability, I am confused as to why you are confused.

Like this:

It’s N1 - I target Cube (one of the two shots is spent)
N2 - I wait
N3 I target cube, they die (second of two shots is spent I now have no ability)

That’s how that works.

So here's the basic gist of the claim right?  Breaking it down into separate parts:

2-Shot / Poison Doctor / Vigilante

He has two shots of a power.  Let's give this a name: Inject.  The details of this specific part:
--He can "inject" one target at night.
--He can do this two times during the course of the game.
--He can only do this once per night.

Okay.  Now, what are the effects of the "inject" power?
--If, on the night a player is injected, they would have been poisoned OR would have died from poison, they will be saved.
--If, on the night a player is injected, they have previously been injected, they will die.

Those are the only two possible outcomes with actual results, right?

So, design-wise, we can thinking of it differently.  An Injector is a doctor with four modifications:
--Can only protect against certain types of kills (poison)
--Can protect on both the night of poisoning and the night of death
--Can only target a specific player once
--Can only be used twice during the game

So, it's a severely underpowered doctor.  On the flipside, it is also a type of vigilante.  An Injector is a vigilante with two modifications:
--Must successfully target the same player twice.
--Can only be used once during the game.

So, it's a blend of a 2-Shot Doctor and 1-Shot Vigilante, both of which are modified to be weakened, so much so that a normal 2-Shot Doc or 1-Shot Vig would be preferred as a choice JOAT-style.

In a normal style game, this design might make sense.  If the timelines division is applied, however, we find that the role is severely weakened.  I think so much so that it appears like a partial role, or a factional role (or roles), or a made-up role.  I prefer not to assume bad design.  In fact, this claim sounds like a mash up of JOAT powers offered either to a player or a faction.  So mafia.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 26, 2021, 08:12:35 pm »
Well, I guess I did one too many scum slips there, haha. Sorry, team.

Hope you have luck finding my partners.

Wouldn’t change how I played, that though.

This is the immediate reaction to being hammered.

I don't think this reads like a joke, nor did anyone else at the time.  I think looking at who was willing to support the joke theory with little argument is worthwhile for partner hunting -- even if Uncle didn't immediately realize that twilight might mean something, a partner could have .

This sounds more to me like a "yeah, you got me, but I'm still the better player and I'm still right, you just got lucky" kind of spite.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM59: Wizard of Oz Mafia
« on: May 26, 2021, 08:09:58 pm »

To be clear, only tagging because I need to focus on finishing SG1 mafia setup, not because of anything else.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 26, 2021, 08:08:39 pm »
I don't feel like waiting 24 hours :(. Or admitting that ashersky's scumslip argument was correct, though I think it was, and did before the hammer, too. ash - what percentage of the time do you think your scumslips arguments turn out to be correct?

I think they are 100% always correct in my mind.  I think the better question is what percentage of the time do I think non-town actually commit the slips.  And that is a high number, because I believe it is much harder than we profess to maintain a lie for so long, even when it's just typing on a forum.  So if we pay close enough attention (and most important, have the information we need to recognize the slip), we would probably find them in almost all games, save those rare perfect games by non-town players.

When I make the arguments themselves, I probably believe my own cases around half the time?  Sometimes it is to pressure a player, sometimes it is to see others' reactions.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 26, 2021, 08:06:08 pm »
Hyper hammering me was the towniest thing he has done all game, genuinely shook me.

Isn’t gut is rarely wrong, though, so there you go.

Your lack of activity today was hugely scummy in my eyes, but I have decided I’m not allowed to use that read, so there ya go.

I trust Awa, even if I have no right to. (Mainly because Hyper is so evil in my eyes and it can’t be two of them)

I find it likely PPS is scum by mandatory rule.

I genuinely TR Glooble, but (and I cant stress this enough) I have been wrong about him before.

I think PPS/Cube has a clean look to it.

Even looking at cubes random PPS thing with me and early today when PPS “saw what I was laying down about Cube”

Both very partners things to say/do.


A lot less confident than I was about EFHW that one all those times, but enough that ima just write that on the stone and move on.

If WCD isn’t town now, then I need to throw in the towel and retire on ever being able to read her properly.

After all these games with her, I have exactly 1 town tell for her that hasn’t failed yet, and she did it this game.

I am willing to stake my reputation on that. (*winces*)

Also, you not posting today was scummy.

This is a non-town scrambling to try to make some sort of towny-looking post to backtrack.  But this post is not towny or towny-looking.  It is a bunch of nothing words with no value to remaining town members.

The ONLY useful line here is calling out MiX.

Where is the fuller explanation of your role?  Where is the fuller explanation of anything in your QT?  (That second thing you should have been doing from the start if you were actually town.). Where are your final thoughts that we must have from a player we're about to trust forever? 

Instead we get "my gut is rarely wrong, joke read on Awa, joke read on PPS, hedging on Glooble, hedging on EFHW, joke on WCD."

MiX not posting much is bad.  Your mentioning it actually makes him seem like your partner.  That's my takeaway.  If he is, you were better off not posting at all.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 26, 2021, 08:02:02 pm »
There is nothing in Uncle's actions post hammer/pre twilight that makes me think in any way that he would have flipped green.  There are a range of emotions that go through an exiled towny -- spite is very rarely one that we should let take the lead.

I think he would have said as much as possible about his power, his QT, his reads, whatever, to make sure we had all the information possible.

Claiming mafia on hammer to spite the rest of town?  That's only funny rarely, and usually is immediately followed up with a "just kidding!" and then we get a flip.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 26, 2021, 01:04:59 am »
You write a post where you put up Glooble as the alternative.

In the next post, you have him like 3rd on your list, making him basically a self-preservation candidate.

That's..not good.

And remember, I'm on the Glooble bandwagon given his D2 jothfest.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM59: Wizard of Oz Mafia
« on: May 25, 2021, 11:15:48 pm »

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 25, 2021, 11:14:55 pm »
Ash scumslipped, he thought I could act each night.

We should kill him.

Who did you prime?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 25, 2021, 11:13:35 pm »
prod or sub galz, again

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 25, 2021, 11:13:24 pm »
Uncle:  Hey, did you know that McDonald's was founded in 1954?
Me: Actually, I think it was 1955, but yeah, that's so cool that it's been around so long.
Uncle:  No dude, it was 1954.  I know what I'm talking about.  Who would have thought fast food would make such an impact on society over so many years?
Me: Hmmm...[googles]...yeah, looks like 1955.  April 15 to be exact.  Close though.  Definitely, at the time, I'm sure fast food meant...
Uncle:  Screw you man.  What kind of friend are you?  I can't believe I'm even talking to you.  Even your hair looks stupid.  F this.  I'm out.

Except in the world we are in now, I’m the one that said 1955, you are wrong, and threatening to kill me.


I'm not threatening to do anything.  I can't even vote in this timeline.  I'm just sharing opinions even when I am not part of the timeline because not many other players are doing much of anything.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 25, 2021, 11:12:42 pm »

Either tell people I’m Town or kill me.

Do town things.

I’ve done nothing but town things this whole time.

I am screaming I’m Town from the rooftops, but people seem to be ignoring me.

I’d be townreading me, but that isn’t worth much.

You could present an alternative.

I think defending yourself only works if there is something specific that is refutable.  Like, my read is just a read, you can't refute it because it's my opinion.  Either I convince people that my opinion is correct, like it was with joth, or you convince people that something else is correct.  I think convincing people I'm wrong is futile and even if you succeed, you leave yourself as the only doable exile as time runs out.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 25, 2021, 08:08:05 pm »
It's not that town players can't make assumptions about the number of non-town in the game.  It's the way he responded specifically to my point and assumed I was assuming joth was his only partner.

I don't get it. I'll probably never get it.

Well, you make assumptions in a way different to most players.  It brings a diverse and useful point of view to the game, actually.  You don't always present in the best way, though.  (As you know, as has been pointed out many times, if you would present your thoughts as ideas and possibilities instead of facts and certainties, you'd get way more traction.)

I think people make assumptions in game based on their knowledge gleaned from their role in the game.  So a mafia player ends up reacting to every other post in the game with that angle, whether they want to or not.  If uncle is a member of a 3-person mafia team, that's something he cannot unlearn.  He can definitely work to hide it.

When I wrote a sentence that could be taken to mean I think he is a member of a 2-person mafia team, he couldn't help but correct me.  That's the slip.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 25, 2021, 08:05:06 pm »
Also, almost every single post has been flippant and dismissive, and not in a faust way.  There are usually two reasons for that type of play: pressure or character.

I don't know uncle, although we've played before.  I do know the community, and we have all sometimes lost our way, but we generally find a way back, usually through reflection, a time away, or meaningful apologies and conversation.  So I'm ruling out character here.

That leaves pressure.  Players respond in different ways to pressure when non-town.  That's one of the big ways we try to catch them.  That's how I zeroed in on joth.  Uncle using insults and sarcasm really reads as a player who is deflecting his own feelings of nervousness and fear to others.

Have you ever had that friend or acquaintance that, when they say something incorrect and it is pointed out to them, they just get mean and nasty instead of thankful or humble?  It's like that, only it's caught mafia instead of a wrong answer to a random trivia question or something.

To bring back my example I used with joth:

Uncle:  Hey, did you know that McDonald's was founded in 1954?
Me: Actually, I think it was 1955, but yeah, that's so cool that it's been around so long.
Uncle:  No dude, it was 1954.  I know what I'm talking about.  Who would have thought fast food would make such an impact on society over so many years?
Me: Hmmm...[googles]...yeah, looks like 1955.  April 15 to be exact.  Close though.  Definitely, at the time, I'm sure fast food meant...
Uncle:  Screw you man.  What kind of friend are you?  I can't believe I'm even talking to you.  Even your hair looks stupid.  F this.  I'm out.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 25, 2021, 07:58:28 pm »
It's not that town players can't make assumptions about the number of non-town in the game.  It's the way he responded specifically to my point and assumed I was assuming joth was his only partner.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 25, 2021, 07:56:30 pm »
That’s because Cube was badgering me about nonsense.

But whatever.

Not much more I can do there.

Other than wait for MiX to either defend or condemn me.

Or Cube could just hammer me.

I am absolutely bewildered as to why people would assume my behavior this game would come from a scum player who was actually trying to win the game.

Oh wait, no. My behavior is a “scum player who lost a partner” and apparently I couldn’t care less about my other partners?

*rolls eyes*

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM 58: Memento Mafia - Day 3!
« on: May 25, 2021, 07:56:00 pm »
Also, as pointed out, there's really no other option today anyway.

Also also, it's Day 3, which means two nights have passed, so where's his nk?  That's suspect to me, as with such a lengthy process to get your power to work, he should have been doing his best.  At least claimed you primed someone who was then exiled or something.

Also, killing powers that require priming are basically always non-town.  Poison Doctor-Vigilante definitely sounds like a wacky fakeclaim to cover up very normal mafia powers.

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