« on: July 07, 2020, 03:01:33 pm »
Before I try the puzzle, here are my deductions about the game state:
The two cards left in your deck must be Remake (the only trasher) and Copper
From this we can determine your deck composition (and points) and your opponent's.
Your deck composition is:
1 Copper, 1 Gold, 1 Province, 1 Tournament, 3 Hunting Parties, 1 Jester, 1 Horn of Plenty, 3 Fairgrounds, 2 Hamlets, 3 Menageries, 1 Fortune Teller, 1 Remake, 2 Farming Villages, which is 13 uniques for Fairgrounds. Your point total is 18, but will increase by 6 by adding 2 uniques.
Your opponent's deck composition is:
7 Coppers, 2 Silvers, 4 Golds, 3 Estates, 2 Duchies, 5 Provinces, 3 Curses, 3 Tournaments, 2 Jesters, 2 Horns of Plenty, 2 Fairgrounds, 8 Hamlets, 7 Menageries, 5 Farming Villages, which is 14 uniques for Fairgrounds. Your opponent's point total is 44.
You need at least 27 more points to win.